Legal Classics Library (Gryphon Editions)

englischsprachige Buchreihe mit politischen und juristischen Büchern

Die Legal Classics Library (etwa: Bibliothek der juristischen Klassiker) der Gryphon Editions ist eine englischsprachige Buchreihe mit berühmten Rechtsbüchern, politischen Büchern, juristischen Büchern und Büchern über wichtige Gerichtsverfahren aus Geschichte und Gegenwart. Sie enthält neben originalen englischsprachigen Werken auch Übersetzungen von Werken aus anderen Sprachen. Sie erscheint in Birmingham, Alabama, bei Gryphon seit den 1980er Jahren.

Die folgende zumeist nach Verfasser bzw. Herausgeber sortierte Übersicht (bisweilen auch mit Dopplungen unter sinnvollen Stichwörtern) erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Aktualität oder Vollständigkeit:[1]

Bände (Auswahl)

Autor(en) Werk Erscheinungsjahr
Alexander, James A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New York Weekly Journal 2004
Alighieri, Dante Monarchy 2014
Allen, Carleton Kemp Law in the Making 1992
Apokrimata. Decisions of Septimius Severus on Legal Matters 1999
Areopagitica: A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England 1992
Aristotle Constitution of Athens 2014
Austin, John The Province of Jurisprudence 1984
Barnett, Bryant The Code Napoleon 1983
Barnes, Thomas G. The Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts 1982
Bacon, Francis The Elements of the Common Laws of England 1997
The Works of Walter Bagehot: The English Constitution 1995
Bailey, John The Lost German Slave Girl 2005
Barnes, Thomas Shaping the Common Law: from Glanvill to Hale, 1188–1688 2001
Bentham, Jeremy An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation 1986
Berle, Adolf A. und Gardiner, C. Means The Modern Corporation and Private Property 1993
Berger, Raoul Government. Judiciary 2013
Blackstone, Sir William Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 Bände 1983
Bork, Robert H. A Time to Speak 2014
Bryce, James The American Commonwealth. 2 Bände 1987
Brierly, David Major Legal Systems in the World Today 2000
Brownson, Orestes Augustus The American Republic Its Constitution, Tendencies, and Destiny 2005
Burlamaqui, J. J. The Principles of Natural Law / The Principles of Politic Law. 1995
Burke, Edmund Selected Works. 2 Bände 1990
Cardozo, Benjamin N. Cardozo on the Law 1982
Berle, A. und Means, G. The Modern Corporation and Private Property 1993
Calhoun, John C. A Disquisition on Government and A Discourse on The Constitution and Government of The United States 1993
Carter, James Coolidge Law: It's Origin, Growth and Function 1996
Chafee, Zecharia Jr. Freedom of Speech 1990
Cicero On the Commonwealth 2012
Cohen, Morris Raphael Law and The Social Order Essays in Legal Philosophy 2001
Cooley, Thomas Constitutional Limitations 1987
Craigmyle, Lord John Marshall in Diplomacy and Law 2001
Davis, Cushman K. The Law in Shakespeare 2003
Dawson, John P. The Oracles of the Law 1994
Daube, David Studies in Biblical Law 2002
Del Vecchio, Giorgio The Formal Bases of Law 2003
DeLolme, J. L. The Constitution of England 2002
Dershowitz, Alan The Genesis of Justice 2000
Dicey, A. V. Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion in England during the Nineteenth Century 1985
Dicey, A. V. Lectures Introductory to The Study of Law of The Constitution 1999
Dilliard, Irving The Spirit of Liberty Papers and Addresses / An Introduction and Notes Together With The Bill of Rights 1989
Dillon, John F. The Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America 1994
Drone, Eaton S. The Law of Property in Intellectual Productions 1987
Edwards, George J. The Grand Jury: an Essay 2003
Emery, Lucilius Concerning Justice 2001
Farrand, Max The Framing of the Constitution 2002
Filmer, Robert Patriarcha 2013
Fisher, Sydney George The Evolution of the Constitution of the United States 2003
Fortescue, Sir John Chancellor De laudibus legum Angliae: A Treatise in Commendation of the Laws of England 1984
Frank, Jerome Law and the Modern Mind 1985
Freeman, Kathleen The Murder of Herodes and Other Trials From The Athenian Courts 1995
Freeman, Kathleen The Work and Life of Solon 2014
Fuller, Lon L. The Morality of Law 2006
Gardner, Fred The Unlawful Concert: An Account of the Presidio Mutiny Case 2005
