Liste der Bischöfe der Methodistischen Kirche


Dies ist die Liste von den Bischöfinnen und Bischöfen der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche in chronologischer Reihenfolge ihrer ersten Wahl. Die Schreibweise der Namen weicht in den Fällen von der offiziellen Liste aus dem engl. The Book of Discipline (2016) ab, wenn sie im deutschsprachigen Raum anders geschrieben werden. Zum besseren Verständnis findet sich bei den Bischöfen, die vor 1968 gewählt wurden, der Hinweis, in welcher Vorgängerkirche sie gewählt wurden.
















  • John S. Stamm 1926–1946 Evangelische Kirche ab 1946–1950 Evangelische Vereinigte Brüderkirche
  • Samuel J. Umbreit 1926–1934 Evangelische Kirche
  • Raymond J. Wade 1928–1948 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1928–1940 Stockholm; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1940–1948 Detroit[162]
  • James Chamberlain Baker 1928–1952 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1928–1932 Seoul; 1932–1939 San Francisco; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1940 Kalifornien; 1940–1952 Los Angeles[163]
  • Edwin Ferdinand Lee 1928–1948 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; Missionsbischof: 1928–1948 Manila; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[164]
  • Grant D. Batdorf 1929–1945 Kirche der Vereinigten Brüder in Christo
  • Ira David Warner 1929–1946 Kirche der Vereinigten Brüder in Christo ab 1946–1958 Evangelische Vereinigte Brüderkirche
  • John W. Gowdy 1930–1941 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; China; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[165]
  • Chih Ping Wang 1930–1939 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; China[166]
  • Arthur James Moore 1930–1960 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1930–1939 Pazifikküste; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1960 Atlanta[167]
  • Paul Bentley Kern 1930–1952 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1930–1934 Ferner Osten; 1934–1938 North und South Carolina; 1938–1952 Nashville Area; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[168]
  • Angie Frank Smith 1930–1960 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1930–1934 Missouri, Oklahoma inkl. Oklahoma Indianermission; 1934–1960 Houston; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[169]
  • George Edward Epp 1930–1946 Evangelische Kirche ab 1946–1958 Evangelische Vereinigte Brüderkirche
  • Jashwant Rao Chitambar 1931–1940 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; Indien; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[170]
  • Juan Ermete Gattinoni 1932–1945 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1932–1945 Buenos Aires; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[171]
  • Junius Ralph Magee 1932–1952 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1932–1939 St. Paul; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1944 Des Moines; 1944–1952 Chicago
  • Ralph Spaulding Cushman 1932–1952 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1932–1939 Denver; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1952 Minnesota[172]
  • Elmer Wesley Praetorius 1934–1946 Evangelische Kirche ab 1946–1954 Evangelische Vereinigte Brüderkirche
  • Charles H. Stauffacher 1934–1946 Evangelische Kirche ab 1946–1954 Evangelische Vereinigte Brüderkirche
  • Jarrell Waskom Pickett 1935–1956 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1935–1956 Indien[173]
  • Roberto Valenzuela Elphick 1936–1940 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1936–1940 Chile; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[174]
  • Wilbur Emery Hammaker 1936–1948 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1936–1939 Nanking, China; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1948 Denver[175]
  • Charles Wesley Flint 1936–1952 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1936–1939 Atlanta; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1941 Syracuse; 1941–1952 Washington[176]
  • Garfield Bromley Oxnam 1936–1960 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1936–1939 Omaha; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1944 Boston; 1944–1952 New York City; 1952–1960 Washington (D.C.)[177]
  • Alexander Preston Shaw 1936–1952 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; 1936–1940 New Orleans; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1940–1952 Baltimore (Zentral Jurisdiktionalkonferenz); In Vertretung 1953–1956 New Orleans[178]
  • John McKendree Springer 1936–1944 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; Missionsbischof: Afrika; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[179]
  • Friedrich Heinrich Otto Melle 1936–1946 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; Deutschland; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[180]
  • Ralph Ansel Ward 1937–1941 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche; China; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[181]
  • Victor Otterbein Weidler 1938–1946 Kirche der Vereinigten Brüder in Christo ab 1946 - 1950 Evangelische Vereinigte Brüderkirche
  • Ivan Lee Holt 1938–1956 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1938–1939 Texas, New Mexico; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1944 Dallas; 1944–1956 Missouri[182]
  • William Walter Peele 1938–1952 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1938–1939; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1952 Richmond[183]
  • Clare Purcell 1938–1956 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1938–1948 Charlotte; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1948–1956 Alabama[184]
  • Charles Claude Selecman 1938–1948 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1938–1944 Oklahoma; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1944–1948 Dallas[185]
  • John Lloyd Decell 1938–46 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1938–1946 Alabama, Georgia; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche[186]
  • William Clyde Martin 1938–1964 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; 1938–1939 Pazifikküste; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1939–1948 Kansas-Nebraska; 1948–1964 Dallas-Fort Worth[187]
  • William Turner Watkins 1938–1959 Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche des Südens; ab 1939 Methodistenkirche; 1940–1944 Columbia; 1944–1959 Louisville[188]













