Bearbeiten- Alidu Seidu (commons:Category:Alidu Seidu)
- Bahnhof Eystrup (commons:Category:Eystrup station)
- Bahnhof Leese-Stolzenau (commons:Category:Leese-Stolzenau train station)
- Bahnstrecke Sokolov–Klingenthal (commons:Category:Railway line Sokolov – Klingenthal)
- Bibliothek der Nation (commons:Category:Cumhurbaşkanlığı Millet Kütüphanesi)
- Bunte Kerke (commons:Category:Frescos in churches in Regierungsbezirk Köln)
- Corymbia henryi (commons:Category:Corymbia henryi)
- Dachschmuck (commons:Category:Roof decoration)
- Eothyrididae (commons:Category:Eothyrididae)
- Erster Krieg um Bergkarabach (commons:Category:Nagorno-Karabakh War (1989-1994))
- Eucalyptus largiflorens (commons:Category:Eucalyptus largiflorens)
- Evangelische Kirche Neckarsteinach (commons:Category:Evangelical church in Neckarsteinach)
- Evangelische Kirche Rambach (Weißenborn) (commons:Category:Evangelische Kirche (Rambach))
- Evangelische St. Thomaskirche (Frankfurt am Main) (commons:Category:St. Thomaskirche (Frankfurt am Main))
- FC Bayern München (Frauenfußball) (commons:Category:FC Bayern Munich (women))
- FC Chiasso (commons:Category:Football Club Chiasso)
- Felsen-Zwenke (commons:Category:Brachypodium rupestre)
- Fleischflosser (commons:Category:Sarcopterygii)
- Friedenskirche (Hanau) (commons:Category:Friedenskirche Hanau)
- Fußball-Europameisterschaft 1960/Endrunde (commons:Category:UEFA Euro 1960)
- Föderaler Militärischer Gedenkfriedhof (commons:Category:Federal Military Memorial Cemetery)
- Füsiliere (Fische) (commons:Category:Caesionidae)
- Gareth Edwards (Regisseur) (commons:Category:Gareth Edwards (director))
- Gewebelose (commons:Category:Parazoa)
- Gewebetiere (commons:Category:Eumetazoa)
- Haikouichthys (commons:Category:Haikouichthys)
- Hamidreza Ghorbani (commons:Category:Hamidreza Ghorbani Music)
- Handfische (commons:Category:Brachionichthyidae)
- Hechtartige (commons:Category:Esociformes)
- Hundsfische (commons:Category:Umbridae)
- Innokenti Dmitrijewitsch Meltschakow (commons:Category:Main Gate (VDNKh))
- Jan-Werner Müller (commons:Category:Jan-Werner Mueller)
- KSI (Webvideoproduzent) (commons:Category:KSI)
- Kieferlose (commons:Category:Agnatha)
- Kommunarka (Hinrichtungsstätte) (commons:Category:Poligon Kommunarka)
- Kreuzkirche (Suhl) (commons:Category:Kreuzkirche Suhl)
- LP 400 (commons:Category:Walther)
- La Bisbal de Falset (commons:Category:La Bisbal de Falset)
- La Bruyère (Belgien) (commons:Category:La Bruyère, Namur)
- Landstein (Adelsgeschlecht) (commons:Category:House of Páni z Landštejna)
- Lansdowne (Toronto Subway) (commons:Category:Lansdowne (TTC))
- Lanzettfischchen (commons:Category:Amphioxiformes)
- Laufertorkeller (commons:Category:Laufertorkeller (Nuremberg))
- Lawrence (Toronto Subway) (commons:Category:Lawrence (TTC))
- Lawrence West (Toronto Subway) (commons:Category:Lawrence West (TTC))
- Leonora Christina Ulfeldt (commons:Category:Leonora Christina)
- Lepidosirenoidei (commons:Category:Lepidosireniformes)
- Lepospondyli (commons:Category:Lepospondyli)
- Leptochilichthys (commons:Category:Leptochilichthyidae)
- Leptolepidae (commons:Category:Leptolepiformes)
- Leptolepides sprattiformis (commons:Category:Leptolepides sprattiformis)
- Leslie (Toronto Subway) (commons:Category:Leslie (TTC))
- Leza (Ebro) (commons:Category:Leza River)
- Lindenau (Heldburg) (commons:Category:Lindenau (Bad Colberg-Heldburg))
- Lippenmäulchen (commons:Category:Mazus reptans)
- Liste der Kulturdenkmale in Niedergrunstedt (commons:Category:Cultural heritage monuments in Niedergrunstedt (Thuringia))
- Liste der Landtagswahlkreise in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2010–2012 (commons:Category:Maps of 2010 state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia)
- Liste der Naturdenkmale in Müllheim im Markgräflerland (commons:Category:Natural monuments in Müllheim (Baden))
- Liste der Stolpersteine im Landkreis und in der Stadt Gotha (commons:Category:Stolpersteine im Landkreis und der Stadt Gotha)
- Liste der Stolpersteine in Heuchelheim (Hessen) (commons:Category:Stolpersteine in Heuchelheim (Hessen))
- Liste von Persönlichkeiten der Stadt Regina (Saskatchewan) (commons:Category:People of Regina)
- Mahale-Mountains-Nationalpark (commons:Category:Mahale)
- Makrelenartige (commons:Category:Scombroidei)
- Manitoulin District (commons:Category:Manitoulin)
- Marasuchus (commons:Category:Marasuchus)
- Maria Ponderus (commons:Category:Maria Ponderus)
- Maurice Valentin Borrel (commons:Category:Maurice Valentin Borrel)
