Protokoll (IP)
Datenfeld im IPv4-Netzwerkprotokoll
Das Feld Protokoll (protocol) im IPv4-Header gibt an, zu welchem Protokoll (auch „Folgeprotokoll“ genannt) die im betreffenden IPv4-Paket transportierten Nutzdaten gehören. Das Feld ist 8 Bit breit und wird als vorzeichenlose Ganzzahl interpretiert. Sie kann daher Werte von 0 bis 255 (dezimal) aufnehmen. Die Werte waren im RFC 1700[1] festgelegt. Seit 2002 wurde durch RFC 3232[2] eine Online-Datenbank für Protokoll-Nummern[3] bei der IANA als aktuell definiert. Allerdings kommen in Netzen auch Protokolle vor, die (noch) nicht bei der IANA registriert sind.
Im IPv6-Header gibt es dieses Feld ebenfalls, allerdings heißt es dort Next Header. Die zulässigen Werte sind die gleichen wie beim Feld protocol bei IPv4.
BearbeitenProtokollnummer | Protokoll |
0 | HOPOPT (IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option) |
1 | ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) |
2 | IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) |
3 | GGP (Gateway-to-Gateway) |
4 | IP (IP in IP (encapsulation)) |
5 | Stream |
6 | TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) |
7 | CBT (Core Based Trees) |
8 | EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) |
9 | IGP (any private interior gateway) |
10 | BBN-RCC-MON (BBN RCC Monitoring) |
11 | NVP-II (Network Voice Protocol) |
12 | PUP |
13 | ARGUS |
14 | EMCON |
15 | XNET (Cross Net Debugger) |
16 | CHAOS |
17 | UDP (User Datagram Protocol) |
18 | Multiplexing |
19 | DCN-MEAS (DCN Measurement Subsystems) |
20 | HMP (Host Monitoring) |
21 | PRM (Packet Radio Measurement) |
23 | TRUNK-1 |
24 | TRUNK-2 |
25 | LEAF-1 |
26 | LEAF-2 |
27 | RDP (Reliable Data Protocol) |
28 | IRTP (Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol) |
29 | ISO-TP4 (ISO Transport Protocol Class 4) |
30 | NETBLT (Bulk Data Transfer Protocol) |
31 | MFE-NSP (MFE Network Services Protocol) |
32 | MERIT-INP (MERIT Internodal Protocol) |
33 | DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) |
34 | 3PC (Third Party Connect Protocol) |
35 | IDPR (Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol) |
36 | XTP |
37 | DDP (Datagram Delivery Protocol) |
38 | IDPR-CMTP (IDPR Control Message Transport Proto) |
39 | TP++ (TP++ Transport Protocol) |
40 | IL (IL Transport Protocol) |
41 | 6in4 Verkapselung von IPv6- in IPv4-Pakete |
42 | SDRP (Source Demand Routing Protocol) |
43 | IPv6-Route (Routing Header for IPv6) |
44 | IPv6-Frag (Fragment Header for IPv6) |
45 | IDRP (Inter-Domain Routing Protocol) |
46 | RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol) |
47 | GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) |
48 | MHRP (Mobile Host Routing Protocol) |
49 | BNA |
50 | ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) |
51 | AH (Authentication Header) |
52 | I-NLSP (Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA) |
53 | SWIPE (IP with Encryption) |
54 | NARP (NBMA Address Resolution Protocol) |
55 | MOBILE (IP Mobility) |
56 | TLSP (Transport Layer Security Protocol) |
57 | SKIP |
58 | IPv6-ICMP (ICMP for IPv6) |
59 | IPv6-NoNxt (Kein nächster Header für IPv6) |
60 | IPv6-Opts (Destination Options for IPv6) |
61 | Jedes Host-interne Protokoll |
62 | CFTP |
63 | Jedes lokale Netz |
64 | SAT-EXPAK (SATNET and Backroom EXPAK) |
66 | RVD (MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol) |
67 | IPPC (Internet Pluribus Packet Core) |
68 | Jedes verteilte Dateisystem |
69 | SAT-MON (SATNET Monitoring) |
70 | VISA |
71 | IPCV (Internet Packet Core Utility) |
72 | CPNX (Computer Protocol Network Executive) |
73 | CPHB (Computer Protocol Heart Beat) |
74 | WSN (Wang Span Network) |
75 | PVP (Packet Video Protocol) |
76 | BR-SAT-MON (Backroom SATNET Monitoring) |
77 | SUN-ND (SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary) |
78 | WB-MON (WIDEBAND Monitoring) |
80 | ISO-IP (ISO Internet Protocol) |
81 | VMTP |
83 | VINES |
84 | TTP |
86 | DGP (Dissimilar Gateway Protocol) |
87 | TCF |
88 | EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) |
89 | OSPF |
90 | Sprite-RPC (Sprite RPC Protocol) |
91 | LARP (Locus Address Resolution Protocol) |
92 | MTP (Multicast Transport Protocol) |
93 | AX.25 (AX.25 Frames) |
94 | IPIP (IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol) |
95 | MICP (Mobile Internetworking Control Pro.) |
96 | SCC-SP (Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro.) |
97 | ETHERIP (Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation) |
98 | ENCAP (Encapsulation Header) |
99 | Jeder private Verschlüsselungsentwurf |
100 | GMTP |
101 | IFMP (Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol) |
102 | PNNI (over IP) |
103 | PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast) |
104 | ARIS |
105 | SCPS |
106 | QNX |
107 | A/N (Active Networks) |
108 | IPComp (IP Payload Compression Protocol) |
109 | SNP (Sitara Networks Protocol) |
110 | Compaq-Peer (Compaq Peer Protocol) |
111 | IPX-in-IP (IPX in IP) |
112 | VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) |
113 | PGM (PGM Reliable Transport Protocol) |
114 | any 0-hop protocol |
115 | L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) |
116 | DDX (D-II Data Exchange (DDX)) |
117 | IATP (Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol) |
118 | STP (Schedule Transfer Protocol) |
119 | SRP (SpectraLink Radio Protocol) |
120 | UTI |
121 | SMP (Simple Message Protocol) |
122 | SM |
123 | PTP (Performance Transparency Protocol) |
124 | ISIS over IPv4 |
125 | FIRE |
126 | CRTP (Combat Radio Transport Protocol) |
127 | CRUDP (Combat Radio User Datagram) |
128 | SSCOPMCE |
129 | IPLT |
130 | SPS (Secure Packet Shield) |
131 | PIPE (Private IP Encapsulation within IP) |
132 | SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) |
133 | FC (Fibre Channel) |
135 | Mobility Header |
136 | UDPLite |
137 | MPLS-in-IP |
138 | manet (MANET Protocols) |
139 | HIP (Host Identity Protocol) |
140 | Shim6 (Shim6 Protocol) |
141 | WESP (Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload) |
142 | ROHC (Robust Header Compression) |
143–252 | Nicht belegt |
253–254 | Wird für Experimente und Tests verwendet |
255 | Reserviert |
Bearbeiten- Protocol Numbers. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
- RFC: – Assigned Numbers. Oktober 1994 (section Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers, englisch).
- RFC: – Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by an On-line Database. Januar 2002 (englisch).
- RFC: – Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification. Juli 2017 (englisch).
- RFC: – Internet Protocol – Darpa Internet Program Protocol Specification. September 1981 (englisch).