Liste der FFH-Gebiete in Irland


Diese sortierbare Liste führt die 437 Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Gebiete in der Republik Irland[1]. Die Gebiete sind Teil des Natura-2000-Netzwerks der Europäischen Union.

Hinweise zu den Angaben in der Tabelle

  • Gebietsname: Amtliche Bezeichnung des Schutzgebiets
  • Bild/Commons: Bild und Link zu weiteren Bildern aus dem Schutzgebiet
  • WDPA-ID: Link zum Schutzgebiet in der World Database on Protected Areas
  • EEA-ID: Link zum Schutzgebiet in der Datenbank der European Environment Agency (EEA)
  • County: County, in der das Gebiet liegt
  • Fläche: Gesamtfläche des Schutzgebiets in Hektar
  • Bemerkungen: Besonderheiten und Anmerkungen


Gebietsname Bild/Commons WDPA-ID EEA-ID County Fläche ha Bemerkungen
Ardgraigue Bog IE0002356 Galway 183,46
Ardrahan Grassland IE0002244 Galway 200,99
Aughrim (Aghrane) Bog IE0002200 Galway 110,33
Aughrusbeg Machair and Lake IE0001228 Galway 422,25
Ballinduff Turlough IE0002295 Galway 60,61
Ballygar (Aghrane) Bog IE0002199 Galway 27,98
Ballymaglancy Cave, Cong IE0000474 Galway 9,3
Barnahallia Lough IE0002118 Galway 43,86
Barroughter Bog IE0000231 Galway 173,95
Caherglassaun Turlough IE0000238 Galway 165,58
Cahermore Turlough IE0002294 Galway 64,07
Camderry Bog IE0002347 Galway 280,6
Carrowbaun, Newhall and Ballylee Turloughs IE0002293 Galway 105,62
Carrownagappul Bog IE0001242 Galway 485,66
Castletaylor Complex IE0000242 Galway 143,43
Cloonmoylan Bog IE0000248 Galway 554,19
Connemara Bog Complex IE0002034 Galway 49197,33
Coolcam Turlough IE0000218 Galway 136,76
Coole-Garryland Complex   IE0000252 Galway 1119,93
Corliskea/Trien/Cloonfelliv Bog IE0002110 Galway, Roscommon 724,91
Cregduff Lough IE0001251 Galway 71,84
Cregg House Stables, Crusheen IE0002317 Galway 0,02
Croaghill Turlough IE0000255 Galway 47,35
Curraghlehanagh Bog IE0002350 Galway 277,97
Derrycrag Wood Nature Reserve IE0000261 Galway 118,37
Derrinlough (Cloonkeenleananode) Bog IE0002197 Galway 61,1
Dog’s Bay   IE0001257 Galway 146,93
Drummin Wood IE0002181 Galway 84,84
East Burren Complex IE0001926 Galway 18800,66
Galway Bay Complex IE0000268 Galway 14,402,77
Glenloughaun Esker IE0002213 Galway 5,7
Gortacarnaun Wood IE0002180 Galway 111,49
Gortnandarragh Limestone Pavement IE0001271 Galway 347,08
Inishbofin and Inishshark   IE0000278 Galway 2794,06
Inisheer Island   IE0001275 Galway 552,29
Inishmaan Island   IE0000212 Galway 801,86
Inishmore Island   IE0000213 Galway 14493,61
Kilkieran Bay and Islands IE0002111 Galway 21397,86
Kilsallagh Bog IE0000285 Galway 279,61
Kiltartan Cave (Coole) IE0000286 Galway 0,01
Kiltiernan Turlough IE0001285 Galway 52,41
Kingstown Bay IE0002265 Galway 79,89
Levally Lough   IE0000295 Galway 57,97
Lisnageeragh Bog and Ballinastack Turlough IE0000296 Galway 440