Gewählt im Juli 2012


Gewählt im Juli 2016


Gewählt im März 2017


Siehe auch

  • The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2013–2016, Part I.
  • John H. Ness, Jr.: EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN BISHOPS. In: Methodist History Journal, April 1969, ISSN 0026-1238 (englisch)


  1. Arthur C. Core: Geschichte der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche. Hrsg.: Karl Steckel, C. Ernst Sommer. Christliches Verlagshaus, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-7675-7496-9, S. 64.
  2. Karl Heinz Voigt: Methodisten: Name - Deutung - Wirkung - Gestaltung. In: Konfessionskundlichen Institut des Evangelischen Bundes (Hrsg.): Kirche - Konfession - Religion. Band 77. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2020, ISBN 978-3-8471-1182-5, S. 171.
  3. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 74.
  4. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 158.
  5. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 169.
  6. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 90.
  7. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 61.
  8. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 15.
  9. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 191f.
  10. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 136.
  11. Karl Heinz Voigt: Methodisten: Name - Deutung - Wirkung - Gestaltung. In: Konfessionskundliches Institut des Evangelischen Bundes (Hrsg.): Kirche - Konfession - Religion. Band 77. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2020, ISBN 978-3-8471-1182-5, S. 172.
  12. John H. Ness, Jr.: EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN BISHOPS. In: General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church (Hrsg.): Methodist History Journal. April 1969, ISSN 0026-1238, S. 45.
  13. John H. Ness, Jr.: EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN BISHOPS. In: General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church (Hrsg.): Methodist History Journal. Commission on Archives and History, The United Methodist Church, April 1969, ISSN 0026-1238, S. 44 (englisch).
  14. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 82.
  15. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 100.
  16. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 39f.
  17. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 148f.
  18. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 24f.
  19. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 162.
  20. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 165.
  21. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 23.
  22. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 13f.
  23. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 152f.
  24. Theodore L. Flood, John W. Hamilton: Lives of Methodist Bishops. Phillips & Hunt, New York 1882, OCLC 3966884, S. 776.
  25. Theodore L. Flood, John W. Hamilton: Lives of Methodist Bishops. Phillips & Hunt, New York 1882, OCLC 3966884, S. 545ff.
  26. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 105f.
  27. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 36.
  28. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 43.
  29. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 178.
  30. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 110.
  31. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 194f.
  32. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 120.
  33. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 58.
  34. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 129.
  35. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 158.
  36. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 106.
  37. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 33.
  38. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 84.
  39. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 69.
  40. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 195.
  41. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 131.
  42. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 16.
  43. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 87f.
  44. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 151.
  45. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 189f.
  46. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 68.
  47. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 98.
  48. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 86.
  49. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 196.
  50. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 149.
  51. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 77f.
  52. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 83.
  53. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 143.
  54. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 183.
  55. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 118f.
  56. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 70f.
  57. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 175.
  58. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 60.
  59. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 71f.
  60. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 92.
  61. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 108.
  62. Karl Heinz Voigt: John Heyl Vincent (1832-1920): Das Evangelium für alle in allen Denominationen, Konfessionen und Kulturen. In: Studiengemeinschaft für Geschichte der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche (Hrsg.): EmK Geschichte. 33. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2012, ISSN 1616-8801.
