I am a great-granddaughter of Eduard Jobst Siedler. He had three daughters. One of them was my grandmother. Her name was Irmgard, but everyone knew her as Fifi. She married Ferdinand Jesse. They named their only son after him. My father (Jobst Jesse) was born in Berlin in 1938. He has many fond memories of his grandfather and grandmother (Adele) who he lived with for a time in Wildpark West on the outskirts of Berlin before they "escaped" to West Germany.

The younger Jobst eventually left Germany to pursue an education at the University of California Berkeley. He studied computer science at UCB in the 1960s when computer science was in its infancy (also the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement). Young Jobst was encouraged to pursue an engineering and computer science career by his uncle Hans Goldschmidt. Hans was famous in his own right. He invented the Shopsmith. This craftsman's all-in-one machine was popular after WWII when hobbyists took up building furniture and other things in their garages. For me he was famous for being the husband of my grandmother's sister Ilsa (known as Illy) and being one of the sweetest, dearest men I ever met who delighted in making children laugh.

Besides me and my father, Eduard Jobst Siedler is survived by my father's sister Barbara, her daughter Lindy, Lindy's son and daughter - Bijan and Shireen (all currently living in Southern California), my sister Monika and her two children William and Kathryn. His daughter Illy is survived by her daughter Linda and Linda's daughters Isabelle and Allison and Isabelle's daughter Hanna. He is also survived by the daughter and son of his third daughter (known as Barbi), and their children who all still live in Germany. As for me, my father and sister - we all live in Northern California. Although "Eta" (as he was affectionately known) had passed by the time I was born, I've enjoyed stories about this magnificent man who produced three wonderful daughters each with strength of character and charm unmatched by anyone I've known. (Der vorstehende, nicht signierte Beitrag stammt von (DiskussionBeiträge) 21:17, 29. Jul 2007)

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