Loughatorick South Bog IE0000308 Galway 887,96
Lough Carra/Mask Complex   IE0001774 Galway, Mayo 13509,77
Lough Corrib   IE0000297 Galway, Mayo, Roscommon 25193,2
Lough Coy IE0002117 Galway 77,4
Lough Cutra   IE0000299 Galway 658,5
Lough Derg, North-East Shore IE0002241 Galway 3652,8
Lough Fingall Complex IE0000606 Galway 606,78
Lough Lurgeen Bog/Glenamaddy Turlough   IE0000301 Galway 1161,62
Lough Nageeron IE0002119 Galway 19,65
Lough Rea   IE0000304 Galway 364,6
Maumturk Mountains   IE0002008 Galway 13465,97
Monivea Bog IE0002352 Galway 286,56
Murvey Machair IE0002129 Galway 80,13
Omey Island Machair IE0001309 Galway 228,86
Peterswell Turlough IE0000318 Galway 245,47
Pollnaknockaun Wood Nature Reserve IE0000319 Galway 80,53
Rahasane Turlough IE0000322 Galway 351,66
Shannon Callows IE0000216 Galway, Roscommon 5853,94
Rosroe Bog IE0000324 Galway 261,93
Ross Lake and Woods   IE0001312 Galway 323,06
Rosturra Wood IE0001313 Galway 38,24
Rusheenduff Lough IE0001311 Galway 48,74
Shankill West Bog IE0000326 Galway 136,34
Slyne Head Islands IE0000328 Galway 2355,13
Slyne Head Peninsula IE0002074 Galway 4026,46
Sonnagh Bog IE0001913 Galway 464,72
Termon Lough IE0001321 Galway 211,7
The Twelve Bens/Garraun Complex   IE0002031 Galway 16163,23
Tully Lough   IE0002130 Galway 142,22
Tully Mountain   IE0000330 Galway 478,91
Williamstown Turloughs IE0002296 Galway 232,64
West Connacht Coast IE0002998 Galway, Mayo 65945,58
Arroo Mountain IE0001403 Leitrim 3966,19
Ben Bulben, Gleniff and Glenade Complex   IE0000623 Leitrim, Sligo 5981,24
Boleybrack Mountain IE0002032 Leitrim, Cavan 4242,32
Bunduff Lough and Machair/Trawalua/Mullaghmore   IE0000625 Leitrim, Sligo 4387,18
Cuilcagh-Anierin Uplands   IE0000584 Leitrim 9735,53
Glenade Lough   IE0001919 Leitrim 115,02
Lough Gill   IE0001976 Leitrim, Sligo 3318,67
Lough Melvin   IE0000428 Leitrim, Donegal 2268,87
Achill Head   IE0002268 Mayo 6892,36
Ardkill Turlough IE0000461 Mayo 25,53
Balla Turlough IE0000463 Mayo 49,08
Ballinafad IE0002081 Mayo 0,15
Bellacorick Bog Complex IE0001922 Mayo 9519,75
Bellacorick Iron Flush IE0000466 Mayo 22,86
Bellacragher Saltmarsh IE0002005 Mayo 17,44
Brackloon Woods   IE0000471 Mayo 80,2
Broadhaven Bay   IE0000472 Mayo 9071,38
Carrowkeel Turlough IE0000475 Mayo 40,97
Carrowmore Lake Complex   IE0000476 Mayo 3646,78
Island Cliffs IE0002243 Mayo 409,99
Clew Bay Complex IE0001482 Mayo 11981,94
Cloonakillina Lough IE0001899 Mayo 66,93
Cloughmoyne IE0000479 Mayo 96,72
Clyard Kettle-Holes IE0000480 Mayo 126,46
Corraun Plateau IE0000485 Mayo 3895,13
Croaghaun/Slievemore   IE0001955 Mayo 3293,81
Cross Lough (Killadoon)   IE0000484 Mayo 56,67
Doocastle Turlough IE0000492 Mayo, Sligo 76,67
Doogort Machair/Lough Doo IE0001497 Mayo 187,87
Duvillaun Islands IE0000495 Mayo 539,36
