Liste aller Artikel in der Kategorie:Ruanda
Last updated on Sun, 1 Dec 2024 09:05:17 +0000. Regenerate this table or edit the query.
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
.rw | 6894411 | 0 | 3950 | 20230901131204 |
A Sunday in Kigali | 2248678 | 0 | 4115 | 20240401213852 |
APR FC | 5826172 | 0 | 3417 | 20240719065426 |
AS Kigali | 12290812 | 0 | 2228 | 20240718115922 |
ATP Challenger Kigali | 12992153 | 0 | 2115 | 20240310110538 |
ATRACO FC | 9886172 | 0 | 3363 | 20240615135620 |
Abdoulaye N’Doye | 10990444 | 0 | 6438 | 20240818130617 |
Abdul Karim Gahutu | 13247685 | 0 | 2066 | 20241013112509 |
Abdul Razak Fiston | 11834404 | 0 | 5349 | 20230410165726 |
Abgeordnetenkammer | 5576747 | 0 | 10762 | 20241005104239 |
Abraham Ruhumuriza | 5253557 | 0 | 1072 | 20230228183112 |
Abschuss des Präsidentenflugzeugs in Ruanda am 6. April 1994 | 8325696 | 0 | 5903 | 20241022091923 |
Adama Dieng | 1278566 | 0 | 3270 | 20230915190857 |
Adonia Ayebare | 9950640 | 0 | 3134 | 20210720115007 |
Adrien Niyonshuti | 4911336 | 0 | 5103 | 20240422170743 |
Africa Rising Cycling Center | 8338034 | 0 | 3622 | 20241118222626 |
Afrika-Meisterschaften im Straßenradsport 2010 | 8623783 | 0 | 3831 | 20240124190537 |
Afrika-Meisterschaften im Straßenradsport 2018 | 10224196 | 0 | 9097 | 20241008202249 |
Afrikanische Große Seen | 2061993 | 0 | 3816 | 20240728134743 |
Afrikanische Nationenmeisterschaft 2016 | 9205586 | 0 | 19427 | 20240423160055 |
Agathe Habyarimana | 579251 | 0 | 4919 | 20241009192642 |
Agathe Uwilingiyimana | 1131902 | 0 | 13045 | 20241007122658 |
Agnès Ntamabyaliro Rutagwera | 8226530 | 0 | 3587 | 20240730083102 |
Akagera-Nationalpark | 277555 | 0 | 6073 | 20240602101224 |
Akagera-Sümpfe | 3391416 | 0 | 2175 | 20240821072936 |
Akanyaru | 12777678 | 0 | 7391 | 20240423075522 |
Akayesu-Urteil | 3697365 | 0 | 8467 | 20240403193653 |
Akazu | 5628626 | 0 | 1912 | 20240215112346 |
Alain Patience Niyibizi | 10174281 | 0 | 1957 | 20190809163846 |
Albert Poensgen | 4500252 | 0 | 7626 | 20240716140152 |
Albrecht von Rechenberg | 2511399 | 0 | 11969 | 20240403005625 |
Alexis Habiyambere | 7080575 | 0 | 2004 | 20231209142923 |
Alexis Mugisha | 13160311 | 0 | 1815 | 20240914104553 |
Aloys Bigirumwami | 11880429 | 0 | 2167 | 20230704205802 |
Als das Morden begann | 577951 | 0 | 2570 | 20240401213539 |
Amakondera | 12995171 | 0 | 41764 | 20241003111109 |
Amasunzu | 9744424 | 0 | 1483 | 20230830110643 |
Amelio Poggi | 8531166 | 0 | 2346 | 20231125225710 |
Anaclet Mwumvaneza | 9375703 | 0 | 1784 | 20230704205925 |
Anastase Murekezi | 9398721 | 0 | 1695 | 20241024212418 |
Anastase Mutabazi | 6449028 | 0 | 1612 | 20230929145028 |
Anatole Nsengiyumva | 3667951 | 0 | 6399 | 20240804152116 |
Andrzej Józwowicz | 9826034 | 0 | 5865 | 20230424202002 |
André Lomami | 5825776 | 0 | 3201 | 20240202101232 |
André Perraudin | 8527272 | 0 | 2568 | 20230929145332 |
André Rwisereka | 13125446 | 0 | 9475 | 20240820134852 |
Anisia Uzeyman | 12890777 | 0 | 2339 | 20240806163820 |
Anna Dushime | 12704030 | 0 | 7919 | 20241009215841 |
Anselmo Guido Pecorari | 4510356 | 0 | 4499 | 20221016150611 |
Antoine Hey | 4851090 | 0 | 11104 | 20241116101545 |
Antoine Kambanda | 983465 | 0 | 7230 | 20240822111218 |
Armand Huyghé de Mahenge | 13153426 | 0 | 8733 | 20240717200358 |
Arnaldo Catalan | 12107705 | 0 | 3361 | 20230422153135 |
Arthur Aitken | 3427633 | 0 | 2002 | 20210527060455 |