- Medusenfischartige (commons:Category:Stromateoidei)
- Metzgeria violacea (commons:Category:Metzgeria fruticulosa)
- Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao (commons:Category:Bilbao Fine Arts Museum)
- Neovenatoridae (commons:Category:Neovenatoridae)
- Nera (Tiber) (commons:Category:Nera River)
- Neumünder (commons:Category:Deuterostomia)
- Odacini (commons:Category:Odacidae)
- Odontites hollianus (commons:Category:Odontites holliana)
- Oleksandra Merkuschyna (commons:Category:Oleksandra Merkushyna)
- Oreocereus pseudofossulatus (commons:Category:Oreocereus fossulatus)
- Paracanthopterygii (commons:Category:Paracanthopterygii)
- Partei für Verjüngungsforschung (commons:Category:Partei für schulmedizinische Verjüngungsforschung)
- Peitschenangler (commons:Category:Himantolophidae)
- Pelikanaalartige (commons:Category:Saccopharyngiformes)
- Pelycosaurier (commons:Category:Pelycosauria)
- Piotrowiec (Pieniężno) (commons:Category:Piotrowiec, Warmian-Masurian-Voivodeship)
- Plattfische (commons:Category:Pleuronectiformes)
- Pliosaurier (commons:Category:Pliosauroidea)
- Polestones (commons:Category:Polestones)
- Prieuré des Basses-Loges (commons:Category:Prieuré des Basses-Loges d'Avon)
- Protacanthopterygii (commons:Category:Protacanthopterygii)
- Protorothyrididae (commons:Category:Protorothyrididae)
- Psammosteidae (commons:Category:Psammosteidae)
- Pteraspidomorphi (commons:Category:Pteraspidomorphi)
- Pulaski County Motorsports Park (commons:Category:Motor Mile Speedway)
- Quastenflosser (commons:Category:Coelacanthiformes)
- Reptiliomorpha (commons:Category:Reptiliomorpha)
- SJ B (I) (commons:Category:SJ Class B (1856))
- SJ B (II) (commons:Category:SJ Class B (1909))
- SJ B5 (commons:Category:SJ Class B5)
- SJ Da (commons:Category:SJ Class Da (1952))
- SJ E (II) (commons:Category:SJ Class E)
- SJ E (II) (commons:Category:SJ Class E2)
- SJ E10 (commons:Category:SJ Class E10)
- SJ F (1942) (commons:Category:SJ Class F (electric))
- SJ F (II) (commons:Category:SJ Class F (1914))
- SJ L (II) (commons:Category:SJ Class L (1904))
- SJ M (commons:Category:SJ Class Mg)
- SJ P (commons:Category:SJ Class Pa)
- SJ S (II) (commons:Category:SJ Class Sb (1917–1942) and S2 (1942–1973))
- SJ S1 (commons:Category:SJ Class S1)
- SJ Sb (commons:Category:SJ Class Sb (1917–1942) and S2 (1942–1973))
- SJ T (III) (commons:Category:SJ Class T (1899–1905, 1942–1952) and Ta (1905–1942))
- SJ Tb (1905) (commons:Category:SJ Class Tb (1905–1942) and T2 (1942–1952))
- SJ V5 (commons:Category:SJ Class V5)
- SJ X40 (commons:Category:SJ AB Class X40)
- SJ YCo4p / YCo4t (commons:Category:SJ Class YBo4p)
- Santal (Volk) (commons:Category:Santhal people)
- Schlacht- und Viehhof Augsburg (commons:Category:Ehemaliger Schlacht- und Viehhof Augsburg)
- Schnauzenbrassen (commons:Category:Centracanthidae)
- Sesselbahn Boppard (commons:Category:Vierseenblicklift)
- Skybynzi (Bila Zerkwa) (commons:Category:Skybyntsi, Tetiiv Raion)
- Sonienwald (commons:Category:Foret de Soignes - Zonienwoud)
- St. Markus (Altenmittlau) (commons:Category:St. Markus (Freigericht))
- St. Mauritius (Frankfurt) (commons:Category:St. Mauritius (Frankfurt am Main))
- Stanislaw Sergejewitsch Galijew (commons:Category:Stanislav Galiev)
- Stummelschwanzaale (commons:Category:Cyematidae)
- Synagoge (Porasawa) (commons:Category:Synagogues in Porozovo (Grodno Region))
- Thiotrichales (commons:Category:Thiotrichales)
- Unsere Liebe Frau vom Berge Karmel (Quezon-Stadt) (commons:Category:National Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel)
- Urmünder (commons:Category:Protostomia)
- VR Snabbtåg Sverige (commons:Category:VR Class X74)
- VR X74 (commons:Category:VR Class X74)
- Vetulicolia (commons:Category:Vetulicolia)
- Västtrafik X80 (commons:Category:Västtrafik Class X80)
- Walkopfartige (commons:Category:Cetomimiformes)
- Wappen der Volksrepublik China (commons:Category:National Emblem of the People's Republic of China)
- Çankaya-Palast (commons:Category:Çankaya Köşkü)
Bearbeiten- Blauender Saftporling (commons:Postia caesia)
- Gepunkteter Pelzkäfer (commons:Attagenus punctatus)
- Leberblümchen (Gattung) (commons:Hepatica)
- Nürburg (Burg) (commons:Nuerburg)
- Olympische Sommerspiele 2004 (commons:Olympic Games 2004)
- Sachsen-Coburg (commons:Ernestine duchies)
- Schwarze Tollkirsche (commons:Atropa belladonna)
- Sperbergrasmücke (commons:Sylvia nisoria)
- Tamariskengrasmücke (commons:Sylvia mystacea)
- Vielblütiges Goldschlafmoos (commons:Campylium polygamum)