Erris Head   IE0001501 Mayo 850,97
Flughany Bog IE0000497 Mayo, Sligo 231,03
Glenamoy Bog Complex   IE0000500 Mayo 13057,21
Greaghans Turlough IE0000503 Mayo 43,71
Inishkea Islands   IE0000507 Mayo 1239,38
Keel Machair/Menaun Cliffs   IE0001513 Mayo 1667,49
Kildun Souterrain IE0002320 Mayo 0,65
Kilglassan/Caheravoostia Turlough Complex IE0000504 Mayo 111,63
Killala Bay/Moy Estuary   IE0000458 Mayo, Sligo 2180,9
Lackan Saltmarsh and Kilcummin Head IE0000516 Mayo 538,01
Lough Cahasy, Lough Baun and Roonah Lough IE0001529 Mayo 300,58
Lough Dahybaun IE0002177 Mayo 76,1
Lough Gall Bog IE0000522 Mayo 362,58
Lough Hoe Bog IE0000633 Mayo, Sligo 3214,04
Mocorha Lough IE0001536 Mayo 65,98
Moore Hall (Lough Carra) IE0000527 Mayo 0,08
Mullet/Blacksod Bay Complex   IE0000470 Mayo 14023,02
Mweelrea/Sheeffry/Erriff Complex   IE0001932 Mayo 20974,45
Newport River   IE0002144 Mayo 1402,52
Oldhead Wood   IE0000532 Mayo 85,29
Owenduff/Nephin Complex   IE0000534 Mayo 27052,05
Ox Mountains Bogs IE0002006 Mayo, Sligo 10565,78
River Moy   IE0002298 Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo 15389,86
Shrule Turlough IE0000525 Mayo 170,52
Skealoghan Turlough IE0000541 Mayo 40,02
Slieve Fyagh Bog IE0000542 Mayo 2375,90
Towerhill House IE0002179 Mayo 60,71
Urlaur Lakes   IE0001571 Mayo, Roscommon 265,78
Annaghmore Lough IE0001626 Roscommon 249,9
Ballinturly Turlough IE0000588 Roscommon 151,69
Ballynamona Bog and Corkip Lough   IE0002339 Roscommon 244,67
Bellanagare Bog IE0000592 Roscommon 1207,08
Callow Bog IE0000595 Roscommon 617,65
Carrowbehy/Caher Bog IE0000597 Roscommon 345,66
Castlesampson Esker IE0001625 Roscommon 144,2
Cloonchambers Bog IE0000600 Roscommon 348,06
Cloonshanville Bog IE0000614 Roscommon 225,81
Coolcam Turlough IE0000218 Roscommon 136,76
Corbo Bog IE0002349 Roscommon 206,67
Derrinea Bog IE0000604 Roscommon 89,18
Drumalough Bog IE0002338 Roscommon 278,77
Errit Lough IE0000607 Roscommon 84,59
Four Roads Turlough IE0001637 Roscommon 100,18
Killeglan Grassland IE0002214 Roscommon 60,91
Lisduff Turlough IE0000609 Roscommon 69,69
Lough Arrow   IE0001673 Roscommon, Sligo 1454,26
Lough Croan Turlough IE0000610 Roscommon 155,62
Lough Forbes Complex IE0001818 Roscommon 1333,82
Lough Funshinagh   IE0000611 Roscommon 430,52
Lough Ree   IE0000440 Roscommon 14365,03
Mullygollan Turlough IE0000612 Roscommon 35,89
Tullaghanrock Bog IE0002354 Roscommon 102,83
Ballysadare Bay   IE0000622 Sligo 2144,55
Bricklieve Mountains and Keishcorran   IE0001656 Sligo 1692,09
Cummeen Strand/Drumcliff Bay (Sligo Bay)   IE0000627 Sligo 4917,01
Knockalongy and Knockachree Cliffs IE0001669 Sligo 115,55
Lough Nabrickkeagh Bog IE0000634 Sligo 271,82
Streedagh Point Dunes   IE0001680 Sligo 632,83
Templehouse and Cloonacleigha Loughs   IE0000636 Sligo 492,64