Arusha-Abkommen | 747949 | 0 | 2160 | 20240131123707 |
Athanase Seromba | 12805046 | 0 | 5222 | 20240131131838 |
August Fonck | 12211693 | 0 | 6098 | 20230730055317 |
August Leue | 11338911 | 0 | 5370 | 20240515014645 |
Auguste Hertzer | 4124865 | 0 | 4196 | 20240330183927 |
Augustin Bizimana | 11308565 | 0 | 8130 | 20240131143629 |
Augustin Bizimungu | 1503106 | 0 | 4809 | 20240131131658 |
Augustin Misago | 6823264 | 0 | 3438 | 20240822111109 |
Augustin Ndindiliyimana | 6211585 | 0 | 3053 | 20240927034008 |
Augustin Ngirabatware | 6231054 | 0 | 2595 | 20241005154228 |
Aurore Mimosa Munyangaju | 13298925 | 0 | 6210 | 20241130195046 |
Bagogwe | 4953853 | 0 | 3625 | 20180706140310 |
Bakame | 7042674 | 0 | 3405 | 20241130121137 |
Balthazar Ntivuguruzwa | 12658753 | 0 | 3039 | 20240203170730 |
Banjaruanda | 580901 | 0 | 483 | 20230830111406 |
Banque Nationale du Rwanda | 10478433 | 0 | 2474 | 20241026203413 |
Basa | 13148420 | 0 | 1918 | 20240703065354 |
Base | 12849878 | 0 | 3696 | 20240614140535 |
Base | 13075241 | 0 | 4028 | 20240427225930 |
Basketball-Afrikameisterschaft 2021 | 12067825 | 0 | 8461 | 20240218151032 |
Bayume Mohamed Husen | 1063092 | 0 | 18469 | 20241122185444 |
Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse | 12937484 | 0 | 12918 | 20241128074812 |
Beatha Nishimwe | 10834276 | 0 | 3565 | 20231211062936 |
Benjamin Sehene | 1588980 | 0 | 1597 | 20241009194818 |
Bergwälder im Westlichen Rift | 7843980 | 0 | 5505 | 20240527194638 |
Bernard Makuza | 927082 | 0 | 1679 | 20241130222506 |
Bernard Munyagishari | 6230989 | 0 | 2517 | 20240131131734 |
Bernard Ntaganda | 13132924 | 0 | 4701 | 20240707122359 |
Bernhard Graf Matuschka | 11494762 | 0 | 7717 | 20240818132135 |
Bethe-Hecq-Abkommen | 12811810 | 0 | 3445 | 20240711202348 |
Bewegung 23. März | 7120559 | 0 | 92317 | 20240806124907 |
Bigogwe | 13013562 | 0 | 2142 | 20240818134235 |
Bildungsministerium | 13246628 | 0 | 3535 | 20241012103640 |
Birambo | 13185892 | 0 | 2224 | 20240810071917 |
Birengero-See | 12994469 | 0 | 3258 | 20240219202415 |
Birira | 13066675 | 0 | 2585 | 20240711105503 |
Birira-See | 12987867 | 0 | 3827 | 20240219195930 |
Biryogo | 13164926 | 0 | 3632 | 20240728103905 |
Bisoke | 13067338 | 0 | 2695 | 20240418201901 |
Bistum Butare | 6018397 | 0 | 2270 | 20241006232405 |
Bistum Byumba | 5891441 | 0 | 2059 | 20240905133048 |
Bistum Cyangugu | 5891474 | 0 | 1972 | 20240906131103 |
Bistum Gikongoro | 5891512 | 0 | 1918 | 20230921140438 |
Bistum Kabgayi | 6283487 | 0 | 4060 | 20240808211408 |
Bistum Kibungo | 5891556 | 0 | 2521 | 20240115223021 |
Bistum Nyundo | 6158176 | 0 | 3666 | 20240331131847 |
Bistum Ruhengeri | 5891596 | 0 | 2185 | 20240201162409 |
Bjørg Schonhowd Leite | 11808789 | 0 | 2975 | 20231120160327 |
Blaise Nzeyimana | 7248250 | 0 | 4585 | 20230616163404 |
Bonfils-Caleb Bimenyimana | 10044883 | 0 | 14399 | 20241101090444 |
Botschaft Ruandas in Berlin | 12716419 | 0 | 4958 | 20241109171555 |
Bralirwa | 8338069 | 0 | 2428 | 20240925144907 |
Bruno Gutmann | 7487439 | 0 | 8309 | 20241122190024 |
Brüder Denhardt | 5108406 | 0 | 3566 | 20240524203923 |
Bugarama | 10309041 | 0 | 2359 | 20230414141452 |
Bugesera International Airport | 11437511 | 0 | 4589 | 20240911191341 |
Bukure | 13034286 | 0 | 3816 | 20240326230957 |
Bungwe | 13015174 | 0 | 3735 | 20240915081211 |
Bungwe | 13150336 | 0 | 1786 | 20240704060900 |
