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Presentation of WikiMaster app and the World of Knowledge project


Sonntag, 7. Oktober, 12.00 – 12.45

Raum: Toggenburg

Dieser Programmpunkt findet in englischer Sprache statt.

  • Präsentator: Erik Bolinder, Founder of WOK, World of Knowledge
  • Art des Programmpunkts: Vortrag
  • Thematische Zuordnung: Freies Wissen
  • Beschreibung: WikiMaster app is a Wikipedia app with quiz related to every Wikipedia article. Erik Bolinder explains the vision of how to extend the usefulness of Wikipedia from an academic viewpoint and how the mobile generation addictive to gaming can be addicted to learning. With more than 90,000 hours of effort to improve Wikipedia with a new dimension, WikiMaster has something attractive for students around the globe that extend new frontiers for the WMF Community.