Turloughmore IE0000637 Sligo 74,17
Union Wood IE0000638 Sligo 60,83
Unshin River IE0001898 Sligo 892,01


Gebietsname Bild/Commons WDPA-ID EEA-ID County Fläche ha Bemerkungen
Blackstairs Mountains   IE0000770 Carlow, Wexford 5046,85
River Barrow and River Nore   IE0002162 Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Offaly, Wexford 12367,76
Slaney River Valley   IE0000781 Carlow, Wexford, Wicklow 6017,81
Baldoyle Bay   IE0000199 Dublin 538,7
Ballyman Glen IE0000713 Dublin 23,53
Dublin Bay (North)   IE0000206 Dublin 1474,35
Dublin Bay (South)   IE0000210 Dublin 741,8
Glenasmole Valley IE0001209 Dublin 149,23
Howth Head   IE0000202 Dublin 374,72
Ireland’s Eye   IE0002193 Dublin 40,34
Knocksink Wood   IE0000725 Dublin, Wicklow 87,89
Lambay Island   IE0000204 Dublin 404,19
Malahide Estuary   IE0000205 Dublin 788
Rogerstown Estuary IE0000208 Dublin 537,76
Ballynafagh Bog IE0000391 Kildare 155,23
Ballynafagh Lake IE0001387 Kildare 45,49
Red Bog, Kildare IE0000397 Kildare 4,1
Rye Water Valley/Carton   IE0001398 Kildare, Meath 70,48
Mouds Bog IE0002331 Kildare 590,94
Pollardstown Fen   IE0000396 Kildare 226,83
Hugginstown Fen IE0000404 Kilkenny 63,9
The Loughans IE0000407 Kilkenny 40,45
Cullahill Mountain IE0000831 Kilkenny 54,72
Spahill and Clomantagh Hill IE0000849 Kilkenny 146,47
Galmoy Fen IE0001858 Kilkenny 25,22
Lower River Suir   IE0002137 Kilkenny 7096,91
Thomastown Quarry IE0002252 Kilkenny 3,88
Ballyprior Grassland IE0002256 Laois 44,18
Clonaslee Eskers and Derry Bog IE0000859 Laois, Offaly 278,67
Coolrain Bog IE0002332 Laois 145,89
Lisbigney Bog IE0000869 Laois 35,59
Mountmellick SAC IE0002141 Laois 2,03
Slieve Bloom Mountains IE0000412 Laois, Offaly 4877,08
Knockacoller Bog IE0002333 Laois 129,27
Ardagullion Bog IE0002341 Longford 116,44
Brown Bog IE0002346 Longford 73,62
Clooneen Bog IE0002348 Longford 214,93
Derragh Bog IE0002201 Longford 37,62
Fortwilliam Turlough IE0000448 Longford 50,69
Lough Forbes Complex IE0001818 Longford 1333,82
Lough Ree   IE0000440 Longford, Westmeath 14365,03
Mount Jessop Bog IE0002202 Longford 71,92
Boyne Coast and Estuary IE0001957 Louth, Meath 629,24
Carlingford Mountain   IE0000453 Louth 3099,87
Carlingford Shore IE0002306 Louth 524,39
Clogher Head IE0001459 Louth 23,74
Dundalk Bay   IE0000455 Louth 5234,05
River Boyne and River Blackwater IE0002299 Louth, Meath, Westmeath 2317,87
Girley (Drewstown) Bog IE0002203 Meath 32,27
Killyconny Bog (Cloghbally) IE0000006 Meath 185,02
Lough Bane and Lough Glass   IE0002120 Meath, Westmeath 203,42
Moneybeg and Clareisland Bogs IE0002340 Meath, Westmeath 364,17
Mount Hevey Bog IE0002342 Meath, Westmeath 473,91
White Lough, Ben Loughs and Lough Doo IE0001810 Meath, Westmeath 116,28
All Saints Bog and Esker IE0000566 Offaly 365,81
Charleville Wood   IE0000571 Offaly 377,35