Buramira | 13067235 | 0 | 2351 | 20240428193158 |
Burega | 13075445 | 0 | 3700 | 20240427211258 |
Burera-See | 12670519 | 0 | 4998 | 20240615131413 |
Busanze | 13159062 | 0 | 4036 | 20241022160436 |
Buschiri bin Salim | 1858974 | 0 | 5521 | 20231017215136 |
Busengo | 13022227 | 0 | 4026 | 20240809215025 |
Bushenya | 13151091 | 0 | 1785 | 20240704181342 |
Bushoki | 13076796 | 0 | 3885 | 20240711110200 |
Busogo | 13013742 | 0 | 2595 | 20240818135815 |
Busogo | 13041204 | 0 | 3608 | 20240415083551 |
Butare | 627170 | 0 | 5075 | 20241102073521 |
Butaro | 13015727 | 0 | 4376 | 20240707173356 |
Butereri | 13196569 | 0 | 1768 | 20240821075052 |
Buyoga | 13077074 | 0 | 3898 | 20240811090604 |
Bwisige | 13035463 | 0 | 3599 | 20240326230942 |
Byibuhiro | 13197264 | 0 | 1796 | 20240821192407 |
Byiza Renus Uhiriwe | 12973904 | 0 | 5039 | 20240129155033 |
Byumba | 3068065 | 0 | 3920 | 20240818140243 |
Byumba | 13037072 | 0 | 4351 | 20240326231046 |
Béatrice Munyenyezi | 8217763 | 0 | 5289 | 20240413095403 |
CECAFA-Cup 1999 | 3840141 | 0 | 5095 | 20240523044132 |
CECAFA-Cup 2001 | 3840146 | 0 | 5591 | 20240618204514 |
CECAFA-Cup 2005 | 3840219 | 0 | 4616 | 20240430042432 |
Callixte Mbarushimana | 5722207 | 0 | 3181 | 20230430200251 |
Carl Georg Schillings | 844130 | 0 | 12754 | 20240211105700 |
Carl Hatzig | 10099907 | 0 | 5215 | 20240422125718 |
Carl Lent | 12476333 | 0 | 7141 | 20230129092323 |
Carl Peters | 351705 | 0 | 47208 | 20241126201039 |
Carl Velten | 2559719 | 0 | 5043 | 20240806143547 |
Carla Del Ponte | 282472 | 0 | 20319 | 20241106113857 |
Celestin Nzeyimana | 13195210 | 0 | 4032 | 20241029203615 |
Centrist Democratic Party | 13140584 | 0 | 7955 | 20240813095140 |
Charles Tombeur de Tabora | 13153430 | 0 | 12088 | 20240802134904 |
Chief Mkwawa | 488778 | 0 | 21957 | 20240709214117 |
Chiukepo Msowoya | 5150332 | 0 | 5390 | 20240113203712 |
Christian Clages | 6265596 | 0 | 5357 | 20231218174744 |
Christian Gakwaya | 13296516 | 0 | 2218 | 20241130082241 |
Christine Nkulikiyinka | 10235108 | 0 | 7115 | 20241125205108 |
Christophe Ndabananiye | 6686871 | 0 | 4148 | 20240818164359 |
Church of the Province of Rwanda | 186406 | 0 | 2719 | 20231013162915 |
Clara von Ruckteschell-Truëb | 11770769 | 0 | 7432 | 20240319121237 |
Claudine Bazubagira | 13203574 | 0 | 3827 | 20240903110620 |
Claver Gatete | 12267237 | 0 | 4516 | 20220607091143 |
Clemens Denhardt | 2225969 | 0 | 8379 | 20240818165935 |
Clémentine Mukandanga | 13168672 | 0 | 6088 | 20240811062606 |
Cohoha | 8144879 | 0 | 3551 | 20241118224605 |
Coko | 13024266 | 0 | 3831 | 20240326231746 |
Comité National Olympique et Sportif du Rwanda | 13176096 | 0 | 2704 | 20240809190252 |
Consolée Uwimana | 13130026 | 0 | 2199 | 20240723190316 |
Corneille | 1106235 | 0 | 6823 | 20240812081254 |
Cyabararika | 13070855 | 0 | 2822 | 20240421202927 |
Cyabingo | 13024364 | 0 | 4108 | 20240626064911 |
Cyahinda | 13159900 | 0 | 3711 | 20241013122005 |
Cyambwe-See | 3210955 | 0 | 3664 | 20240708143626 |
Cyangugu | 3078881 | 0 | 2288 | 20240921103118 |
Cyanika | 13015773 | 0 | 3702 | 20241102210110 |
Cyeru | 13016868 | 0 | 4578 | 20240708175216 |
Cyinzuzi | 13077378 | 0 | 3881 | 20240428181017 |
Cyohoha-See Nord | 12996740 | 0 | 4303 | 20240219201908 |
Cyprien Rugamba | 13244330 | 0 | 113 | 20241009200538 |
Cyprien und Daphrose Rugamba | 12020938 | 0 | 7491 | 20241120223753 |
Cyumba | 13037104 | 0 | 3831 | 20240915080519 |
