Kategorie:Fachzeitschrift (Vereinigte Staaten)
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Einträge in der Kategorie „Fachzeitschrift (Vereinigte Staaten)“
Folgende 114 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 114 insgesamt.
- The Accounting Review
- Accounts of Chemical Research
- Accounts of Materials Research
- ACS Agricultural Science & Technology
- ACS Applied Bio Materials
- ACS Applied Electronic Materials
- ACS Applied Energy Materials
- ACS Applied Engineering Materials
- ACS Applied Nano Materials
- ACS Applied Optical Materials
- ACS Applied Polymer Materials
- ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
- ACS Central Science
- ACS Chemical Biology
- ACS Chemical Health & Safety
- ACS Chemical Neuroscience
- ACS Combinatorial Science
- ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
- ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
- ACS Nano
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
- Advances in Optics and Photonics
- American Anthropologist
- The American Economic Review
- The American Historical Review
- The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- American Journal of Nursing
- American Mathematical Monthly
- American Record Guide
- The American Statistician
- Annual Review of Economics
- Anthropological Linguistics
- Applied Optics
- Applied Physics Letters
- Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory
- The Auk
- Journal for the Study of Antisemitism
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Journal of Biblical Literature
- Journal of Business Logistics
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- Journal of Contemporary History
- Journal of Economic Education
- Journal of Economic Literature
- Journal of Economic Perspectives
- Journal of English and Germanic Philology
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
- Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
- Journal of Human Evolution
- Journal of Indo-European Studies
- Journal of Industrial Ecology
- The Journal of Industrial Economics
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
- The Journal of Japanese Studies
- Journal of Labor Economics
- The Journal of Law and Economics
- The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
- Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Journal of Public Economics
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Journal of the American Statistical Association
- Journal of the Arnold Arboretum
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
- Journal of the History of Ideas
- Journal of the History of Sexuality
- Journal of the Optical Society of America
- Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics
- Journal of Money, Credit and Banking