Dies ist eine Auflistung der Bands, die das Buch Encyclopedia of Australian Heavy Metal von Brian Giffin enthält:
- +3 Broadsword
- 4Arm
- 731 (Band)
- 8 Ball Junkies
- 10% Slut
- A Greed Science
- Aasdgoihasdghexekul
- A.D. Massacre
- Abacination
- Abaddon (australische Band)
- Abaddon
- Abandon All Hope
- The Abandonment
- Abraxis
- Aberration Nexus
- Abhorrent (australische Band)
- Abominator
- Aborted Jesus Milkshake
- Abortus
- Abramelin (Band)
- Abrasion (Band)
- Abreact
- Abscond
- Absinthe Betrayed
- Absolution (australische Band)
- Abysm
- Abyssal (Band)
- Abyssic Hate
- Abyssmal Sorrow
- Abyzmal
- Acacia (Band)
- Acorea
- Accursed
- Acid Nymph
- Across the Scarlet Moat
- Ad Noctum
- Adamus Exul
- Addictive
- Adrift for Days
- Advent Sorrow
- Adverse Reaction
- Aeon of Horus
- Aeternitas
- Aeturnus Dominion
- Aftermath (australische Band)
- Afterwalker
- Agailiarept
- Against the Grain (Band)
- Against the Grain
- Agatus
- Agavè Maize
- Age of Menace
- Aggressa
- Aggrevated
- Agommorah
- Agonhymn
- Airbourne (Band)
- AK-11
- Akriel
- Akuma
- Alarum
- Alchemist (Band)
- The Alchemont
- Alice Through the Windshield Glass
- Alkira
- All This Filth
- Allegiance (australische Band)
- Allegiance (Melbourne)
- Allergo
- Almost Human (Band)
- Alpha Centauri (Band)
- Altars
- Altars of Sin
- Altera Enigma
- Amagon
- Amassing the Infinite
- Ambivalence
- Amelus
- The Amenta
- Amethyst (Band)
- Amicable Treason
- The Amity Affliction
- Amoderndeath
- Amora (Band)
- Amongst the Demons
- Anachrony
- Anacrisis
- Anarazel
- Anarchaos
- Anarchsphere
- Anarion (Band)
- Anatomy (australische Band)
- Ancient Dawn
- Angel Retard
- The Angels (australische Band)
- Angry Anderson
- Anime Fire
- Anient
- Animistic
- Animus (Band)
- Anjeliina
- Ankle Deep in Blood
- Annihilation (Band)
- Annihilism
- Anno Domini (Band)
- Annúlond
- Another Tomorrow
- Antichrist (australische Band)
- Antonamasia
- Anwariad
- Anxiety Whispers
- Any Last Words
- Apathetic
- Apex Null
- Aphasia
- Aphotic Dawn
- Apolyom
- Apostasy
- Apparitions of Null
- Aquilus
- Aragon (Band)
- Arbitrage (Band)
- Arbitrator (australische Band)
- Arbrynth
- Arcane (australische Band)
- Arcane Necrosis
- Archaea (Band)
- Archestry
- The Archivist
- Ariertum
- Aries (australische Band)
- Arkarion
- Arkheth
- Armageddon Holocaust
- Armoured Angel
- Arms of the Abyss
- Army Corpse
- Arse-Piss
- Art in Exile
- Art of Difference
- Artanor
- Arterial Hemorrhage
- As Angels Bleed
- As Venice Sinks
- Ascending Ashes
- Ascension (australische Band)
- A Secret Death (Im Buch wird die Band unter dem Namen Asecretdeath geführt)
- Ashes of December
- Ashlan
- Asmodai (Band)
- Asphyxia (australische Band)
- Assaulter
- Ast Voldur
- Astaroth (Band)
- Astral Winter
- Astriaal
- Asylum (australische Band)
- Asylum Butchery
- At First Light
- Atavism
- Athenas Wake
- Atomesquad
- Atomic Death Squad
- Atomizer
- Atra (Band)
- Atra Vetosus
- Atvena’s Wake
- Audet (Band)
- Audiablos
- Augur (Band)
- Austere
- Autolysis
- The Automata
- Automation (Band)
- The Autumn League
- Autumn’s Dawn
- Avantgard
- Avarin
- Avathalor
- Aveira Skies
- Aversions Crown
- Avrigus
- Awaken Solace
- Awoken by Death
- Axatak
- Axe Cane
- Ayera
- Azoth (Band)
- Azreal (Band)
- Baal Gadrial
- Baalberith
- Baby Animals
- Backyard Mortuary
- Bad Karma
- Balescream
- Baltak
- Bane of Bedlam
- Bane of Isildur [Im Buch wird die Band unter Bane of Isildur geführt)
- Bane of Winterstorm
- Baratheon
- Barbariön
- Baraka
- Bastardizer
- Battalion (australische Band)
- BB Steal
- Be'lakor
- Beanflipper
- The Beast (Band)
- Beer Corpse
- Befallen (Geelong)
- Befallen (Perth)
- Before Nightfall
- Behrhem
- Beijing Tank
- Bel-Dahlku
- Belial (Band)
- Belligerent Intent
- Beneath the Rising Tide
- Beneath the Tides
- Bengal Tigers
- Bereavement
- Beretta Justice
- Bermuda (australische Band)
- Ivan Bertolla
- Berserkerfox
- The Berzerker
- Bestial Warlust
- Betrayer
- Beware of the Dog
- The Beyond (Band)
- Beyond Mortal Dreams
- Beyond Terror Beyond Grace
- Beyond the Oblivion
- Bezerker
- Bia (Band)
- Bigger Than Jesus
- Black Alice
- Black Anal Goat Vomit
- The Black Arts Movement