Cyungo | 13077386 | 0 | 3572 | 20240427213924 |
Cyuve | 13042460 | 0 | 4551 | 20240424054610 |
Cédric Amissi | 11835433 | 0 | 4375 | 20241121003629 |
Célestin Hakizimana | 8484278 | 0 | 2394 | 20240822111129 |
César Rwagasana | 13197185 | 0 | 4175 | 20241105120131 |
DStv | 2840286 | 0 | 3143 | 20241130121445 |
Daniel Laor | 5792174 | 0 | 2762 | 20230527190819 |
Daniel Ngamije | 13237977 | 0 | 3330 | 20241122042453 |
Daniel Thilo | 12133331 | 0 | 6484 | 20230220142141 |
Demarcus Holland | 11746360 | 0 | 6419 | 20240317183850 |
Demokratische Grüne Partei Ruandas | 13119401 | 0 | 11697 | 20240813095206 |
Denis Kazungu | 13033101 | 0 | 4925 | 20240603155941 |
Deutsch-Ostafrika | 1205656 | 0 | 47065 | 20241123122506 |
Deutsch-ruandische Beziehungen | 12424668 | 0 | 10764 | 20241125031958 |
Deutsche Botschaft Kigali | 12030286 | 0 | 8934 | 20241125053654 |
Dian Fossey | 104016 | 0 | 11578 | 20240905092217 |
Diane Gashumba | 13298519 | 0 | 8157 | 20241130082547 |
Diane Ingabire | 12971772 | 0 | 6941 | 20241012161831 |
Diane Rwigara | 13129255 | 0 | 25536 | 20240913193142 |
Diego Oliveira Alves | 11062495 | 0 | 4577 | 20240327155838 |
Dieudonné Disi | 3059752 | 0 | 5094 | 20241125190004 |
Dismas Nsengiyaremye | 3665819 | 0 | 2075 | 20240413100653 |
Distrikt Bugesera | 12760828 | 0 | 11212 | 20240914190027 |
Distrikt Burera | 12670060 | 0 | 11265 | 20241102213645 |
Distrikt Gakenke | 12671752 | 0 | 9797 | 20240326231708 |
Distrikt Gasabo | 12772704 | 0 | 4058 | 20240714112807 |
Distrikt Gatsibo | 12761574 | 0 | 7721 | 20241012172921 |
Distrikt Gicumbi | 12672076 | 0 | 10037 | 20240915081144 |
Distrikt Gisagara | 12767074 | 0 | 4698 | 20231028092700 |
Distrikt Huye | 12765813 | 0 | 9752 | 20241012181754 |
Distrikt Kamonyi | 12768554 | 0 | 5244 | 20240711110040 |
Distrikt Karongi | 12669216 | 0 | 5207 | 20240206164524 |
Distrikt Kayonza | 12760571 | 0 | 7236 | 20241112213105 |
Distrikt Kicukiro | 12773799 | 0 | 6137 | 20241126071050 |
Distrikt Kirehe | 12762671 | 0 | 7131 | 20241112230101 |
Distrikt Muhanga | 12767604 | 0 | 6373 | 20240426141228 |
Distrikt Musanze | 12671473 | 0 | 11136 | 20240626064358 |
Distrikt Ngoma | 12763181 | 0 | 5134 | 20240227170531 |
Distrikt Ngororero | 12668912 | 0 | 5754 | 20241109210755 |
Distrikt Nyabihu | 12669147 | 0 | 3750 | 20241012182704 |
Distrikt Nyagatare | 12763469 | 0 | 7998 | 20241009210509 |
Distrikt Nyamagabe | 12766789 | 0 | 5121 | 20240228220811 |
Distrikt Nyamasheke | 5383144 | 0 | 6797 | 20240316221211 |
Distrikt Nyanza | 12770082 | 0 | 4705 | 20240428190348 |
Distrikt Nyarugenge | 12775656 | 0 | 4241 | 20241123193505 |
Distrikt Nyaruguru | 12770190 | 0 | 5431 | 20241031111432 |
Distrikt Rubavu | 12669065 | 0 | 5357 | 20240625064824 |
Distrikt Ruhango | 12766644 | 0 | 6468 | 20240714160829 |
Distrikt Rulindo | 12672228 | 0 | 9822 | 20241019185500 |
Distrikt Rusizi | 12669287 | 0 | 5918 | 20231028212533 |
Distrikt Rutsiro | 12669165 | 0 | 4567 | 20240426183719 |
Distrikt Rwamagana | 12764567 | 0 | 4210 | 20240409093127 |
Dominique Bizimana | 13189211 | 0 | 4465 | 20241128123013 |
Dominique Mbonyumutwa | 978384 | 0 | 2487 | 20241104025848 |
Donald Kaberuka | 6533461 | 0 | 4285 | 20240526145740 |
Donatille Mukabalisa | 13298713 | 0 | 9239 | 20241130222142 |
Dylan Schommer | 12223833 | 0 | 3407 | 20230629210937 |
Déogratias Nsabimana | 3692683 | 0 | 3372 | 20240413082602 |
