Diskussion:Cuban Bennett

Letzter Kommentar: vor 10 Jahren von Roomsixhu

This needs added to http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Bennett to verify the City of Birth for Theodore "Cuban" Bennett.

McDonald Pennsylvania is located in Washington County, Pennsylvania, which is an hour south of Pittsburgh PA in southwestern PA. This is a news item from a McDonald, Pennsylvania newspaper called <italics>The McDonald PA Record<italics>, or alternately, <italics>The Record<italics>. Material the transcriber added is in brackets. CAPS were added to SURNAMES. Otherwise, the article was transcribed 'as is'.

From the McDonald PA Record newspaper, October 22, 1959, page unknown:


Quoted text: McDonald has produced important figures in a number of types of work. 

In the music field “Cuban” BENNETT has been most outstanding. His new song, “Sophisticated Gentleman” has been released in the album of Ahmad Jamal’s “Jamal at the Penthouse” under the Argo label.

The album was arranged and conducted by Joe KENNEDY, formerly of McDonald, the son of Mrs. Viola B. KENNEDY of McDonald.

The critics claim the song is quietly assured, smart, debonair.

The May [1959] issue of the music magazine, “The Jazz Review”, tells of a battle of trumpets between Bobby STARK, Rex STEWART, and “Cuban” BENNETT. “Cuban” was the most highly-respected trumpet player at that time in New York City.

“He is a cousin of the band leader and arranger, Benny CARTER, who also writes music for the popular television show “M-Squad”. The great band leader boasted with authority that “Cuban” could play more beautiful and complex solos than anyone in the world. When he played, everyone on the streets and sidewalks of New York rushed in. He was terrific. I have never heard a trumpet like that.”

“Cuban” later lived in Camden, N. J. for a number of years and in Virginia. He later returned to McDonald." (end article)

Submitted by User: Lifesnadir. I could not sign in on the version http://de.wikipedia.org to enter the information myself. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 00:04, 4. Jan. 2015 (CET))Beantworten

thanks, build in.--Claude J (Diskussion) 00:43, 4. Jan. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

Seltsames Zitat. -- Room 608 (Diskussion) 14:00, 4. Jan. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
Verständnis hilft. -- Room 608 (Diskussion) 14:51, 4. Jan. 2015 (CET)Beantworten