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Sorry for the English, my German is not so good. And sorry for not having a de account. A remark concerning the "Anteil exzellenter Artikel - Vergleich DEWIKI mit ENWIKI" graphic: graphics like this should have their vertical axis start at zero, to allow for a serious comparison. Right now it seems like the english percentage is getting close to zero. Well, actually it is :D, but the graphic is still not a good representation. Cheers, Piet – 15:50, 18. Sep 2006 (CEST)
- Dear Piet, I am the one currently updating this graph regularily and I would like to say thank you for your comment and proposal. I will see to it that the next update due in about a fortnight will take your considerations into account. Best regards --Marbot 22:28, 18. Sep 2006 (CEST)