Benutzer Diskussion:Andre Riemann/
Hello Andre!
I really like your wmlinksubber.
I have a few question though, since a few days I run my own wiki: I managed to put it in the external wikis list, so when I type [[IIVQ:test]] in any channel where a default is listed, I see (
- Is it possible to have a "superdefault", that is, a default for all channels where no default is set, such that wmlinksubber works in those channels? Bow I just see what I type ("[[IIVQ:test]]") in all channels with no default set, even when you do enter a namespace.
- Is it possible to actually send the link for some namespaces? Most ppl have their client set to handle the default namespaces, but I doubt anyone but me has a script which correctly handles the IIVQ site. For those ppl it would benefit to actually send a (plaintext) http link.
Many thanks in advance, 17:37, 17. Nov 2005 (CET) nl:Gebruiker:Iivq
Thanks for your script, first.
Then, for italian namespace just add this at the line 107:
"#wikipedia-it" : {"namespace":"w:it:", "chan-encoding":"UTF-8"}
Remember to add a "," at the line before! it:Utente:Keytwo
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