Edouard Sinayobye | 11647520 | 0 | 3406 | 20240822111049 |
Eduard Haber | 1063221 | 0 | 9603 | 20241116181445 |
Eduard von Knorr | 1126118 | 0 | 12463 | 20240329134635 |
Eduard von Liebert | 722168 | 0 | 19140 | 20240831195500 |
Education Center Nyanza | 11372860 | 0 | 2577 | 20240221111202 |
Edward Clay | 6632889 | 0 | 4278 | 20240930183614 |
Eliane Umuhire | 12892676 | 0 | 3122 | 20240829070646 |
Elizaphan Ntakirutimana | 2916596 | 0 | 2282 | 20240131131752 |
Elmar Timpe | 6018364 | 0 | 2630 | 20230715221008 |
Elvis Kafoteka | 5827833 | 0 | 2402 | 20230823064839 |
Emil Kaiser | 12508739 | 0 | 2636 | 20230108083749 |
Emil Müller | 12391052 | 0 | 6109 | 20240816054610 |
Emil Steudel | 12542675 | 0 | 3946 | 20230203095048 |
Emil von Zelewski | 3513955 | 0 | 9615 | 20240819101445 |
Erdbeben am Tanganjikasee 2005 | 1090915 | 0 | 1543 | 20221203140252 |
Eric Karasira | 13198959 | 0 | 6343 | 20241030084657 |
Eric Manizabayo | 13145311 | 0 | 6109 | 20240804060709 |
Eric Mbirizi | 11660763 | 0 | 7461 | 20241109114020 |
Erich von Langenn-Steinkeller | 13236775 | 0 | 13341 | 20241007175913 |
Erik Møse | 3725258 | 0 | 7648 | 20240509205740 |
Ernie Brandts | 3469929 | 0 | 14107 | 20211205143121 |
Ernst Johanssen | 9839584 | 0 | 10885 | 20240105110657 |
Ernst Jäschke | 12365240 | 0 | 8687 | 20230414041855 |
Ernst Nigmann | 12499558 | 0 | 12170 | 20240716103604 |
Erzbistum Kigali | 2373576 | 0 | 1832 | 20231224011907 |
Esther Mujawayo | 3082220 | 0 | 16203 | 20241009194716 |
Ethnographisches Museum | 13238305 | 0 | 4637 | 20241111230046 |
Eugène Rwamucyo | 13269115 | 0 | 7468 | 20241108205058 |
Eugénie Musayidire | 4641535 | 0 | 5410 | 20241009193714 |
Father’s Day | 12124503 | 0 | 5554 | 20220411223417 |
Faty Papy | 4091671 | 0 | 6121 | 20240821082341 |
Faustin Twagiramungu | 1136252 | 0 | 2423 | 20231203121739 |
Feiertage in Ruanda | 13050295 | 0 | 4282 | 20240613173825 |
Felix von Behr-Bandelin | 8247392 | 0 | 6740 | 20240710084318 |
Flagge Ruandas | 676840 | 0 | 2401 | 20241105151251 |
Flughafen Kamembe | 3102868 | 0 | 1844 | 20240911190724 |
Flughafen Kigali | 2615398 | 0 | 4684 | 20240911191312 |
Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda | 3977764 | 0 | 22787 | 20240805130832 |
Frank De Coninck | 6170562 | 0 | 3661 | 20240820185648 |
Frank Habineza | 13118242 | 0 | 7110 | 20241130195328 |
Frank Mushyo Kamanzi | 9950477 | 0 | 3504 | 20210728204315 |
Franz Kempner | 1949359 | 0 | 7668 | 20231212125543 |
Franz Stuhlmann | 2226171 | 0 | 10658 | 20240823085911 |
François-Xavier Kalinda | 13238146 | 0 | 3769 | 20241130222518 |
Frederik-Valdemar Olsen | 13157262 | 0 | 19964 | 20240920051404 |
Friedrich Robert von Beringe | 4180195 | 0 | 5779 | 20241017052516 |
Friedrich von Schele | 3094211 | 0 | 7502 | 20240728072345 |
Fritz Emeran | 4290091 | 0 | 8062 | 20240330152407 |
Fritz Jaeger | 10039018 | 0 | 12890 | 20220821195410 |
Froduald Karamira | 3706043 | 0 | 2855 | 20240617114615 |
Frédéric Rubwejanga | 6448439 | 0 | 1637 | 20230704205232 |
Frédérique de Man | 10239934 | 0 | 2760 | 20240105185259 |
Fédération Rwandaise de Football Association | 8640209 | 0 | 1717 | 20241124102201 |
Félicien Kabuga | 11300810 | 0 | 12833 | 20240306215409 |
Félicien Muhitira | 11600822 | 0 | 6069 | 20240718192841 |
Félix Standaert | 6199589 | 0 | 3940 | 20211217102059 |
Gacaca | 434635 | 0 | 13466 | 20240706194907 |
Gacaca | 13043590 | 0 | 3799 | 20240626065006 |