Gest, John Marshall The Lawyer in Literature 2002
Gierke, Otto Political Theories of the Middle Age 2001
Gilmore, Grant The Death of Contract: The Ages of American Law 1997
Gough, J. W. Fundamental Law 2007
Grotius, Hugo The Law of War and Peace 1984
Gray, John Chipman The Nature and Sources of the Law 1985
Great American Law Reviews. 3 Bände 1984
Hale, Matthew The History and Analysis of the Common Law of England 1987
Hall, J. W. The Trial of William Joyce 1987
Hand, Learned The Spirit of Liberty & The Bill of Rights 1989
Hart, H. L. A. The Concept of Law 1990
Hartigan, Richard Shelly Lieber's Code and the Law of War 1995
Healy, Maurice The Old Munster Circuit. A Book of Memories and Traditions 1991
Herbert, A. P. Uncommon Law 1988
Hicks, Frederick C. Men and Books Famous in the Law 1994
Hicks, Frederick C. Famous American Jury Speeches 1989
High, James L. Speeches of Lord Erskine While At the Bar. 2 Bände 1984
Hobbes, Thomas Leviathan 2012
Hohfeld, Wesley Newcomb Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning and Other Legal Essays 2003
Holland, Thomas Erskine Jurisprudence 1998
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr. The Common Law and Other Writings 1982
Hooker, James Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity 1998
Hoover, Herbert The Challenge to Liberty 2000
Hudson, William A Treatise of The Court of Star Chamber 1986
Jackson, Robert Hougwout The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy: A study of a crisis in American power politics. 2000
Jefferson, Thomas Notes on the State of Virginia 1955
Jhering, Rudolph von The Struggle for Law 1991
Johns, C. H. W. Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters 1987
Kames, Henry Home Historical Law Tracts 1988
Kantorowicz, Hermann Bractonian Problems 2006
Kaplan, Alice The Collaborator: The Trial & Execution of Robert Brasillach 2006
Kelsen, Hans General Theory of Law and State 1990
Kent, James Commentaries on American Law 1986
Kluger, Richard Simple Justice: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 1994
Langdell, C. C. A Selection of Cases on the Law of Contracts with References and Citations 1983
Lewis, Anthony Gideon's Trumpet 1991
Lewis, Bernard The Political Language of Islam 2012
Lieber, Francis Legal and Political Hermeneutics 1994
Livingston, Edward A System of Penal Law for the State of Louisiana 1991
Llewellyn, Karl Nickerson On Legal Realism Including the Bramble Bush 1986
Llewellyn, K.N. und Hoebel, E. Adamson The Cheyenne Way: Conflict and Case Law in Primitive Jurisprudence 1992
Locke, John Two Treatises of Government 1994
Lodge, Henry Cabot Sr. Daniel Webster 2006
Lombroso, Cesare Crime: Its Causes and Remedies 1994
Mahan, Alfred Thayer Armaments and Arbitration or The Place of Force in The International Relations of States 2000
Maine, Henry Sumner Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society, and Its Relation to Modern Ideas 1982
Maitland, Frederic William The Constitutional History of England 2000
Maitland, Frederic William und Pollock, Sir Frederick The History of English Law before the time of Edward I. 2 Bände 1982
Mallock, W. H. A Critical Examination of Socialism 1998
McIlwain, Charles Howard The High Court of Parliament and its Supremacy 2003
McIlwain, Charles Howard The American Revolution: A Constitutional Interpretation 2004
Mellon, Andrew Taxation. The People’s Business 2013
Mill, John Stuart On Liberty 1992
Miller, William Ian Bloodtaking and Peacemaking 1990
Montesquieu, Baron De The Spirit of Laws. 2 Bände 1984
More, Thomas Utopia: With the Dialogue of Comfort 1989
Morton, Desmond The Queen Vs. Louis Riel 1992
Moyle, J. B. The Institutes of Justinian 1985
Muddiman, J. G. The Trial of King Charles I 1994
Novick, Sheldon M. Honorable Justice: The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes 1990
Parry, Edward Abbott The Law and the Poor 2002
Paul, Rand Government Bullies 2012
Perry, Richard L. und Cooper, John C. Sources of Our Liberties 1990
Phillips, Samuel March Famous Cases of Circumstantial Evidence 2000
Pitman, Benn The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators 1983
Plato The Republic 1991
Pothier, R. J. Treatise on the Contract of Sale 1988