- Black Asylum
- Black Bile (australische Band)
- The Black Death
- Black Horizon (Band)
- Black Jack (australische Band)
- Black Like Vengeance
- Black Jesus
- Black Majesty
- Black Mayday
- Black Orchard
- Black Orchid
- Black Putrescence
- Black Reign
- Black Serpent
- Black Silence
- Black Speech
- Black Steel
- The Black Swamp
- Black Temple
- Black Trillium
- Black Widow (australische Band)
- Blackened Angel
- The Blackened Beneath
- Blackline
- Blackseed
- Blatherskite
- Blathudah
- Bleak Forest
- Bleak Solitude
- Bleakwood
- Bleeding Sadist
- Blistered
- Blistered Palms
- Blitzkrieg
- Blizzard
- Blood Duster
- Blood Line (Band)
- Blood Luxury
- Blood Mason
- Blood Ritual
- Blood Union
- Bloodborne (Band)
- Bloodklot
- Bloodredskies
- Bloodshed of the Innocent
- Bloodstone
- The Bloody Vice
- Blowtorch Abortion
- Bludgeoned
- Bludgeoner
- Blunt Force Trauma (Band)
- Blunt Trauma
- Bolverk
- Bonesaw
- Boonhorse
- Boris the Blade
- Born for Burning
- Born from the Ashes
- Born Headless
- Born of Chaos
- Boss (Band)
- Bowel Fetus
- Bowelmouth
- The Boys (australische Band)
- A Breach of Silence
- Breaking Orbit
- Breed 13
- Brethren (Band)
- Broken Spirit
- Brain Dead (australische Band)
- The Brighter Side of Suffering
- Bronson (Band)
- Chris Brooks (Gitarrist)
- Broozer
- Brutal (Band)
- Brutonomy
- Bucket of Trouble
- Buffalo (Band)
- Bulldozer (australische Band)
- Burial Chamber
- Burial Grounds
- Buried in Verona
- Burn Athena
- The Burning (Band)
- Burning Church Forest
- Burning in White
- Burnt Ashes
- Bury the Existence
- Burrfoot
- Bury the Truth
- The Butterfly Effect
- By Dawn Cursed
- Cadaverine
- Caetera
- Cage of Serenity
- Caillech
- Cain’s Plague
- Calabria’s Fall
- Caligula’s Horse
- Call of the Wild
- Candy Harlots
- Candy Pain
- Cane (Band)
- Cannibal Gluttony
- Cannibalingus
- Canniblast
- Captain Cleanoff
- Captain Trips
- Carbon (Band)
- Carbon Black (Band)
- Carcharoth (Band)
- Cardinal Sin
- Carnage (australische Band)
- Carnalhouse
- Carnivorous Erection
- Carpe Tenebrum
- Carved Cross
- Casket Slumber
- Catacomb (Band)
- Catacombs (australische Band)
- Catacombs of Sodomy
- Catwitch
- Cauldron Black Ram
- Cease
- Celador
- Celebrity Morgue
- Celestial
- Cement Pig
- Cemetery Urn
- Centaur (australische Band)
- Centurion (Band)
- Cerebral Contortion
- Ceremony (Band)
- Chainsaw Abortion
- Chainsaw Charlie and the Chocolate Cha Cha Factory
- Chainsaw Hookers
- Chalice (Band)
- Chambers of Insanity
- Chaos Divine
- Chaos Theory
- Chaotic Impurity
- Chapel (Band)
- Charley Browne
- Chemical Cascades
- Cheynestoke
- The Chicken Okkült
- Child of Stone
- China White
- Choke (Band)
- Christ Art Museum
- Christ Kiddo
- Christbait
- Chronolyth
- Chud
- Circadan
- Circadian Pulse
- Circle the Sky
- Circles (Band)
- Circus Zombies
- City in Panic
- Clagg
- Claim the Throne
- Claret Ash
- Clauz
- Clonth
- Closed Casket
- Cloth Tape
- Code of Lies
- Coffin Birth
- Coffin Lust
- Cog (Band)
- Cohort
- Cold Fate
- Cold Hand of Fate
- Colossvs
- The Confederacy
- Confession (Band)
- Conscious Control
- Consider Me Heartless
- Consummation
- Contaminated
- Contrive
- Convent Guilt
- Copulated Vomit
- Corporeal
- Corpsebitch (Im Buch wird die Band unter Corpse Bitch geführt)
- Corpse Carving
- Corpse Molestation
- Corpseflesh
- Corpsickle
- Corvus (Band)
- Counterfeit God
- Countess by My Side
- Covenant (australische Band)
- Crane No. 6
- Cranial Devourment
- Craterface
- Create Destroy (Eigentliche Schreibweise Create|Destroy nicht möglich)
- Crefetus
- Cremated
- Cremator
- Crepitus
- The Crevices Below
- Crimsonfire
- The Crisis Therapy
- Critial Mass (Band)
- Cromlech (Black-Metal-Band)
- Cromlech (Death-Metal-Band)
- Cromok
- Crone (Band)
- Cross the Lips of Grace
- Crowned
- Crowning Swarm
- The Crucible (Band)
- Crucible Agony
- Crucifire
- Cruciform
- Cry Mercy
- Cry Murder (Im Buch wird die Band als Crymurder bezeichnet)
- Cryogenic
- Crypt
- Cryptal Darkness
- Cryptic Abyss
- Cryptic Scorn
- Cunt Butcher
- Cuntscrape
- Cursed Earth
- Cursed Legacy
- Cyaneye
- Cybergrind
- Cyclone Tracy
- Cyclonus
- Cyclosa
- Cyndustry
- D-Nine
- D.A.V.