Gacuriro | 13142291 | 0 | 2045 | 20240625170859 |
Gahanga | 13289505 | 0 | 4288 | 20241121222741 |
Gahara | 13241255 | 0 | 3603 | 20241012175302 |
Gaharwa-See | 12989535 | 0 | 3522 | 20240718192445 |
Gahinga | 1910911 | 0 | 1732 | 20240302075401 |
Gahini | 13240148 | 0 | 3628 | 20241006161001 |
Gahunga | 13017034 | 0 | 3892 | 20240708191409 |
Gakenke | 13026717 | 0 | 4316 | 20240326231821 |
Gasange | 13219176 | 0 | 3906 | 20240914143931 |
Gashaki | 13063893 | 0 | 3864 | 20240415175721 |
Gashanda | 13000171 | 0 | 3446 | 20240326232906 |
Gashanga-See | 12987966 | 0 | 3572 | 20240219201948 |
Gasharu | 13142480 | 0 | 1644 | 20241123081738 |
Gashenyi | 13027395 | 0 | 4165 | 20240326231839 |
Gashora | 13084034 | 0 | 5218 | 20240915092123 |
Gasiza | 13154012 | 0 | 1815 | 20241102221846 |
Gasore Hategeka | 5253595 | 0 | 1134 | 20220914190054 |
Gaspard Musabyimana | 8922700 | 0 | 1947 | 20240820191710 |
Gaston Schlobach | 12489574 | 0 | 6594 | 20240414103712 |
Gataraga | 13065269 | 0 | 3928 | 20240416203631 |
Gatebe | 13017106 | 0 | 3885 | 20240708181306 |
Gatenga | 13289570 | 0 | 3302 | 20241123121706 |
Gatore | 13254704 | 0 | 3649 | 20241112224716 |
Gatsibo | 13153265 | 0 | 1838 | 20240708213934 |
Gatsibo | 13219436 | 0 | 3793 | 20240914143916 |
Gaël Bigirimana | 7757623 | 0 | 7728 | 20241019203654 |
Gaël Duhayindavyi | 11837669 | 0 | 4649 | 20241108233501 |
Nyamata | 9936957 | 0 | 11954 | 20241116122716 |
Gedenktag des Völkermords an den Tutsi | 13050331 | 0 | 7025 | 20240914173920 |
Gefängnis Gitarama | 9060078 | 0 | 1467 | 20230805162450 |
Georg Lichtenheld | 12300716 | 0 | 5476 | 20220710140205 |
Georges Moulaert | 13178210 | 0 | 13908 | 20240808042844 |
Georges Ruggiu | 3393864 | 0 | 19349 | 20240131131820 |
Georges Rutaganda | 1319007 | 0 | 3295 | 20240617115129 |
Gerhard Launicke | 8925311 | 0 | 4074 | 20220302201641 |
Gersony Report | 5976158 | 0 | 4862 | 20211027212405 |
Gertrud von Hassel | 9997310 | 0 | 6451 | 20221003193359 |
Gertrude Kazarwa | 13190155 | 0 | 3518 | 20241130222345 |
Geschichte Ruandas | 192305 | 0 | 21685 | 20230307222914 |
Gesundheitsministerium | 13230545 | 0 | 4867 | 20241123081432 |
Gideon von Grawert | 12500187 | 0 | 5735 | 20240511144620 |
Gikondo | 13289594 | 0 | 2500 | 20241123081330 |
Gikongoro | 12865172 | 0 | 2772 | 20240724122645 |
Giovanni Battista Morandini | 6873219 | 0 | 3507 | 20241021153023 |
Gisa | 13141564 | 0 | 2819 | 20240625064805 |
Gisenyi | 1630784 | 0 | 3809 | 20240814195403 |
Gishanju-See | 12994166 | 0 | 2918 | 20241005213557 |
Gishwati-Wald | 1691237 | 0 | 4760 | 20240424122728 |
Gisovu | 13154221 | 0 | 2705 | 20241102231829 |
Gisozi | 13057916 | 0 | 3681 | 20241019204038 |
Gitarama | 3068044 | 0 | 5128 | 20241002195735 |
Gitega | 13290978 | 0 | 2536 | 20241123130136 |
Giti | 13037233 | 0 | 3717 | 20240718181255 |
Gitoki | 13219523 | 0 | 3906 | 20241012172948 |
Gitovu | 13017371 | 0 | 3669 | 20240708192731 |
Giuseppe Bertello | 6435352 | 0 | 10851 | 20240429120531 |
Gleichstellung der Geschlechter in Ruanda | 11987152 | 0 | 12408 | 20241106085310 |
Glen Habimana | 12401627 | 0 | 2646 | 20230825082156 |
God Sleeps in Rwanda | 5984731 | 0 | 2890 | 20240401213607 |
Godeliève Mukasarasi | 11669737 | 0 | 9536 | 20240101114116 |
Gottfried Lessing | 4089385 | 0 | 9158 | 20241119034101 |
Grenze zwischen Ruanda und Uganda | 12998525 | 0 | 5529 | 20240218163536 |
