Kategorie:Hochschullehrer (University of Oxford)
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Einträge in der Kategorie „Hochschullehrer (University of Oxford)“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 803 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- Lascelles Abercrombie
- John Lloyd Ackrill
- Klaus Adam (Ökonom)
- Madge Adam
- John Albery
- Donald James Allan
- Myles R. Allen
- Percy Stafford Allen
- Robert C. Allen
- Thomas William Allen
- Doug Altman
- John George Clark Anderson
- John Stuart Anderson
- Julia Annas
- Michael Argyle
- William Joscelyn Arkell
- Fraser Armstrong
- Thomas Arnold (Theologe)
- Fernando de Arteaga y Pereira
- Frances Ashcroft
- Bernard Ashmole
- Hazel Assender
- Michael Francis Atiyah
- Peter Atkins (Chemiker)
- Richard Attenborough
- John Langshaw Austin
- Alfred Jules Ayer
- Félix de Azúa
- Martin F. Bachmann
- Amia Srinivasan
- Cyril Bailey
- John Baker (Bischof)
- Steven A. Balbus
- Isaac Bayley Balfour
- John M. Ball
- Thomas Balogh, Baron Balogh
- John Percy Vyvian Dacre Balsdon
- John Wintour Baldwin Barns
- James Barr (Theologe)
- Geoffrey Barraclough
- William Spencer Barrett
- Maurice Bartlett
- John Barton (Theologe)
- Ralph Bathurst
- Dorothea Beale
- Paul Beaudry
- John D. Beazley
- Raymond Beazley
- Alfred Felix Landon Beeston
- William Beinart
- James Belich (Historiker)
- Anthony Raymond Bell
- Schlomo Ben Ami
- Brooke Benjamin
- John Bennet (Archäologe)
- Jack Arthur Walter Bennett
- Richard Bentley
- Isaiah Berlin
- Paul Betts
- Roy Bhaskar
- Martin Biddle
- Bryan Birch
- William Blackstone
- Robert Blake, Baron Blake
- Colin Blakemore
- Brebis Bleaney
- John Boardman
- Susanne Bobzien
- Walter Bodmer (Biologe)
- Elleke Boehmer
- Stephen R. Bond
- Georgina Born
- Nick Bostrom
- Edmund John Bowen
- Angus Bowie
- Malcolm Bowie
- Alan K. Bowman
- Maurice Bowra
- Andrew Cecil Bradley
- Thomas Bradwardine
- Richard P. Brent
- Emmanuel Breuillard
- Alan Brewer
- Tom Bridgeland
- Martin Bridson
- James Leslie Brierly
- Sebastian Paul Brock
- Derek Bromhall
- Timothy Brook
- Henry Brooke (Rechtswissenschaftler)
- John Broome (Philosoph)
- Martin Broszat
- John Michael Brown
- Lesley Brown (Philosophiehistorikerin)
- Peter Brown (Historiker)
- Ian Brownlie
- Jerome Bruner
- Peter Brunt
- Hedley Bull
- Walter Burley
- Robert Burton (Schriftsteller)
- Ida Busbridge
- Kofi Abrefa Busia
- David Butler (Wahlforscher)
- Ingram Bywater
- Averil Cameron
- Iain Campbell (Biophysiker)
- John Cardy
- John Carey (Literaturhistoriker)
- Allan C. Carlson
- Edward Hallett Carr
- Alan Carrington
- Bryan Cartledge
- Luca Castagnoli
- Thomas Cavalier-Smith
- Andrea Cavalleri
- Terence Cave
- David Cecil (Schriftsteller)
- Jaroslav Černý (Ägyptologe)
- Henry Chadwick (Theologe)
- Ernst Boris Chain
- John Chalker
- David Gawen Champernowne
- Angelos Chaniotis
- Allan Chapman (Wissenschaftshistoriker)
- Sydney Chapman
- Robert Henry Charles
- Gui-Qiang Chen
- Norman Chester
- Albert Curtis Clark
- Henry Butler Clarke
- Patricia Clavin
- Richard Clogg
- Frank Close
- Richard Cobb
- Nevill Coghill
- Gerald A. Cohen
- David Coleman (Demograf)
- John C. Coleman
- Paul Collier (Ökonom)
- Rory Collins
- Henry Colyear Dawkins
- Richard Compton (Chemiker)
- Richard Congreve
- David Conlon
- William E. Connolly
- Terence Copley
- Warner Max Corden
- Herbert Henry Cousins
- Lance S. Cousins
- Roger Cowley
- David Cox (Statistiker)
- William A. Craigie
- Neta Crawford
- Richard Croke
- Colin Crouch
- Norman Crowther Hunt, Baron Crowther-Hunt
- Jonathan Culler
- Barry Cunliffe
- Faramerz Dabhoiwala
- Ralf Dahrendorf
- Frederick Sydney Dainton
- Richard Dalitz
- Cyril Dean Darlington
- John Gareth Darwin
- Paul David
- Malcolm Davies
- Roger L. Davies
- Richard Dawkins
- Richard MacGillivray Dawkins
- Peter Day (Chemiker)
- Geoffrey de Ste Croix
- Celia Deane-Drummond
- Léon Marie Joseph Delaissé
- John Dewar Denniston
- David Deutsch (Physiker)
- Jan-Georg Deutsch
- John Frederick Dewey
- Albert Venn Dicey
- Johann Jacob Dillenius
- Harold Dixon
- Christopher M. Dobson
- Charles Harold Dodd
- Simon Donaldson
- Danny Dorling
- David C. Douglas
- Kenneth Dover
- Ursula Dronke
- Cornelia Druțu
- Homer Hasenpflug Dubs
- John Dumbleton
- Michael Dummett
- Louis Dumont
- Robin Dunbar
- Jo Dunkley
- Kevin Dutton
- Ronald Dworkin
- Hugo Dyson