- Dad They Broke Me
- Daemon Foetal Harvest
- Daemon Pyre
- Damage Factor
- Damaged
- Damarill
- Damnations Day
- Damnatory
- Damnzal
- Daredevil (Band)
- Dark Dominion
- Dark Earth
- Dark Order
- A Dark Place
- Darkc3ll
- Darkened Winter
- Darkenium
- Darker Half
- Darkest Dawn
- Darkim
- Darklord
- Darkrealm
- Datura Curse
- Dawn Heist
- Dawn of Destruction
- Dawn of Retribution
- Dawntred
- The Day Everything Became Nothing
- Day of Atonement
- Day of Wrath
- Daybreak (Band)
- Daysend
- De Mont
- The Dead (australische Band)
- The Deadly
- Dead City Ruins
- Dead Fetus Factory
- Dead Hills
- Dead Kelly
- Dead Intent
- Dead Letter Opener
- Dead Life
- Dead River Runs Dry
- A Dead Silence
- Dead Tomorrow
- Deadpool (Band)
- Deadspawn
- The Deadthings
- Deafening Silence
- Dearly Beheaded (australische Band)
- Death Audio
- Death Camp
- Death Dependant
- Death Trap (Band)
- Death Wish (Band)
- Death-Cult Jock
- DeathFuckingCunt
- Deathless
- Deathrider
- Deathripper
- Death’s Boundaries (Im Buch wird die Band als Deaths Boundaries bezeichnet)
- Deaths Head
- Decayed Divinity
- Decaying Form
- Deceptive Creation
- The Decimation Protocol
- Decimatus
- Decomposing Serenity
- Decrepit Soul
- Decrepit Sun
- Decyphen
- Defamer
- Defiled
- Defryme
- Degeneracy
- Degrade
- Dehuman
- Deliverance We Prey (Im Buch wird die Band als Deliverence We Prey bezeichnet)
- Deluge (Adelaide)
- Deluge (Bunbury)
- Dement Ensemble
- Demigod (australische Band)
- Demogorgon
- Demolition (australische Band)
- Demonical Orgy
- Demonikus
- Demonium
- Demonother
- Demonplague
- Demonreich
- Demons Gate
- Demonspawn
- Denialist
- Denouncement Pyre
- Dephiler
- Depravation (Band)
- Depression (Band)
- Depressor
- Deprivation (Band)
- Deracination
- Deranged Chamber
- Dern Rutlidge
- Descend (australische Band)
- Desecrator (australische Band)
- Desgranges (Band)
- Desolate Eternity
- Desolator
- Desolution
- Destrier (Band)
- Deströyer 666
- Destruktor (Band)
- Dethalem
- Detravine
- Detriment
- Devil Ancestry
- The Devil Rides Out
- Devine Electric
- Devolved
- Devonera
- Devour the Martyr
- Dezakrate
- Diabolical Demon Director
- Diamond Eye
- Diamorah
- Diatribe (Band)
- Die Pigeon Die
- Dieode
- Dimentia (Band)
- Dining in Tuscany
- Dionysus (australische Band)
- Diprosus
- Dire Fate
- Dirtbone
- The Dirty Whittler
- Disarticulation
- Discarnated
- Disciple australische Band)
- Disciples of Torture
- Discordia (Band)
- Disembowelment
- Disentomb
- Disintegrator
- Dismal Kingdom
- Disparity
- Dispel
- Disseminate
- Dissension
- Dissymmetry
- Distorted Minds
- Dividebyzero
- Divine Ascension
- Divine Execution
- Divine Fury
- Död
- Doomed and Disgusting
- Doomfoxx
- Double Dragon (Band)
- Doubled Over
- Down Royale
- Downer (australische Band)
- Downriver
- The Downside
- Dr. Colossus
- Dracula (Band)
- Dragonsclaw
- Drakul
- Draxsen
- Dread (australische Band)
- Dreadnaught
- Dream Sovereign
- Dream Upon Tombs
- Dreamkillers
- Dred
- Dressed in Flesh
- Drillsaw
- Drohtnung
- Drop Forged
- Drowning Horse
- Drowning the Light
- Dumbsaint
- Dune (australische Band)
- Dungeon (Band)
- Dybbuk (Band)
- Dying Embers
- Dyscord
- Dyssidia
- Dystopic
- Earth (australische Band)
- Earth Rot
- Ebolie
- Echo Inside
- Edge of Damnation
- Eezee
- Effigy
- Egrogsid
- El Dest Gusto
- Electric Mary
- Electrik Dynamite
- Eldritch Rites
- Elegeion (Band) (Im Buch unter dem Namen Elegion vertreten)
- Eleria
- Elk Veri
- Elm Street (Band)
- Elrazor
- Elysian (Band)
- Elysian Blaze
- Elysium (Band)
- Elysium
- Embalmed
- Ember (Band)
- The Ember Tide
- Embodied
- Embodiment (Band)
- Embodiment 12:14
- Embrace Eternity
- Embryonic Soul
- Emortuus
- Empire (Sydney)
- Empire (Perth)
- Empire of Hate
- Empires Fall
- Empires Laid Waste
- Empires of Eden
- Empirical
- Empress in Thorns
- Emprica
- Empty the Throne
- Empyrean
- Encabulos
- Encircling Sea
- End of Aeon
- Ending Atrophy
- Ends in Torment
- Enforce
- Engage the Fall
- Engraved
- Enlightened by Darkness
- Ennui Breathes Malice
- Entasis (Band)
- Entity (Band)
- Enter Twilight
- Enter VI
- Enticer
- Entrails Eradicated
- Entsetzlich
- Envenomed
- Enviktas
- Epidemic (australische Band)
- Epileptic Fistfuck
- Epitaph (australische Band)
- Erebus (Band)
- Erebus Enthroned
- Eritherium (Band)
- Escape (Band)
- Eskhaton
- Estrangement
- Etelantulet
- The Eternal
- Eternal Dark
- Eternal Hades
- Eternal Hate
- Eternal Rest (australische Band)
- Eternum
- Ethereal Scourge
- Eulogy (Band)
- Evasive
- Evig Mørke
- Evileye
- Evil Dead (Band)
- Evil Intent
- Eviscerator
- Evocatus (Band)
- Evolvar
- Ex Curia
- Excarnated
- Exceed
- Excruciate
- Exdemission
- Execration (australische Band)
- Executor
- Exekute
- Exercitus
- Exhibit A
- Exile (australische Band)
- Exist Within
- Exit for Freedom
- Exit Wounds (Band)
- Exploder
- Extant (Band)
- Eye (Band)
- Eye of the Enemy
- Eyefear
- Facefuck
- Facegrinder
- Failing Existence
- Fair Warning (australische Band)
- The Fall of Man
- Fallen Pariah
- Fallen Sins
- Far West Battlefront
- Farseer
- Fat Guy Wears Mystic Wolf Shirt
- Fatal Array
- Fathom Amity
- Fattura Della Morte
- F.E.M.A.