Clara Bog IE0000572 Offaly 836,18
Ferbane Bog IE0000575 Offaly 151,9
Fin Lough IE0000576 Offaly 73,98
Island Fen IE0002236 Offaly 12,02
Lisduff Fen IE0002147 Offaly 30,83
Mongan Bog IE0000580 Offaly 206,51
Moyclare Bog IE0000581 Offaly 129,95
Pilgrim’s Road Esker IE0001776 Offaly 69,73
Raheenmore Bog IE0000582 Offaly 203,7
Ridge Road, SW of Rapemills IE0000919 Offaly 6,24
Shannon Callows IE0000216 Offaly, Westmeath 5853,94
Sharavogue Bog IE0000585 Offaly 236,39
TheLong Derries, Edenderry IE0000925 Offaly 30,37
Ballymore Fen IE0002313 Westmeath 42,71
Carn Park Bog IE0002336 Westmeath 247,15
Crosswood Bog IE0002337 Westmeath 206,52
Garriskil Bog IE0000679 Westmeath 351,29
Lough Ennell   IE0000685 Westmeath 1719,63
Lough Lene   IE0002121 Westmeath 490,74
Lough Owel   IE0000688 Westmeath 1121,45
Scragh Bog IE0000692 Westmeath 23,85
Split Hills and Long Hill Esker IE0001831 Westmeath 75,23
Wooddown Bog IE0002205 Westmeath 49,86
Ballyteige Burrow   IE0000696 Wexford 703,09
Bannow Bay   IE0000697 Wexford 1325,12
Blackwater Bank IE0002953 Wexford 12401,45
Cahore Polders and Dunes   IE0000700 Wexford 264,76
Carnsore Point   IE0002269 Wexford 8736,19
Hook Head   IE0000764 Wexford 17006,27
Kilmuckridge-Tinnaberna Sandhills   IE0001741 Wexford 64,56
Kilpatrick Sandhills IE0001742 Wexford 39,69
Lady’s Island Lake   IE0000704 Wexford 507
Long Bank IE0002161 Wexford 3370,87
Raven Point Nature Reserve IE0000710 Wexford 594,26
Saltee Islands   IE0000707 Wexford 15822,26
Screen Hills IE0000708 Wexford 139,42
Tacumshin Lake IE0000709 Wexford 558,57
Ballyman Glen IE0000713 Wicklow 23,53
Bray Head   IE0000714 Wicklow 263,39
Buckroney-Brittas Dunes and Fen IE0000729 Wicklow 320,65
Carriggower Bog IE0000716 Wicklow 84,3
Vale of Clara (Rathdrum Wood)   IE0000733 Wicklow 378,25
Deputy’s Pass Nature Reserve IE0000717 Wicklow 47,88
Glen of the Downs   IE0000719 Wicklow 74,45
Holdenstown Bog IE0001757 Wicklow 4,05
Magherabeg Dunes IE0001766 Wicklow 74,61
The Murrough Wetlands IE0002249 Wicklow 602,7
Wicklow Mountains   IE0002122 Wicklow, Dublin 32931,38
Wicklow Reef IE0002274 Wicklow 1532,56
Gebietsname Bild/Commons WDPA-ID EEA-ID County Fläche ha Bemerkungen
Ballyallia Lake IE0000014 Clare 180,17
Ballycullinan Lake IE0000016 Clare 191,21
Ballycullinan, Old Domestic Building IE0002246 Clare 5,74
Ballyogan Lough IE0000019 Clare 379,73
Ballyteigue   IE0000994 Clare 6,43
Ballyvaughan Turlough IE0000996 Clare 12,86
Black Head-Poulsallagh Complex IE0000020 Clare 7801,99
Carrowmore Dunes   IE0002250 Clare 451,64
Carrowmore Point to Spanish Point and Islands IE0001021 Clare 4236,47
Danes Hole, Poulnalecka IE0000030 Clare 38,43
Dromore Woods and Loughs IE0000032 Clare 877,04
East Burren Complex IE0001926 Clare 18800,66
Galway Bay Complex IE0000268 Clare 14402,77