Grégoire Kayibanda | 540707 | 0 | 2103 | 20240211130003 |
Guillaume Logiest | 638538 | 0 | 3178 | 20230205210153 |
Gustav Adolf von Götzen | 717676 | 0 | 10341 | 20240405190623 |
Gustav Denhardt | 5259868 | 0 | 577 | 20220407103318 |
Gustav Giemsa | 1235570 | 0 | 4278 | 20230430103543 |
Gustav von Bodelschwingh | 1593632 | 0 | 7339 | 20240101151911 |
Génocidaire | 579537 | 0 | 2023 | 20240131195841 |
Hago-See | 12992400 | 0 | 3999 | 20241005213344 |
Hakim Sahabo | 13145404 | 0 | 4915 | 20240722210638 |
Hamad Ndikumana | 5001896 | 0 | 4832 | 20220727221416 |
Hans Glauning | 3135556 | 0 | 6979 | 20241004170420 |
Hans Karl Frey | 9975888 | 0 | 4067 | 20200704141758 |
Hans Miesch | 9980390 | 0 | 4580 | 20230313194921 |
Hans von Ramsay | 2447554 | 0 | 7082 | 20241121165314 |
Hassan Bubacar Jallow | 2015707 | 0 | 3915 | 20230915190738 |
Heike Uta Dettmann | 13067921 | 0 | 1824 | 20240527143959 |
Heinrich Fonck | 12211513 | 0 | 5248 | 20230730060535 |
Heinrich Schnee | 1370644 | 0 | 12447 | 20241125193931 |
Heinrich Semler | 12525633 | 0 | 4397 | 20230918124738 |
Hermann Flender | 1609236 | 0 | 2750 | 20171112215050 |
Hermann von Wissmann | 153408 | 0 | 37012 | 20241124032907 |
Hermas Muvunyi | 8948690 | 0 | 9134 | 20240817215835 |
Hill-Hufeisennase | 12161398 | 0 | 4961 | 20231113210725 |
Hotel Ruanda | 575644 | 0 | 9770 | 20240401213634 |
Hubert Ziegler | 6818531 | 0 | 3587 | 20190303165300 |
Hugo Meixner | 9078595 | 0 | 2134 | 20210704133805 |
Hugo Rüdiger | 13203516 | 0 | 14814 | 20241126193329 |
Hugold von Behr-Bandelin | 12534373 | 0 | 9573 | 20230611102740 |
Hutu | 32928 | 0 | 7703 | 20240613105936 |
Hutu-Power | 633777 | 0 | 14822 | 20240909033520 |
Huye | 3272572 | 0 | 1108 | 20241003174232 |
Huza Press | 10957731 | 0 | 1855 | 20240728185520 |
Hôtel des Mille Collines | 579325 | 0 | 3470 | 20240723222710 |
RW | 1408179 | 0 | 755 | 20151127120844 |
Ian Martin | 6429085 | 0 | 4605 | 20230108094331 |
Ibrahim Kayitare | 13247411 | 0 | 1453 | 20241013071948 |
Ignace Murwanashyaka | 3962142 | 0 | 19712 | 20231023101743 |
Igor César | 10243741 | 0 | 4219 | 20221101141742 |
Ihema-See | 3210835 | 0 | 4273 | 20240219202436 |
Immaculée Ilibagiza | 6132886 | 0 | 2394 | 20241009192836 |
Impuzamugambi | 1132556 | 0 | 2870 | 20240513130639 |
Inanga | 4609806 | 0 | 13788 | 20240403201739 |
Inga Björk-Klevby | 12979747 | 0 | 7941 | 20240411111045 |
Institute of National Museums of Rwanda | 13045632 | 0 | 3113 | 20241109172502 |
Interahamwe | 624075 | 0 | 6645 | 20240908203354 |
Internationaler Residualmechanismus für die Ad-hoc-Strafgerichtshöfe | 6948499 | 0 | 12464 | 20241002074758 |
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof für Ruanda | 1288808 | 0 | 17161 | 20240403193511 |
Ivo Scapolo | 7076417 | 0 | 2591 | 20230201163537 |
J. Cole | 6350339 | 0 | 17552 | 20241030224052 |
Jali | 3391807 | 0 | 949 | 20240406195837 |
Janja | 13027415 | 0 | 3876 | 20240326231859 |
Jarama | 13000211 | 0 | 3565 | 20240326232922 |
Jazilla Mwamikazi | 13145364 | 0 | 5889 | 20241012162415 |
Jean Baptiste Murema | 13186659 | 0 | 3135 | 20241029203533 |
Jean Bosco Ntagungira | 13188248 | 0 | 4398 | 20241008232403 |
Jean Bosco Ntibitura | 13291699 | 0 | 1752 | 20241125081149 |
Jean Claude Ishimwe | 13017069 | 0 | 3426 | 20240307072345 |
Jean Claude Ntezimana | 13154941 | 0 | 3016 | 20240723210023 |
Jean Damascène Bimenyimana | 7223893 | 0 | 3511 | 20230704205358 |