- Fear the Setting Sun
- Fearscape
- Feed Her to the Sharks
- Fenrir (Band)
- Fen Hollen
- Festation
- Fester Fanatics
- Festering Drippage
- Festering Utopia
- Fetus Fertilizer
- The Fevered
- Filth (Band)
- Filthy Maggoty Cunt
- Finalform
- Firejack
- First Legion
- Five Finger Disintegrator
- Five Star Prison Cell
- Flames of Ignorance
- Flaming Wrekage
- Flatstick
- Flesh Decay
- Flesh of the Earth
- Flesh Mechanic
- Floating Me (Im Buch wird die Band Floatingme geschrieben)
- Fool the World
- Forbidden Citadel of Spirits
- For All Eternity
- For the Vultures
- Forest Mysticism
- Forest Nocturne
- Forests Under Construction
- Forever and a Day
- Forgery
- Forgotten Cairns
- Forlorn Suffering
- Forn Valdyrheim
- Fornicatador
- Fortress (Band)
- Fouldearth
- Foundry Road
- Four Stroke (Band)
- Fracture (Death-Metal-Band)
- Fracture (Band)
- Fragmenta (Band)
- Frankenbok
- Fret Zero
- Friar Rush
- From Isolation
- Frozen Doberman
- Frozen Tears
- Fuck…I’m Dead
- The Fuck Machine
- Full Scale
- Function Cease
- Funeral Death
- Funeral Howl
- Funeral Moon
- Funeral Mourning
- Funeral Twilight
- Funerary Pit
- Fun with Explosives
- The Furor
- Fury
- Futility
- Galadh
- Gallows for Grace
- Gallows of Golgotha (Im Buch wird die Band als Gallows on Golgotha bezeichnet)
- Gape
- Gaped
- Gashammer
- Gates of Perdition
- Gay Paris
- Genaricon
- Genocidal
- Genocidal Sacrilege
- Genocide (Band)
- Germ (Band)
- Ghastly
- Ghosts of Black River
- Glades (Band)
- Goat (Band)
- Goathanger
- Goatrapist
- Godcock
- Godrott
- Gods of Eden
- Godspeed (australische Band)
- Gol (Band)
- Goonbag Colostomy
- Gorefield
- Gorgon (Band)
- Gorlapse
- Gospel of the Horns
- Gout (Band)
- The Grand Meeting
- Granny Grinda
- Grannyfist
- Grave Entity
- Grave Forsaken
- Grave Upheaval
- Grave Worship
- Greed & Rapacity
- Grenade (Band)
- Grey Matter
- Grey Waters
- Greydawn
- Grim Demise
- Grimlock
- Grimoire (Band)
- Grotesque (australische Band)
- Grout (Band)
- Grungeon
- Guild of Destruction
- Guildofiends
- Gutter Tactic
- H8Tank
- Haar (Band)
- Hacksaw Surgery
- HackxWhore
- Hadal Maw
- Rev. Kriss Hades
- Hail Satan
- Hailstones Kill 200
- Hairy Buffalo
- Halcyon Prophecy
- Halo (Band)
- Hammerhead (australische Band)
- Hammer Persuasion
- The Hanging Tree (Band)
- Hard-Ons (Im Buch wird die Band als Hard Ons bezeichnet)
- Hardware (australische Band)
- Harlequin (Band)
- The Harlots
- Harlott
- The Harrowed
- Harvest (Band)
- Harvs
- Hatchet Dawn
- The Hate Axis
- Hate Factory
- Hated by Humanity
- Hatred
- Hatred Slave
- Hawkmoth
- Hazmat (Band)
- Head Hammer
- Head in a Jar
- Head Inc.
- Headbore
- Headless (Band)
- Headlifter
- Headmess
- Headstone
- Heaven (Band)
- Heaven the Axe
- Hecatomb (Band)
- Heimdalls Horn
- Heisenberg
- Hell City Glamours
- Hell Itself
- Hell Mary
- Hellbringer
- Hellmaggot
- Hellspawn
- Helter Skelter
- Hematic
- Hemina (Band)
- Henry's Anger
- Here the Dead
- Heresy (australische Band)
- Herratik
- Hexreign
- Hidden Intent
- High Plains Drifter
- HighFiveForHitman
- Hiroshima Will Burn
- HMAS Vendetta (Band)
- Hobbs’ Angel of Death
- Hollow
- Hollow Point (Band)
- Hollow World
- Holy Rite
- Hope Drone
- Horde (Band)
- Hordes of the Black Cross
- Horizons Edge
- The Horn (Band)
- The Horror
- Horsehead
- Horsehunter
- Hospital the Musical
- Hotel Wrecking City Traders
- Hours in Exile
- House of Thumbs
- Hrimthurs
- Human Error
- Human Extinction Project
- Humonic
- Hunt the Haunted
- Hunters Moon
- Hussla
- Hybrid Illusion
- Hybrid Nightmares
- Hydromedusa
- Hypercenter
- Hypergiant
- Hyperion (Band)
- I Exist
- I Killed the Prom Queen
- I Shall Devour
- I, the Burden
- Icarus Complex
- Iciclan
- Icon of Deceit
- Iconic Vivisect
- Iconoklast
- Idle Theory
- Ignis Gehenna
- Ignite (australische Band)
- Ignite the Ibex
- Ignivomous
- Ihuza
- Iliss
- Ilium (Band)
- Ill Omen (Black-Metal-Band)
- Ill Omen (Death-Metal-Band)
- Ill Vision
- Illuuminus
- Imminent Psychosis
- Immolate
- Immortal Threat
- Impact Winter
- Impetuous Ritual
- The Implicate Order
- Impious Baptism
- In Death…
- In Hearts Wake
- In Malice’s Wake
- In Name and Blood
- In Sufferance
- In the Burial
- Inane Eminence
- Inanimacy
- Incarcerate
- Incarnadine
- Incarnate
- Incrypt
- Incubus
- Indica (australische Band)
- Indignation (Band)
- Indisperse
- inExordium
- In:Extremis
- Infected (australische Band)
- Infektion (Band)
- Inferis
- Infernal Method
- Infernal Outcry
- Infernal Reign
- Infernale
- Infernus
- Infested Entrails
- Infinite Black