  63. a b c d Zentralkonferenz Mittel- und Südeuropa: Frühere Bischöfe der EMK in Mittel- und Südeuropa. Abgerufen am 18. Februar 2021.
  64. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 66.
  65. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 104f.
  66. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 141.
  67. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 77.
  68. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 177.
  69. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 89.
  70. Harold W. Mann,: ATTICUS GREENE HAYGOOD Methodist Bishop, Editor, and Educator. The University of Georgia Press, Athens 2010, ISBN 978-0-8203-3543-8, S. 154.
  71. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 67.
  72. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 123f.
  73. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 85f.
  74. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 54.
  75. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 37.
  76. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 139.
  77. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 134.
  78. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 81.
  79. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 149.
  80. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 188.
  81. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 167.
  82. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 95.
  83. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 30.
  84. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 170f.
  85. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 126.
  86. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 28.
  87. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 36.
  88. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 197.
  89. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 140 u. 421ff.
  90. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 162.
  91. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 146.
  92. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 159.
  93. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 84.
  94. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 179.
  95. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 187.
  96. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 21.
  97. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 14.
  98. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 145.
  99. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 154.
  100. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 167f.
  101. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 115.
  102. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 96.
  103. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 127.
  104. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 33f.
  105. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 57.
  106. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 108.
  107. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 140.
  108. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 111f.
  109. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 1948.
  110. Grady L. E. Carroll: Mouzon, Edwin DuBose. In: William S. Powell (Hrsg.): Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. Band 4. Univ of North Carolina Pr, 2016, ISBN 978-1-4696-2904-9.
  111. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 125.
  112. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 172.
  113. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 164.
  114. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 91.
  115. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 117.
  116. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 124.
  117. Robert Drew Simpson: A truly great bishop - Francis John McConnell (1871-1953). In: Methodist History. Band 40, Nr. 4, 2002, ISSN 0026-1238, S. 266ff.
  118. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 52.
  119. The New York Times: BISHOP COOKE DIES IN TENNESSEE AT 78. 26. Dezember 1931, abgerufen am 11. Februar 2021 (englisch).
  120. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 176.
  121. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 160.
  122. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 65.
  123. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 192.
  124. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 142.
  125. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 115.
  126. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 97.
  127. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 133.
  128. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 80.
  129. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 37.
  130. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 103.
  131. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 135.
  132. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 56.
  133. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 59.
  134. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 11.
  135. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 38f.
  136. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 31.
  137. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 66.
  138. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 116.
