Kategorie:Englische Phrase
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Einträge in der Kategorie „Englische Phrase“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 669 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- Above the fold
- Absolute Beginners
- Abstract
- A.C.A.B.
- Acoustic Kitty
- Add-On
- Administration-to-Administration
- Administration-to-Business
- Administration-to-Consumer
- Aerial Rigging
- Affirming a Disjunct
- After-Show-Party
- Agenda Setting
- All inclusive
- All-American Girl
- Alternate Data Streams
- American Dream
- American Way of Life
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away
- Anorak (Slang)
- Appeal to Possibility
- Artificial General Intelligence
- Asset Deal
- Association Fallacy
- At His Majesty’s pleasure
- Athleisure
- Atoms for Peace
- Babymoon
- Backronym
- Backstage (Bühne)
- Backup
- Bandleader
- Beatboxing
- Bed and Breakfast
- Beef
- Beewashing
- Best Ager
- Best of
- Best Supportive Care
- Bevin Boys
- Big Society
- Bill of Attainder
- Bill of Lading
- Bill of Materials
- Birther
- Blackface
- Blackout
- Blighty
- Blindism
- Blook
- Blue Food
- Blue Wall
- Boardinghouse
- Boat anchor
- Boatpeople
- Bodice Ripper
- Body Farm
- Body Modification
- Body Roundness Index
- Body-Suspension
- Bodybuilding
- Body-Cam
- Body-Mass-Index
- Bodyshaming
- Boiler room scam
- Boilerplate
- Book-Packaging
- Boy Actor
- Brainrot
- Brandolinis Gesetz
- Bro Culture
- Brown Babies
- Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
- Bullet Time
- Burking
- Business-to-Consumer
- Business-to-Administration
- Business-to-Business
- Buy and hold
- Call a Bike
- Call and Response
- Cannonball-Rennen
- Cantab.
- Captivity narrative
- Care Leaver
- Caring Curriculum
- Cartoon
- Cash flow at Risk
- Cash Flow Return on Investment
- Cashflow
- Casting (Auswahlverfahren)
- Casting Director
- Catcalling
- Challenge Round
- Change of Control
- Chat
- Check-in
- Chick lit
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chillen
- Christian Left
- Click and Collect
- Click and Meet
- Client
- Cliffhanger
- Closed Shop
- Closing (Finanzwesen)
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Gaming
- Cloud Manufacturing
- Columbian Exchange
- Comb-Over
- Coming-out
- Commodities
- Compassionate Use
- Confessional Poetry
- Confusion of the Inverse
- Conjunction Fallacy
- Consumer-to-Administration
- Consumer-to-Business
- Consumer-to-Consumer
- Contracting
- Cool
- Cooperative identity
- Copaganda
- Coping
- Corn Dog
- Corporate Identity
- Corporate Image
- Couch-Potato
- Cougar (Slang)
- Countdown
- Couponing
- Covenants
- Creampie
- Credit Default Swap
- Cross-Border-Leasing
- Crossdressing
- Crossposting
- Crowdfunding
- Crowdsourcing
- Cuckold
- Customer-Experience-Management
- Cyborg
- Damsel in distress
- Darknet
- Daytrading
- Deadlock (Eisenbahn)
- Deadnaming
- Death by misadventure
- Debt-for-nature Swap
- Delisting (Börse)
- Deplatforming
- Derailment
- Digital Native
- Digital Outsider
- Disarmed Enemy Forces
- Dispatcher
- Displaced Person
- Do it yourself
- Doing business as
- Donkeyman
- Don’t ask, don’t tell
- Don’t Mess with Texas
- Doomscrolling
- Dord (Geisterwort)
- Downlink
- Download
- Downstream (Netzwerk)
- Doxing
- Drag and Drop
- Dropping the Pilot
- Dumbing down
- Dutch Reach