
Letzter Kommentar: vor 12 Jahren von Gerdevries in Abschnitt Falsche Begrifflichkeit

Falsche Begrifflichkeit


Sitz der Ezzonen war der Auelgau, d.h. der heutige Rhein-Sieg-Kreis mit der Burg auf dem Michaelsberg, heute Abtei Michaelsberg. --

Eberhard der Konradiner kan keinen Graff im Bonngau 913 sein.

Eberhard de Ezzonen is 913 graff im Bonngau. Gerdevries (Diskussion) 19:15, 21. Jan. 2013 (CET) LOWER lotharingia, nobilityBeantworten


1. EBERHARD, son of [EHRENFRIED Graf von Bliesgau, Comte de Charpeigne & his wife Adelgunde ---] (-after 937). Eberhard is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[339] as the son of Ehrenfried & his wife, but the primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf im Keldachgau (in Franconia) 904. Graf von Bonn 913. Flodoard records that Heinrich I King of Germany sent "Ebrardus quidam Transrhenensis" to "regnum Lotharii" to re-establish peace[340], although it is not certain to which Eberhard this refers. "Alfuuinus ac…coniux mea Ada" donated property "…in Kuningessundere in comitatu Euerhardi comitis in villa Birgidesstal…" to the Ursulastift in Köln by charter dated 12 Mar 927, signed by "…Euerhardi comitis, Adalhardi comitis…"[341]. "Gysalbertus dux rectorque S. Traiectenses ecclesie" donated property "Gulisam…in pago [Ardunensi] in comitatu Everhardi" to Trier by charter dated 928, subscribed by "Walgeri comitis, Thiedrici comitis, Cristiani comitis, Folcoldi comitis"[342]. m ---. The name of the wife of Graf Eberhard is not known. Graf Eberhard & his wife had [three] children:

a) [HERMANN [I] . Hermann is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[343] as the son of Eberhard & his wife, but the primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf im Auelgau (in Franconia) 922/48. "Otto…rex" ordered that the men of "pago Auga in comitatu Rethardi et in pago Netga in comitatu Dendi et Hamponis et in pago Huctigo in comitatu Herimanni" not to interfere with rights of Kloster Corvey, by charter dated 19 Apr 940[344]. Wichfrid Archbsihop of Köln confirmed the church "in villa…Pleisa in pago Aualgauense sub comitatu Herimanni comitis" by charter dated 948[345]. "Arnulfum…eiusque coniugem…Alvradam" donated property "in comitatu Herimanni in pago…Bunnoniensi" to Prüm by charter dated to [948][346]. m ---. The name of Hermann's wife is not known. Hermann [I] & his wife had two children:

i) [EBERHARD [II] (-10 May 966). Eberhard is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[347] as the son of Ehrenfried & his wife, but the primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf im Auelgau (in Franconia) 966: "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Haspengewe in comitatu Werenherii qua postmodum fideli nostro comiti Immoni condonavimus" to the Marienkapelle, Aachen in exchange for property "in pago Liuhgouui in comitatu Richarii…in pago Auvlgowi in comitatu Eberhardi, Limberge…" by charter dated 17 Jan 966[348].

[339] ES I.2 200.

[340] Flodoardi Annales 926, MGH SS III, pp. 376-7.

[341] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band I, 87, p. 47.

[342] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch, I, 169, p. 233.

[343] ES I.2 200.

[344] D O I 27, p. 113.

[345] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band I, 103, p. 59.

[346] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch, I, 186, p. 248.

[347] ES I.2 200.

[348] D O I 316, p. 429.

Gerdevries (Diskussion) 19:17, 22. Jan. 2013 (CET)Beantworten