Pound, Roscoe The Spirit of the Common Law & Other Writings 1985
Pringle, Patrick Hue and Cry: The Story of Henry and John Fielding 2005
Pufendorf, Samuel von On The Duty of Man and Citizen According to Natural Law 1993
Pulling, Alexander The Order of the Coif 1989
Radin, Max Law as Logic and Experience 2002
Radin, Max The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth 2005
Ray, Isaac A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity 1987
Rehnquist, William H. The Supreme Court: How it Was, how it is 1992
Reid, John Phillip Laws of the Cherokee Nation 1995
Saint Germain, Christopher Doctor and Student 1988
Savigny, Frederick Charles Of the Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurisprudence 1986
Scott, James Brown Francisco de Vitoria and his Law of Nations 1999
Selden, John The Table-Talk of John Selden 1989
Sleeman, Colin The “Double Tenth” Trial 2007
Spooner, Lysander An Essay on the Trial by Jury 1989
Stimson, Frederic Jesup The American Constitution As it Protects Private Rights 2005
Stohr, Greg A Black and White Case: How Affirmative Action Survived It's Greatest Legal Challenge 2004
Stone, Harlan Fiske Law and its Administration 2004
Story, Joseph A Familiar Exposition of The Constitution of The United States 1992
Story, Justice Commentarires on Equity Jurisprudence 1988
Strauss, Leo Natural Right and History 1950
Stryker, Lloyd Paul Courts and Doctors 2007
Stryker, Lloyd Paul The Art of Advocacy 2007
Tansill, Charles Records of the Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 as Reported by James Madison 1989
Thomson, Richard An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John 1982
Townley, James The Reasons of the Laws of Moses: From the More Nevochim of Maimonides 2000
Trevor, Frederick Lincoln The Lawyer 1996
Tucker, St. George View of the Constitution of the U.S. 2013
Vattel, E. de The Law of Nations or The Principles of Natural Law Applied to The Conduct and to The Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns 1993
Vinogradoff, Paul und Fisher, H. A. L. The Collected Papers of Paul Vinogradoff. 2 Bände 1995
Vinogradoff, Paul Common-Sense in Law 2006
Warburton, A. F. Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Schooner Savannah 1997
Warren, Charles The Supreme Court in the United States 1992
Warren, Charles Congress, The Constitution and the Supreme Court 2007
Washburn, Emory Manual of Criminal Law Including the Mode of Procedure by which it is Enforced 2005
Webster, Daniel und Whipple, Edwin P. The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster 1989
Wellman, Francis Lewis The Art of Cross-Examination: With the cross-examinations of important witnesses in some celebrated cases 1983
Westin, Alan F. The Anatomy of a Constitutional Law Case 1996
Wheaton, Henry Elements of International Law 1991
Wigmore, John Henry The Principles of Judicial Proof 1991
Wilson, Woodrow Congressional Government: A Study in American Politics 1993
Wintrop, William Military Law and Precedents 1988
Winfield, Sir Percy Henry The Chief Sources of English Legal History 2002
Wollstonecraft, Mary A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 1993
Wood, Gordon The Creation of the American Republic 2014
Young, Filson The Trial of Hawley Harvey Crippen 1985
Zane, John Maxcy The Story of Law 2013
A Penal Code Prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners and Published by Command of the Governor General of India in Council 1987
The Federalist: A Collection of Essays, Written in Favor of the New Constitution by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison 1983
The Political Works of James I. 1994
The Irving Judgement: David Irving v. Penguin Books and Professor Deborah Lipstadt 2004
The Essays of Michael Seigneur De Montaigne 1994
The Laws of Plato 2015
The Council, Laws of the Cherokee Nation 1994
The Scopes Trial: The World's Most Famous Court Trail, The Tennessee Evolution Case 1984
St. Thomas Aquinas on Law and Justice: Excerpts from Summa Theologica. 1988

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  1. Complete List of Books In the Gryphon Legal Classics Library & Gryphon Editions Legal Classics Library (einige Erscheinungsdaten sind die des ersten Erscheinens, andere die späterer Auflagen)