Glendree Bog IE0001912 Clare 339,92
Glenomra Wood IE0001013 Clare 50,27
Inagh River Estuary IE0000036 Clare 392,45
Kilkee Reefs IE0002264 Clare 2877,95
Kilkishen House IE0002319 Clare 0,44
Knockanira House IE0002318 Clare 0,02
Loughatorick South Bog IE0000308 Clare 887,96
Lough Gash Turlough IE0000051 Clare 25,58
Lower River Shannon IE0002165 Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary 68300,01
Moneen Mountain   IE0000054 Clare 6104,82
Moyree River System IE0000057 Clare 477,67
Newgrove House IE0002157 Clare 47,41
Newhall and Edenvale Complex IE0002091 Clare 136,91
Old Domestic Building, Keevagh IE0002010 Clare 0,01
Old Domestic Buildings, Rylane IE0002314 Clare 13,90
Old Farm Buildings, Ballymacrogan IE0002245 Clare 0,16
Pouladatig Cave IE0000037 Clare 3,36
Pollagoona Bog IE0002126 Clare 55,03
Poulnagordon Cave (Quin) IE0000064 Clare 0,05
Ratty River Cave IE0002316 Clare 0,72
Slieve Bernagh Bog IE0002312 Clare 1973,97
Termon Lough IE0001321 Clare 211,7
Toonagh Estate IE0002247 Clare 5,41
Tullaher Lough and Bog IE0002343 Clare 468,98
Ballymacoda (Clonpriest and Pillmore) IE0000077 Cork 494,82
Barley Cove to Ballyrisode Point IE0001040 Cork 796,92
Bandon River   IE0002171 Cork 321,12
Ballyhoura Mountains   IE0002036 Cork, Limerick 746,7
Blackwater River (Cork/Waterford)   IE0002170 Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford 10145,32
Caha Mountains   IE0000093 Cork, Kerry 6856,12
Carrigeenamronety Hill IE0002037 Cork 94,75
Castletownshend IE0001547 Cork 17,03
Cleanderry Wood IE0001043 Cork 61,06
Clonakilty Bay   IE0000091 Cork 511,91
Courtmacsherry Estuary IE0001230 Cork 735,11
Derryclogher (Knockboy) IE0001873 Cork 1712,22
Dunbeacon Shingle IE0002280 Cork 43,02
The Gearagh IE0000108 Cork 557,71
Glengarriff Harbour and Woodland   IE0000090 Cork 1305,22
Glanmore Bog IE0001879 Cork, Kerry 1147,78
Great Island Channel   IE0001058 Cork 1437,55
Farranamanagh Lough   IE0002189 Cork 27,3
Kenmare River   IE0002158 Cork, Kerry 43267,5
Killarney National Park, MacGillycuddy’s Reeks and Caragh River Catchment   IE0000365 Cork, Kerry 76444,99
Kilkeran Lake and Castlefreke Dunes IE0001061 Cork 96,43
Lough Hyne Nature Reserve and Environs   IE0000097 Cork 450,94
Myross Wood IE0001070 Cork 3,97
Reen Point Shingle IE0002281 Cork 7,01
Roaringwater Bay and Islands   IE0000101 Cork 14253,09
Sheep’s Head   IE0000102 Cork 3133,9
St. Gobnet’s Wood IE0000106 Cork 43,85
Three Castle Head to Mizen Head   IE0000109 Cork 353
Akeragh, Banna and Barrow Harbour   IE0000332 Kerry 1199,25
Ballinskelligs Bay and Inny Estuary   IE0000335 Kerry 1658,47
Ballyseedy Wood IE0002112 Kerry 39,49
Blackwater River (Kerry)   IE0002173 Kerry 5900,18
Blasket Islands   IE0002172 Kerry 22715,96
Castlemaine Harbour IE0000343 Kerry 8683,05
Cloonee and Inchiquin Loughs, Uragh Wood IE0001342 Kerry 1154,05