- Infinite Defilement
- Infinite Thought Process
- Infinitum
- Inhailed
- Inhaling the Stench of Mustard Gas
- Inhumaine
- Inhuman Remnants
- Iniquitous
- Ink (Band)
- Innsmouth
- Insane Hombres
- Insanity Reality
- Insidious Torture
- Inslain
- InSomnius Dei
- Insurgent (Band)
- Intellect Devourer
- Intended Victim
- Intense Hammer Rage
- Inter Alia
- Internal Augmentation
- Internal Devour
- Internal Harvest
- Internal Nightmare
- Internal Rot
- Internecine Excoriation
- Intestine
- Intorment Black
- Intravenous
- Intrepid (Goulburn Valley)
- Intrepid (Sydney)
- Intrusion (Band)
- Inverted Prophet
- Invocation
- Inward Escape
- Inwoods
- Ion Drive
- Iron Lightning
- Iron Worzel
- Ironhawk
- Ironwood (Band)
- Irukandji (Band)
- Isaacaron
- Isaw
- Islands (australische Band)
- It Was Earth All Along
- Iziah
- Jennifer Will Drown
- Jerk (Band)
- Jesus Anal Penetration
- Jigsaw Torture
- Johnny Roadkill
- Johnny Touch
- Join the Amish
- The Jonestown Syndicate
- Judge Mercy
- Juggermath
- Jupiter Zeus
- Kaamora
- The Kabal
- Kadian Injection
- Kaiser and the Machines of Creation
- Kania (Band)
- Karbonized Traitor
- Karcist of Manes
- Karnage
- Karnivool
- Katabasis (Band)
- Kathaaria
- Kathexus
- Kazaviel
- Kcavemen
- Kevorkian (Band)
- Khariot
- Kilamaine
- Kickstart (Band)
- The Kill
- Kill for Satan
- Kill the Kristians
- Killengod
- Killing Time (Band)
- Killrazer
- Kilswitch
- K.I.N.
- The Kindred
- King Oath
- King Parrot
- Kingdom of Decay
- King’s Cross Band)
- Kings of the Sun (Band)
- Kinstrife & Blood
- Kivutar’s Burden
- Knightmare (Band)
- Knightqueste
- Kohllapse
- Konskriptor
- Krematorium Defiled
- Krioni
- Kroll (Band)
- Kronoceptor
- Kulturkampf (Band)
- Kunvuk
- Kurgan (Band)
- Kushantaiidan
- Kutabare (Band)
- Kwijibo
- Kyzer Soze
- The L-Train
- L.U.S.T.
- Labyrinth
- Lacerated Soul
- Laceration Mantra
- Lacerta (Band)
- Lacrymae
- Lagerstein (Band)
- Lammas (Band)
- Lamort
- Lampades
- Larin (Band)
- Law of the Tounge
- Lazarus (Band)
- Left Ablaze
- Left to Die
- Legion (australische Band)
- Leicohtica
- The Levitation Hex
- Levitator
- Life Dethroned
- Lifeblood (Band)
- Lightforce (Im Buch wird die band als Light Force bezeichnet)
- Lightless
- Lillyé
- Limb from Limb
- Linedriver
- Lint (Band)
- Liquid (Band)
- Liquid Optimism
- Lizzard Wizzard
- Lo!
- Lobotomy (australische Band)
- Locotus
- Locura
- Loe (Band)
- Log (Band)
- Lomera
- Long Voyage Back
- Looking Glass (australische Band)
- Lord (Band)
- Lord Kaos
- Lord of the Command
- Loss of Self
- The Loving Tongue
- Lower Back Problems
- Lucifer’s Fall
- Lucifer’s Legion
- Lump (Band)
- Lustration (Band)
- Luthor (Band)
- Lycanthia
- Lymphatic Secretion
- Lynchmada
- Angus McDeth
- McDougall Brothers
- Madswitch
- Magget Death
- Maggog
- Magnercite
- Majister
- Make Them Suffer
- Malaclypse
- Maladiction
- Malakyte
- Malefic Sorcery
- Maleficar
- Malice (australische Band)
- Malichor
- The Maledict
- Malignant Monster
- Malignus
- Mammoth Mammoth
- Mandrake Garden
- Maniacal (Darwin)
- Maniacal (Port Pirie)
- Maniaxe
- Manic Demise
- Manic Oddity
- Manic Opera
- Manifescium
- Manifesto (Band)
- Mannfall (Band)
- Manticore (Band)
- Manticorum
- Mantissa
- Mardraum
- The Mark of Cain
- Marshall Law
- Martire
- Martyrs Shrine
- Mason (Band)
- Massappeal
- Mass Burial
- Mass Confusion
- Massive Appendage
- Mastiff (Band)
- The Matador (Band)
- Matricide
- Matronarch
- Mausoleum (Band)
- Maximum Perversum (Band)
- Maximum Sexy Pigeon
- Meat Wallet
- Mechanical Organic
- Medusa (australische Band)
- Medusa’s Gaze
- Mekigah
- Melody Black
- Memoria (Band)
- Mephistopheles (australische Band)
- Mercies End
- Mercify
- Meridian (Sydney)
- Meridian (Perth)
- Merkury
- Metal (Band)
- Metallurgy
- Metalstorm
- Metanoia (Band)
- Meticulous Despoilment
- Metreya
- Mhorgl
- Miazma
- Midget Fetish
- Midland (Band)
- Midnight Odyssey
- Mightyfew
- Militant Mass
- A Million Dead Birds Laughing
- Milkmaids
- Mind’s Eye
- Mindsnare
- Minus Life
- Mirk
- Mirrors of the Dead
- Misanthropia
- Mischief
- Miscreation
- Misery (australische Band)
- Misery’s Omen
- Mission from doG
- Mitosis
- Modern Murder
- Modus Vivendi
- Molten Steel
- Mongrel’s Cross
- Monoliyth
- Monomakh
- Moon (australische Band)
- Morbid Curse
- Morbid Frost
- Mordacum
- Mordavia
- Moredhel
- Morphica
- Mors Vincit Omnia
- Mortal Sin
- Mortalita
- Mortality (australische Band)
- Mortification
- Moth (Band)
- Motherslug
- Mother Eel
- Mournful Congregation
- Mozart on Crack
- M.S.I.
