Kategorie:Kit Car
In diese Themenkategorie wird alles zum Thema Kit Car eingeordnet. In der Regel sind dies Pkw-Modelle, die teilweise oder ausschließlich als Bausatz erhältlich waren bzw. sind und daher Kit Car genannt werden; sowie deren Hersteller.
Einträge in der Kategorie „Kit Car“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 708 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- A. F.
- A. G. Thorpe Developments
- ACT Engineering
- Action Automotive
- AD (Automarke)
- Adam’s Buggies
- Adams Probe Motor
- Adams Roadsters
- ADJ (Automobilhersteller)
- Adrenaline Motorsport
- Advanced Automotive Design
- Aeon Sportscars
- AF (Automarke)
- Africa 40
- AGM Sports Cars
- Ainsworth Engineering
- AK Sportscars
- Alan Langridge Engineering
- Alan Wilkinson Engineering
- Alois Barmettler
- Albo Engineering
- Alfastyl
- Alfibre
- Allard Replicas
- Altair Engineering (Automobilhersteller)
- Alternative Vehicle Centre
- Alto (Automarke)
- AM Sportscars
- Amalfi Sportscars
- Americar Veículos Especiais
- Andersen Motor Company
- Aquarius Beach Buggies
- Aquila Sports Cars
- ARA Racing
- Argyle (Automobilhersteller)
- Aries Motor Sport
- Arkley Sportscars
- Arteesi Engineering
- Ashley Laminates
- Asquith Brothers
- Atlantis Motor Company
- Atlas (Kly)
- Aumann Kit-Cars
- Autech Classic Cars
- Auto Body Craft
- Auto Build-up Services
- Auto Hahn
- Auto Kraft Shells
- Auto Milan
- Auto Speciali
- Autobodies
- Autocom Engineering
- Autocult
- Automotive Systems Developments
- Autotrak (Cobretti)
- Autotune (Rishton)
- Auto-Zagaia
- AVA Cars
- Avante Cars
- Ayrespeed
- Ayrspeed-Manx
- B & S Sports Cars
- BAD Design
- Baja (britische Automarke)
- Bangert Enterprises
- Beach Buggies of Southport
- Beaman Cars
- Beamish Buggies
- Beauford Cars
- Beaujangle Sales
- Beaver (Automarke)
- Bell Performance
- Berkeley Developments
- Bermuda Buggy
- Bilmar Engineering
- Birkin Cars
- Blackjack Cars
- Blaze Motorsport
- Blee Motors
- Blitzworld Buggies
- BM Car Things
- Bohanna Stables
- Bolwell
- Bonito (Automarke)
- Bounty (Automarke)
- BRA (Automarke)
- Bradley Automotive
- Bradley Motor Company
- Bramwith Motor Company
- Brian Luff
- Brightwheel Replicas
- Britton Hazelgrove
- Broadbest
- Brockmore Classic Replicas
- Brookwell
- Broomstick Cars
- BS Nymph
- Buchanan Motor
- Buckland Cars
- Bugle (Automarke)
- Burlington Design Group
- Buroche Components
- Burton Car Company
- Butterfield Engineering
- BWE Sportscars
- C & D Automarine
- C. L. Hollier Services
- Caburn Engineering
- Calvy (Automarke)
- Camber Cars
- Cambridge Engineering
- Candy Apple Cars
- M. R. B. Cannon
- Car Craft Engineering
- Carisma Engineering
- Carlton Automotive
- Carson Automotive Engineering
- Caterham Cars
- Cavallo Cars
- Central Vehicles Conversions
- Centrepoint Racing
- CH Automotive
- Challenge Motorsport Engineers
- Cheetah Cars
- Chesil Motor Company
- Chinkara Motors
- Christopher Neil Sportscars
- City and County Training
- CK Automotive
- Clan Motor
- Classic Car Panels
- Classic Chassis Services
- Classic ERA
- Classic Performance Cars
- Classic Replicas
- Classic Replicas (UK)
- Classic Reproductions
- Classic Sports Cars
- Claydon Hamilton Automotive Design
- Coldwell Engineering and Racing
- Conan Cars
- Concept Car Company
- Concept Developments
- Concordette Developments
- Cool Car 500
- Coram Automotive
- Cornish Classic Cars
- Corry Cars
- Costin (Automarke)
- Costin Drake Technology
- Country Volks
- Covin (Automarke)
- Cox & Co.
- Crendon Replicas
- CTR Developments
- Custom Glassfibre
- Cyana Sports Cars
- Cygnet Cars
- Dakar 4x4 Design & Conversions
- Dakar 4x4
- Dante Engineering
- Darrian Cars
- Dash Sportscars
- Davrian
- Dax (Automarke)
- DC Supercars
- De Havilland Motor Company
- Deanfield Motorsport
- Deauville Cars
- Deco Rides
- Deetype Replicas
- Delkit Fiberglass
- Deltayn
- Deon Cars
- Detroit Comércio e Indústria
- Dezina Cars
- Dial Plastics
- DNA Automotive
- Dominator Sports Cars
- Domino Cars
- Doon Buggies
- Dorian Motor Company
- Dorset Motor Services
- Douglas Car Company
- Dragonfly Cars (Hampshire)
- Dragonfly Cars (Nottinghamshire)
- DRB Sports Cars
- DRK Kits
- Dunsmore Motor Traction
- Durow Cars
- Dutton Beneto
- Dutton Cars
- Dutton Sierra