  139. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 184.
  140. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 31f.
  141. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 156.
  142. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 35.
  143. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 168.
  144. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 30.
  145. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 107.
  146. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 130.
  147. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 29.
  148. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 104.
  149. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 43.
  150. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 194, S. 30.
  151. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 57f.
  152. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 88.
  153. Clinton P. Hartmann: Hay, Samuel Ross (1865–1944). In: Handbook of Texas. Texas State Historical Association, abgerufen am 18. Februar 2021 (englisch).
  154. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 58.
  155. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 32.
  156. Howard Grimes: Boaz, Hiram Abiff (1866–1962). In: Handbook of Texas. Texas State Historical Association, abgerufen am 18. Februar 2021 (englisch).
  157. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 132.
  158. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 117.
  159. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 79.
  160. Bishop Brenton Thoburn Badley. In: The Methodist Church in Souther Asia (Hrsg.): The Indian Witness. Vol. LXXIX, Nr. 6. Lucknow Publishing House, Lucknow, Indien 10. Februar 1949.
  161. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 35.
  162. Mark C. Shenise: Guide to the Raymond J. Wade Papers. In: The General Commission on Archives and History. The United Methodist Church, 8. Januar 2006, abgerufen am 26. Februar 2021 (englisch).
  163. Elliott Wright: Baker, James Chamberlain (1879-1969). In: History of Missiology - Biographies. Bosten University - School of Theology, 22. März 2020, abgerufen am 26. Februar 2021 (englisch).
  164. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 113.
  165. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 77.
  166. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 184ff.
  167. Frederick V. Mills: Arthur J. Moore (1888-1974). In: New Georgia Encyclopedia. 18. Februar 2005, abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021.
  168. Dean McIntyre: Honoring Paul Bentley Kern (1882-1953) On the 130th Anniversary of His Birth—June 16, 2012. In: Discipleship Ministries. The General Board of Discipleship, Nashville, Tennessee, 16. Juni 2012, abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021.
  169. Norman W. Spellmann: Smith, Angie Frank (1889–1962). In: Handbook of Texas. Texas State Historical Association, abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021 (englisch).
  170. Frederick DeLand Leete: Methodist Bishops. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1948, S. 42.
  171. Leonard M. Perryman: Bishop Juan E. Gattinoni, 91, the first South American to be elected a Methodist bishop, died. In: Arthur West (Hrsg.): UNITED METHODIST INFORMATION - THE GENERAL NEWS SERVICE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. New York, N.Y. 13. Januar 1970.
  172. MaryJane Haight-Eckert: Rev Ralph Spaulding Cushman. In: Find A Grave. 21. Juni 2009, abgerufen am 1. März 2021 (englisch).
  173. John T. Seamands: The Legacy of J. Waskom Pickett. In: Thomas J. Hastings (Hrsg.): International Bulletin of Missionary Research. Juli. SAGE Publications for the Overseas Ministries Study Center (United States), 1989, ISSN 0272-6122, OCLC 6882616, S. 122 (englisch).
  174. Charles Yrigoyen, Jr.: Chile, Methodist Church of. In: Charles Yrigoyen, Jr., Susan E. Warrick (Hrsg.): Historical Dictionary of Methodism. 3, überarbeitet Auflage. Scarecrow Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-8108-7894-5, S. 524 Seiten, S. 92.
  175. J. Alton Templin, Allen duPont Breck, Martin Rist: The Methodist, Evangelical, and United Brethren Churches in the Rockies, 1850-1976. Hrsg.: J. Alton Templin, Allen duPont Breck, Martin Rist. Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Methodist Church, 1977, S. 664 Seiten, S. 419ff.
  176. AP: CHARLES W. FLINT, CHURCHMAN, DIES; Retired Bishop, Once Head of Syracuse U., Was 86. Hrsg.: The New York Times. New York 13. Dezember 1964, S. 86.
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  178. George Alexander Sewell, Margaret L. Dwight: Mississippi Black History Makers. Univ. Press of Mississippi, 1984, ISBN 978-1-61703-428-2, S. 468 Seiten, S. 336f.
  179. William C. Beal: Electronic Guide to the Papers of Bishop John McKendree Springer. In: General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church - Madison, New Jersey. Archiviert vom Original am 28. September 2007; abgerufen am 22. März 2024 (englisch).
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  198. Thomas Kim: Former bishop Hae-Jong Kim dies at 85. In: UM News. United Methodist Communications, 9. November 2020, abgerufen am 23. Februar 2021 (englisch).
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  200. Kathy L. Gilbert: Bishop John Yambasu of Sierra Leone dies at 63. In: UM News. United Methodist Communications, 17. August 2020, abgerufen am 23. Februar 2021 (englisch).