Diskussion:Arnold Motor Carriage

Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren von Chief tin cloud

Der Bericht im umseitig zitierten Scientific American lautet wie folgt:

It is known as Arnolds oil motor carriage. It is an excellent example of an all round road wagon at a moderate price — it costs £130. The carriage seats two people, but admits of a seat at the back so as to carry three people or even four people of moderate weight. The carriage is propelled by benzine, the well known Benz motor being used. The entire weight of the motor is about 500 pounds. Owing to the concentrated nature of the propelling agent, the vehicle can be run 60 or 70 miles without re-filling the reservoir. The carriage itself is very pleasing in design, the wheels having rubber tires and running on ball bearings; the spokes are arranged as in bicycle wheels. The carriage is easily guided, and descends the steepest hill without using the brake, as the engine is arranged to do its own back pedaling, as it were. The current to work the igniter is obtained from an accumulator. The current stored is sufficient to work the carriage 300 miles.
The horseless carriage has been having a hard time in England owing to antiquated laws, but thanks to sensible legislation, the industry will probably now develop rapidly. England, with its superb roads, is a splendid field for the utilization of the horseless carriage.

.--Chief tin cloudIm Zweifel für den Artikel 15:33, 2. Jun. 2020 (CEST)Beantworten