- Mularc Aarde
- The Mung
- MurderWorld
- Murder Hill
- Murder of Crows
- The Murphy Boys
- Musaka (Band)
- Muscle Car (Band)
- Muspelheim (Band)
- Myraeth
- Myrddraal
- Myridian
- Mystery (australische Band)
- Mystic Insight
- Mythyca
- Mytile Vey Lorth
- Naberus
- Nachthimmel (Band)
- Naetu
- Naiad (Band)
- Nale
- Nailed
- Nails of Imposition
- Narcosis
- Narog
- Nazxul
- Ne Obliviscaris
- Ne Plus Ultra (Band)
- ’Neath
- Nebula (australische Band)
- Necrominon
- Necrosculpture
- Necrotomy
- Necroverture
- Nefaria
- Neglected Faith
- Nekrasov (Band)
- Nekrofeist
- Nekrology
- Nekros Manteia
- Nemesiah
- Nemiah
- Neophobia
- Neotec
- The Neptune Power Federation
- Nerthus (Band)
- Nescient
- Netherealm
- Netherkin
- Netherhyde
- Netherworld
- Nethra
- Neue Regel
- Neuropath
- Neurothymia
- Neurotic Dysphoria
- Neverborn
- Nevetherym
- New Blood (Band)
- New Paradigm
- New Religion
- New Thunder
- Nexus (australische Band)
- Niflheim (Band)
- A Night in Texas
- Night Hag
- Nights Plague (Im Buch wird die Band als Night’s Plague bezeichnet)
- The Nihilist
- The Nihilistic Front
- The Ninth Path
- Nitocris
- No Class
- No Home for Heroes
- No Remorse
- Nobody’s Fool (Band)
- Nocterminus
- Noctis (Band)
- Nocturnal (australische Band)
- Nocturnal Ashes
- Nocturnal Graves
- Nocturnal Silence
- Nocturnes Mist
- Noir Macabre
- Nomenclature Diablerie
- Nontinuum
- Non-Intentional Lifeform (Im Buch wird die Band als Non Intentional Lifeform bezeichnet)
- Norse (Band)
- Northlane
- Nosce Teipsum
- Nostalgic Reflections
- Nothin’ Suss
- Not Another Sequel, Just Another Prequel
- Nothing
- Nothing Sacred (Band)
- Noûs (Band)
- Nowhere (Band)
- Nowyourefucked
- Nox Inferi
- Nuclear Winter
- O (Band)
- Oath (Band)
- Oath of Damnation
- Obdurate Seduction
- Obfuscate Mass
- Objective Zero
- Obscenium
- Obsidian Aspect
- Obsidian Fores
- Obsidieth
- Ocean of Despair
- Ocean of Zero
- Octanic
- The Ocularis Infernum
- Of Grief Everlasting
- …of the Human Condition
- Ofallectomy
- Ofsoski
- The O.G. Granny
- Oizys (Band)
- Okera
- old Tree
- Olde School
- Omajinaakoos
- Omen (australische Band)
- The Omen (Band)
- Omnioid
- Omnium (Band)
- Omnium Gatherum
- One Dead Dream
- One Step Beyond (Band)
- Oni (Band)
- Open Festering Wounds
- The Ophidian Ascension
- Oracle of the Void
- Orchid Ablaze
- Orcustrait
- Order of Chaos
- Order of Orias
- Order of the Buzzard
- Order of Torment
- Ordnance
- Orgy of Pigs
- Orpheus Omega
- Orrery
- Otherworld
- Our Last Enemy
- Ouroboros (Band)
- Outrage (australische Band)
- Overproof Groove
- Overthröne
- Pagan (Band)
- Pain Is a Narcotic
- Paindivision
- Palaces
- Paradigm
- Paradise in Exile
- Paradox (australische Band)
- Paralysis (australische Band)
- Paramaecium
- Parkside Killers
- Parkway Drive
- Paroxysm
- Paroxysmal Descent
- Party Vibez
- Passive Resistance
- Path of Pariah
- Pathogen (Band)
- Pearls and Swine
- Pegazus
- People Die
- Perdition Oracle
- Pergamum
- Permanent Damage
- Perpetual Dawn
- Perpetual End
- Perplexus
- Persecution (Sydney)
- Persecution (Frankston)
- Perseverence
- Perverted Blasphemy
- Pervertum Obscurum
- Pestilent Winter
- Pestilential Shadows
- Petrol Bomb
- Phalanx (australische Band)
- Picture the End
- Pigsteerer
- Plague
- Platinum Brunette
- Pleasure Ground
- Pneumatic Slaughter
- Pod People
- Pokket Foxx (Im Buch wird die Band als Pokkett Foxx bezeichnet)
- Poltus
- The Poor
- Porphyria
- Portal (australische Band)
- Portayal
- Post-Life Disorder (Im Buch wird die Band als Post Life Disorder bezeichnet)
- Potential Citizens
- Praetorian
- Precursor (Band)
- Preference (Band)
- Pregnancy
- Prescient
- Pretty Suicide
- Primordial Space
- Prisoners of Faith
- Profane
- Profaner
- Proliferous
- Project X (Band)
- Prophecy of Kaos
- Prophet (Band)
- Prophets of War
- Providence (australische Band)
- Prowler
- Prozac (Band)
- Psi.Kore
- Psychokinetic
- Psychonaut (australische Band)
- Psychrist
- Psycoma
- Psycroptic
- Psynonemous
- Pulgar (Band)
- Punisher (Band)
- Purenvy
- Purged
- Putrefaction
- Putrefy the Living
- Pyromesh
- Quaero Verum
- Quasar (Band)
- Quilter’s Bane
- Rageflower
- Raid
- Rainshadow
- Rake Sodomy
- Rampage (australische Band)
- Rampage (Wollongong)
- Rampant
- Rancor
- Random Violence
- Randomorder
- Rapier (Band)
- Rapture (australische Band)
- Rather Be Dead
- Rattenkönig
- Rattlesnake
- Raven Black Night
- Ravens'Head
- Rawkus (Band)
- Razor of Occam
- Realm (australische Band)
- Realms and Evolution
- Recoil v.o.r
- Red Bee
- A Red Dawn
- Red Descending
- The Red Shore
- Red Shore Redemption
- Red Valley
- Redeemer (Band)
- Redemption Denied
- Redsands
- Regression
- Reich of the Black Sun
- Reify
- Reign of Terror (Band)
- Remnants of the Rising
- Renegade (australische Band)
- Renegade
- Requiem (Victoria)
- Requiem (Frankston)
- Requiem (australische Band)
- Requiem of the Damned
- Resistica
- Resist the Thought
- [Resonator (Band)]]
- Rift (Band)
- Rigamortis
- Riot Squad
- Rise of Avernus
- Rishathra
- Ritual Flesh
- Rituals of the Oak
- Roadkill
- Roadside Burial
- Robert Polsen
- Rock N Roll Weapon
- Roflstomp
- Rok (Band)
- Rome (australische Band)
- Rookwood
- Rosanna’s Raiders
- Rose Tattoo
- Rote Mare
- Rote Roué
- Rothgar
- Rotten Agony
- Rotten Chop
- Roxus
- Rubbish Mob
- Ruins (australische Band)
- Ruptured Harmony
- S.A.S. (Band)
- S.F.D.