Drongawn Lough IE0002187 Kerry 31,42
Glanlough Woods IE0002315 Kerry 16,55
Kerry Head Shoal IE0002263 Kerry 5794,72
Kilgarvan Ice House IE0000364 Kerry 17,25
Lough Yganavan and Lough Nambrackdarrig   IE0000370 Kerry 271,60
Magharee Islands   IE0002261 Kerry 2270,16
Maulagowna Bog IE0001881 Kerry 425,89
Moanveanlagh Bog IE0002351 Kerry 214,63
Mount Brandon IE0000375 Kerry 14349,07
Mucksna Wood IE0001371 Kerry 14,07
Mullaghanish Bog IE0001890 Kerry 70,02
Old Domestic Building, Askive Wood IE0002098 Kerry 43,43
Old Domestic Building, Curraglass Wood IE0002041 Kerry 0,03
Old Domestic Building, Dromore Wood IE0000353 Kerry 123,57
Sheheree (Ardagh) Bog IE0000382 Kerry 17,07
Slieve Mish Mountains   IE0002185 Kerry 9787,49
Tralee Bay and Magharees Peninsula, West to Cloghane   IE0002070 Kerry 11627,11
Valencia Harbour/Portmagee Channel   IE0002262 Kerry 2691,84
Askeaton Fen Complex IE0002279 Limerick 284,29
Barrigone IE0000432 Limerick 66,33
Carrigeenamronety Hill IE0002037 Limerick 94,75
Clare Glen   IE0000930 Limerick, Tipperary 21,86
Curraghchase Woods IE0000174 Limerick 360,17
Galtee Mountains   IE0000646 Limerick, Tipperary 6418,99
Glen Bog IE0001430 Limerick 27,66
Glenstal Wood IE0001432 Limerick 6,33
Tory Hill IE0000439 Limerick 78,15
Anglesey Road IE0002125 Tipperary 32,92
Arragh More (Derrybreen) Bog IE0002207 Tipperary 90,58
Ballyduff/Clonfinane Bog IE0000641 Tipperary 269,45
Bolingbrook Hill IE0002124 Tipperary 204,51
Keeper Hill   IE0001197 Tipperary 413,53
Kilcarren-Firville Bog IE0000647 Tipperary 676,38
Kilduff, Devilsbit Mountain IE0000934 Tipperary 133,81
Liskeenan Fen IE0001683 Tipperary 43,68
Lough Derg, North-East Shore   IE0002241 Tipperary 3652,80
Lower River Suir IE0002137 Tipperary, Waterford 7096,91
Moanour Mountain IE0002257 Tipperary 48,03
Philipston Marsh IE0001847 Tipperary 3,80
Redwood Bog IE0002353 Tipperary 554,79
River Barrow and River Nore IE0002162 Tipperary, Waterford 12367,76
River Shannon Callows IE0000216 Tipperary 5853,94
Scohaboy (Sopwell) Bog IE0002206 Tipperary 71,91
Silvermine Mountains   IE0000939 Tipperary 24,89
Silvermine Mountains West IE0002258 Tipperary 625,04
Ardmore Head IE0002123 Waterford 29,59
Comeragh Mountains   IE0001952 Waterford 6290,43
Glendine Wood IE0002324 Waterford 19,64
Helvick Head   IE0000665 Waterford 203,47
Nier Valley Woodlands IE0000668 Waterford 94,63
Tramore Dunes and Backstrand   IE0000671 Waterford 770,13
Gebietsname Bild/Commons WDPA-ID EEA-ID County Fläche ha Bemerkungen
Boleybrack Mountain IE0002032 Cavan 4242,32
Corratirrim IE0000979 Cavan 116,99
Cuilcagh - Anierin Uplands   IE0000584 Cavan 9735,53
Killyconny Bog (Cloghbally) IE0000006 Cavan 185,02
Lough Oughter and Associated Loughs   IE0000007 Cavan 4755,86
River Boyne and River Blackwater   IE0002299 Cavan 2317,87
