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Fraport Headquarter Category
BearbeitenLieber WhisperToMe, können Sie mir bitte helfen, die Fotos zu kategorisieren. Ich war leider überfordert. Vielen Dank!!! Beste Grüße Can You please help me to categorize the Pictures of Fraport Headquarter in WikiMedia. Thanks a lot!
Fraport Headquarter
BearbeitenPicture downloaded at 5th of April 2013 --Tintenbube (Diskussion) 14:12, 5. Apr. 2013 (CEST)
Pictures of Lufthansa Aviation Center
BearbeitenNo, sorry, I don't have LAC photos, but if I get any I will upload them and let you know. Blaise 07:54, 14. Aug. 2009 (CEST)
Photo request
this weekend the weather was fine, so i make some photos from [1].
You put a photo request about "Pictures of Lufthansa Aviation Cente". Somtimes i stay in Frankfurt. Next time, when the waether is good and its in my time i will make some Photos. --Sven Wolter 13:44, 1. Nov. 2009 (CET)
TUIfly - Hapag-Lloyd
BearbeitenHallo, du wolltest ein Bild von "Langenhagen: TUIfly - Hapag-Lloyd Express GmbH - Benkendorffstr. 22 B - D-30855 Langenhagen, Germany". Ich habe eins, aber wozu soll das sein? --AxelHH 22:49, 18. Sep. 2011 (CEST)
- He wants to know what you need the picture for. --Flominator 08:11, 30. Nov. 2011 (CET)
Hallo WhisperToMe, danke für die Detailinformationen. Leider werden diese im nächsten Botlauf wieder automatisch überschrieben werden. Für solche nformationen kannst du jedoch den dritten Parameter der Vorlage:Bilderwunsch nutzen, die in den entsprechenden Artikeln eingebunden ist. Viele Grüße, --Flominator 07:52, 21. Nov. 2011 (CET)
- Thanks for your additional information on the page linked above. Unfortunately it will be overwritten by the next bot run. Please use {{Bilderwunsch}} for such information. best regards, --Flominator 08:12, 30. Nov. 2011 (CET)
BearbeitenI saw you searching for a picture of Skyguide at Geneva. Unfortunatly i don't have one. But i have made one from Skyguide Zurich ( Wangen at the AFB Dübendorf, and put it on wiki Commons.So If you like to use this. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Skyguide_Flugverkehrsleitstelle_%26_Luftwaffen_Einsatzzentrale_Wangen_Z%C3%BCrich.JPG
Oh I dont knew exactly in what building Skyguide then was (or the SBB is now, this have to be checked out first. But if i remeber right it is may right the onne you get trough intoit if you come by bus or walk from the parkingspaces who are in front of the parking houses and alpenrock. In Ticino skyguide is runing the Tower (like on every Airport in Switzerland (exept Samedan) and is douing the landings and takeoffs there. But the Aircrafts who are just transiting over Ticino (also such ones who land in Sion,Zurich ..) are guidet by Milan, the switch to Zurich ACC is somewat araund before Mt Gotthardo. I think ther is for shore a NAVPOINT placed where the switch happend.. il check it out. Bye
Concerning your request: article Adriana Kučerová is started.--Sascha-Wagner (Diskussion) 17:09, 2. Dez. 2012 (CET)
your seite
BearbeitenYou kannt geman lerling.Is possibel.--J.Dygas (Diskussion) 00:32, 25. Jan. 2013 (CET)
cann you comming to Berlin.whay not?--J.Dygas (Diskussion) 00:35, 25. Jan. 2013 (CET)
English version of Europa Germanen 50 n Chr.svg
BearbeitenHi, i need an exact translation. --KarlUdo (Diskussion) 09:58, 5. Apr. 2013 (CEST)
Hi WhisperToMe, when inserting this template with a picture request for company headquarters, please make sure, that the company article contains coordinates. If it doesn't, the picture request won't be shown on picture request maps. In order to get a pre-filled coordinate template, please use this page. Thanks in advance, --Flominator 10:44, 7. Sep. 2013 (CEST)
Please do so for Air Dolomiti. --Flominator 18:50, 5. Okt. 2013 (CEST)
Regarding your requests...
BearbeitenHave a look: Wikipedia_Diskussion:WikiProjekt_Schweiz#Article_requests:_SA_de_Transport_A.C3.A9rien_Flight_730.2C_Swiss_Accident_Investigation_Board_and_Investigation_Bureau_for_Railway.2C_Funicular_and_Boat_Accidents --MBurch (Diskussion) 22:42, 11. Nov. 2013 (CET)
Dietrich Wagner
BearbeitenThanks for your mail. Interesting, that the "case Dietrich Wagner" now is also an (small) issue in UK. Here some sentences to Dietrich Wagners background and the political consequences in Germanys South West. Please check my English - my English is based on my school education...
Before his obligation in the Stuttgart 21 protests, Dietrich Wagner was not political at all with an exception in his University education. Pictures that shown Wagner injured, backed by two people where seen in many German newspapers.(1) At demonstrations later on, some protesters put themselves red colour in the face to remember the case of Dietrich Wagner.(2) Wagner get to the symbol of the protest against the project Stuttgart 21, the German Newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" wrote, he was „face of the protest" (3) According to the author Jakob Augstein the picture had an relevant impact, that the former Minister of Baden-Württemberg Mappus lost his position. (4)
(1)Demonstranten drohen zu erblinden. In: Stuttgarter Zeitung vom 6. Oktober 2010 (online)
(2)Stuttgart 21: Blutiger Protest. In: RP online, 22. Oktober 2010 (online)
(3) Politik: Gesicht des Widerstands. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 30. September 2011 (online, abgerufen am 4. November 2011)
(4) Jakob Augstein: „Im Zweifel links: Im Zweifel zuschlagen“, Spiegel Online vom 3. Juni 2013
Dein Bilderwunsch für die Ethiopian Airlines
BearbeitenIch habe Deinen Wunsch im Artikel revertiert weil mit Deinem Wunsch sich das Bild der DC-3 zumindest in meinem Browser über die Flottentabelle geschoben hat. Gruss --MBurch (Diskussion) 05:01, 26. Aug. 2014 (CEST)