- S.I.C.
- Sabretung
- The Sacred Truth
- Sacrifire
- Sacriphyx
- Sacritual
- Sadistik Exekution
- Sadoplague
- Sagacity
- Saint Lucifer
- Sakkuth
- Salmon Hater
- Salvation (Band)
- Samain (Band) (Im Buch wird die Band als Sámain bezeichnet)
- Samsara (Band)
- Sanctium
- Sanctuary (australische Band)
- Sanctum (australische Band)
- Sanguinary Misanthropia
- Sanguineous
- Sanhedrin
- Sanity’s Cage
- Saracen (Band)
- Saprotroph (Band)
- Saralisse
- Sarcasticon
- Sarfaust
- Sarsekim
- Sárspell
- Satanic Saucepans
- Satanik When Wet
- Satan’s Stepchild
- Satoria
- Savage Heart
- Scar the Surface
- Scarblind
- Scarifier
- Scars of Sodom
- Scar the Surface
- Scarymother
- Schizophrenia (Band)
- Schlongholsta
- The Schoenberg Automaton
- Schwarzreich
- Sciamachy
- Sclera (Band)
- Scorched Earth Policy
- Scorpius (Band)
- Scourge
- Scourge of the Leper
- Scourged Flesh
- Screaming Dawn
- The Screaming Jets
- Screams of Chaos
- Screamworld
- Scurshahor
- Scuurvy
- Scythian
- Se Bon Ki Ra
- The Seaford Monster
- Seance Of
- Sëbasröckets
- Second to Fire
- Secratain
- Sedition
- The Seer (australische Band)
- Segression
- Seizure (Sydney)
- Seizure (Melbourne)
- Seminal Embalmment
- Sending Artax
- Sentience (Im Buch wir die Band als Sentinence bezeichnet)
- Separatist (Band)
- Seppuku (Band)
- Septerrus
- Septillion (Band)
- Seraphic Behest
- The Seraphim Veil
- Serenity Defiled
- Serious Beak
- Sever Hill
- Severed (Band)
- Sevidica
- Sewercide
- Sexófago
- Sexual Intercorpse
- Sezure
- Shackles
- ShadowPlay
- Shadow Magus
- Shadowmill
- Shadowolf
- Shagnum
- Shallow Grave (Band)
- Shangren
- Shattered Mass
- Shatterwrath
- Sheep (Band)
- Shelfin
- Shigella (Band)
- Shihad
- Shot in Paris
- Shotgun (Band)
- Shrapnel (Brisbane)
- Shrapnel (Perth)
- Shrine of Ammon
- Shy Thunder
- Siberian Hell Sounds
- Sickness
- Sieshan
- Signal the Firing Squad
- Silence Is Murder
- Silence Is Surrender
- Silent Knight
- Silovanje
- Silver Ocean Storm
- Sins of the Father
- Sithlord
- Six (australische Band)
- Snake Sixx
- Skintilla
- Skoboe
- Sköll (Band)
- Skymaze
- Slaughter Lord
- Slaughter Thou
- Slaughtertorall
- Sleeping Awake
- Slitrist
- The Slow Death
- Slyder
- Snake (Band)
- So It Begins
- Sobrusion
- Sodomy Squad
- Solar Thorn
- Solemn Assembly
- A Solemn Death
- Solemn They Await
- Somnolence
- Sonic Euphoria
- Sons of Mars
- Sorathian Dawn
- Sorcoror
- Sordid
- Soul Cellar
- Soul Legion
- Soul Scrape
- Soul Tremor
- Soulcrusher
- Soulforge
- Soundscape (Band)
- Soundsurgery
- Southeast Desert Metal
- Space Bong
- Space Raven
- Spawn (australische Band)
- Spear of Longinus
- Spectral Birth
- The Spill of Infinity
- Spine (Band)
- Spine of God (Band)
- The Spiral Sequence
- Spire (Band)
- Spithre
- Splattergasm
- Spoil
- Spontaneous Human Combustion (Band)
- Starforge
- Stargazer (Band) (Im Buch wird die Band als StarGazer bezeichnet)
- Stark Raven
- State of East London
- State of Integrity
- Stealth (Band)
- Steel Affliction
- Steelswarm
- Stiff Meat
- Stingray (Band)
- Stitches
- Stone Lotus
- Stone Wings
- Storm Breeder
- Storm of Hatred
- Stormbane
- Stormtide
- Stormweaver
- Striborg
- Strict Vincent
- Strident
- Styre
- Subjektive
- Subterfuge (australische Band)
- Submission (australische Band)
- Subterranean Disposition
- Sudefed
- Sufferchrist
- Sufferkunt
- Suffrance
- Suiciety
- Sulkus
- Sumeru (Band)
- Summonus
- Sun Dried Intestines
- Sun Shepherd
- Sunk Loto
- Superheist
- Supremacy
- Surreal Perdition
- Surrender (Band)
- Surrender the Dead
- Svartalfheimur
- Swan Messiah
- Sweet Jayne
- Swimming with Sharks (Band)
- Switchblade (Band)
- Sword Toward Self
- Syko Sapian
- Symbolic Weapon
- Symetry
- Symphonic Chaos
- Synnöve
- Synperium
- Synthesist
- Synthetic Breed
- Syphilis (Band)
- System Addict
- System of Venus
- Syzygy (australische Band)
- T666
- Taberah
- Taipan (Band)
- Taliesin (Band)
- Tanamera
- Tantalum (Band)
- Taramis