Aran Island (Donegal) Cliffs   IE0000111 Donegal 542,81
Ballintra IE0000115 Donegal 47,18
Ballyarr Wood   IE0000116 Donegal 30,01
Ballyness Bay   IE0001090 Donegal 1235,31
Ballyhoorisky Point to Fanad Head IE0001975 Donegal 1292,49
Cloghernagore Bog and Glenveagh National Park IE0002047 Donegal 33445,53
Coolvoy Bog IE0001107 Donegal 306,55
Croaghonagh Bog IE0000129 Donegal 248,87
Donegal Bay (Murvagh)   IE0000133 Donegal 1810,48
Dunmuckrum Turloughs IE0002303 Donegal 33,9
Dunragh Loughs/Pettigo Plateau IE0001125 Donegal 2022,48
Durnesh Lough   IE0000138 Donegal 357,28
Lough Eske and Ardnamona Wood   IE0000163 Donegal 857,58
Lough Nagreany Dunes IE0000164 Donegal 221,06
Fawnboy Bog/Lough Nacung   IE0000140 Donegal 1104,93
River Finn   IE0002301 Donegal 5498,46
Gannivegil Bog IE0000142 Donegal 2152,73
Lough Golagh and Breesy Hill IE0002164 Donegal 798,83
Gweedore Bay and Islands   IE0001141 Donegal 6013,55
Horn Head and Rinclevan IE0000147 Donegal 2343,32
North Inishowen Coast IE0002012 Donegal 7066,04
Inishtrahull   IE0000154 Donegal 483,11
Kindrum Lough   IE0001151 Donegal 116,06
Leannan River   IE0002176 Donegal 1725,64
Magheradrumman Bog   IE0000168 Donegal 997,27
Meenaguse/Ardbane Bog IE0000172 Donegal 668,24
Meenaguse Scragh IE0001880 Donegal 627,13
Meentygrannagh Bog IE0000173 Donegal 529,80
Lough Melvin IE0000428 Donegal 2268,87
Muckish Mountain   IE0001179 Donegal 1522,15
Mulroy Bay   IE0002159 Donegal 3207,76
Lough Nageage IE0002135 Donegal 156,77
Lough Nillan Bog (Carrickatlieve) IE0000165 Donegal 4156,02
Rathlin O’Birne Island   IE0000181 Donegal 797,72
Rutland Island and Sound   IE0002283 Donegal 3865,6
Sessiagh Lough   IE0000185 Donegal 71,6
Sheephaven Bay   IE0001190 Donegal 1841,19
Slieve League   IE0000189 Donegal 3924,27
Slieve Tooey/Tormore Island/Loughros Beg Bay   IE0000190 Donegal 9431,45
Lough Swilly   IE0002287 Donegal 9257,68
St. John’s Point   IE0000191 Donegal 1086,35
Tamur Bog IE0001992 Donegal 1183,62
Termon Strand IE0001195 Donegal 86,86
Tory Island Coast   IE0002259 Donegal 3047,18
Tranarossan and Melmore Lough   IE0000194 Donegal 653,35
West Of Ardara/Maas Road IE0000197 Donegal 6733,42
Kilroosky Lough Cluster IE0001786 Monaghan 56,81


Gebietsname Bild/Commons WDPA-ID EEA-ID Fläche ha Bemerkungen
Belgica Mound Province IE0002327 41090,4
Hempton’s Turbot Bank IE0002999 4492,68
Hovland Mound Province IE0002328 108655
South-west Porcupine Bank IE0002329 32929,9
North-west Porcupine Bank IE0002330 71629,7
Rockabill to Dalkey Island IE0003000 27285,88
Porcupine Bank Canyon IE0003001 78110
South East Rockall Bank IE0003002 148790
Codling Fault Zone IE0003015 2982,23


  1. Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). In: National Parks & Wildlife Service. Abgerufen am 5. April 2022.