- Taste (australische Band)
- Taunt
- Taurus Run
- Teargas
- Tears of Seraphim
- Tempestine
- Tempestuous Fall
- Templar (Band)
- Temple Gods
- Temple Nightside
- Templestowe
- Temtris
- Temujin (Band)
- Tensions Arise
- Tenth Dan
- Teramaze
- Teratornis (Band)
- Terra Australis (Band)
- Terraphobia
- Terrorential
- Terrorust
- Thaddaeus
- Thirdstone
- This Future… Chaos
- This Tangled Web
- This Thing
- This World
- Thousand Needles in Red
- Thrall
- Threshold
- Thrivaldi
- Through Closed Eyes
- Through Plagues
- Thumlock
- Thundasteel
- Thunderclaw
- Thy Art Is Murder
- Thy Plagues
- Til Rapture
- Titanium (australische Band)
- Titan (australische Band)
- Toecutter (Im Buch wird die Band als Toe Cutter bezeichnet)
- Tombsealer
- Tomes of Ruin
- Dejan Toracki
- Torment (Sydney)
- Torment (Central Coast
- Tormented
- Tormentum
- Torn Asunder
- Tortured
- Total Abuse
- Tough Luxury
- Tourettes
- Toxaemia (australische Band)
- Tower of Fired
- (Mike Tramp, In der Neuauflage nicht mehr vorhanden)
- Transcending Mortality
- Transfear
- Trench Hell
- Trepidation (Band)
- Tria Mera
- Tribal Clown
- Tribe Maelstrom
- Trident Winter
- Trigger (australische Band)
- Trilogy (australische Band)
- Tripwire
- Troldhaugen (Band)
- Trollgasm
- Truth (Band)
- Truth Corroded
- Tscabeze
- Tumbleweed (Band)
- Turmoil (australische Band)
- Turning Black
- Twelve Foot Ninja
- Twisted Fate
- Tyburnjig
- Tyrant (Heavy-Metal-Band)
- Tyrant (Black-Metal-Band)
- Tyrus (Band)
- Tzun Tzu
- Ubiquitous
- Ultimatum (australische Band)
- Unbound
- Uncaged
- Uncreation
- The Uncreation
- Under Night’s Cover
- Under the Influence
- Undermine the Supremacy
- Unframed Mind
- Universum (Band)
- Unknown Addiction
- Unnerved
- Urgrund
- Untruth
- Ur Draugr
- Urgrund
- V2 Lovekraft
- Vaginal Carnage
- Vagrond
- Vahrzaw
- Vaiya
- Valtari (Band)
- Vanadium
- Vanadium (Band)
- Vanishing Point (Band)
- Vanquish (Band)
- Vast Hollow
- Vatican Plague
- Vaticide
- Vauxdvihl
- Vedtmist
- Vegas Rhythym Kings
- Veil of Anguish
- Veil of Darkness
- The Veil
- Veiled in Flesh
- Velvet Hammer
- Vendetta of the Fallen
- Vendetta Symphony
- Verses All
- Very, Very Dead and Gory
- Vespers Descent
- Vessel
- Vice (australische Band)
- Vile Preaching (Im Buch wird die Band als Vile Preachings bezeichnet)
- Vilifier
- Vinterkreck
- Violent Disorder
- Violent Green
- Violent Reign
- Virgin Black
- Virgin Soldiers
- Virus (australische Band)
- Viscera (Sydney)
- Viscera (Melbourne)
- Vitriolic
- Vivisector
- Vixenta
- [Denis Vlachiotis]]
- Vogelkopf (Band)
- Voidchrist
- Volatile (Band)
- Vomitor
- Vomitorial Corpulence
- Vomoth
- Vorak
- Voros (Band)
- Voyager (australische Band)
- Vrag
- Vulgar (Band)
- Vulvagun
- Vyrion
- Waffenbrüder (Band)
- Walk the Earth
- Walls of Burden
- Wardaemonic
- War Faction
- Wardom
- Watchdog Discipline
- Watchtower (australische Band)
- Welwitschia (Band)
- Wench (Band)
- Western Decay
- What Hunts You
- When Day Descends
- When Moons Descend
- Whiplash (australische Band)
- Whisky Smile
- White Iris
- White Trash (Band)
- White Widdow
- White Witch
- Whitehorse (australische Band)
- Whoregrind
- Whoretopsy
- Who’s Guilty
- Widdershin
- Widow the Sea
- Wild Frontier (australische Band)
- Wildeornes
- Wintercorpse
- Winterfallen
- Winterstorm
- Witches Hex
- Witchgrinder
- Witchkrieg
- Witchripper
- Wither (Band)
- Withoutending
- The Wizar’d
- Wizzard (australische Band)
- Wolf (australische Band)
- Wolfblood (Band)
- Wölfe (Band)
- WOlfkhan
- Wolfmother
- The Wolves
- Wood of Suicides
- Woods of Desolation
- Worms of the Earth
- Woven Fear
- [Wounded Pig]]
- Wraithriel
- [Wrath of Fenrir]]
- Wreak
- Wretch (Band)
- Würm (Band)
- Wurms
- Xenobiotic
- Xenos (Band)
- Xipe Totec (Band)
- Ya Ya Choral
- Yanomamö (Band)
- Zaebros
- Zemial
- Zen Venom
- Zero Degrees Freedom
- Zeta Reticuli (Band)
- Zijl (Band)
- Zodiac (australische Band)
- Zombie Lolocaust
- Zontox