Jean Kambanda | 927634 | 0 | 3189 | 20240131131710 |
Jean Kasusula | 7504466 | 0 | 3500 | 20231223204210 |
Jean Mbanda | 13141430 | 0 | 6507 | 20240713215559 |
Jean Rukundo | 13192103 | 0 | 3440 | 20240816200743 |
Jean de Dieu Nkundabera | 13193188 | 0 | 2837 | 20240817215457 |
Jean-Baptiste Gahamanyi | 11789891 | 0 | 1838 | 20230704205433 |
Jean-Baptiste Gatete | 6500450 | 0 | 2173 | 20240618025313 |
Jean-Baptiste Habyalimana | 13241939 | 0 | 7964 | 20241119175412 |
Jean-Damascène Bizimana | 5854395 | 0 | 2058 | 20221018102227 |
Jean-Marie Maury | 4390839 | 0 | 1618 | 20231114140537 |
Jean-Marie Vianney Twagirayezu | 12568944 | 0 | 3975 | 20230402214823 |
Jean-Michel Marlaud | 6157013 | 0 | 3016 | 20240612094530 |
Jean-Paul Harroy | 6206146 | 0 | 3944 | 20220802210700 |
Jeanne D’arc Girubuntu | 8990672 | 0 | 5240 | 20240128160847 |
Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya | 11259000 | 0 | 7244 | 20240725165432 |
Jenny Ohlsson | 10229863 | 0 | 4191 | 20241113194320 |
Jewgeni Iwanowitsch Afanassenko | 11161936 | 0 | 3882 | 20211104202913 |
Jewhenij Zymbaljuk | 11421726 | 0 | 2934 | 20240524085347 |
Jimmy Mulisa | 5512763 | 0 | 5398 | 20231126201740 |
Joachim Fickert | 12922888 | 0 | 6006 | 20231218095316 |
Johan Swinnen | 6171095 | 0 | 8635 | 20230924142933 |
Johan Verbeke | 6173420 | 0 | 3615 | 20240101213731 |
John Bonds Bideri | 13219333 | 0 | 2407 | 20241104172232 |
John Hakizimana | 11572690 | 0 | 5630 | 20240610201910 |
Joseph Areruya | 10383375 | 0 | 5748 | 20230519203115 |
Joseph Karemera | 13246160 | 0 | 4390 | 20241016110513 |
Joseph Kavaruganda | 3670661 | 0 | 3673 | 20240422191113 |
Joseph Nzirorera | 3670517 | 0 | 4420 | 20240403200853 |
Joseph Ruzindana | 11791925 | 0 | 2010 | 20230704205537 |
Joseph Sebarenzi | 10249133 | 0 | 3655 | 20241130223220 |
Joseph Sibomana | 8898262 | 0 | 2229 | 20230704205217 |
Josip Kuže | 1262364 | 0 | 6476 | 20230922061901 |
Julien Nsengiyumva | 6793196 | 0 | 2400 | 20241022143206 |
Julius von Soden | 1538364 | 0 | 22010 | 20241031080000 |
Juliusz Janusz | 7076504 | 0 | 2432 | 20180922051814 |
Juru | 13101858 | 0 | 3810 | 20240715084100 |
Justin Malfeyt | 13162186 | 0 | 8196 | 20240719064830 |
Justizministerium | 13166474 | 0 | 7986 | 20240720145243 |
Juvénal Habyarimana | 538910 | 0 | 4704 | 20241126075234 |
Juvénal Uwilingiyimana | 1130216 | 0 | 1726 | 20241027205138 |
Kabare | 13240162 | 0 | 3679 | 20241019201743 |
Kabarondo | 13240183 | 0 | 3649 | 20241012173109 |
Kabarore | 13219616 | 0 | 3915 | 20240914143827 |
Kabilizi | 13142713 | 0 | 1963 | 20240626063645 |
Kabinett Kambanda | 6158141 | 0 | 5444 | 20240926130442 |
Kabinett Ruandas | 13195444 | 0 | 10198 | 20241116092115 |
Kaburantwa | 8005248 | 0 | 2544 | 20231105215629 |
Kabuye | 13168854 | 0 | 2518 | 20240723062803 |
Kabyiniro | 13160334 | 0 | 2558 | 20241102233714 |
Kacyiru | 13235040 | 0 | 3955 | 20241012102103 |
Kagarama | 13199080 | 0 | 2806 | 20241121222723 |
Kagera-Nil | 7515839 | 0 | 8070 | 20240330174606 |
Kageyo | 13219638 | 0 | 3607 | 20240914143848 |
Kageyo | 13038211 | 0 | 3947 | 20240326231139 |
Kagitega | 13160340 | 0 | 2486 | 20241102233755 |
Kagogo | 13018330 | 0 | 3841 | 20241102221728 |
Kagomasi | 13169874 | 0 | 2548 | 20240724064346 |
Kagugu | 13142425 | 0 | 1731 | 20241123083210 |
Kaguhu | 13067437 | 0 | 2676 | 20240418201753 |
Kalundura | 288675 | 0 | 2514 | 20240614140616 |
Kamabuye | 13103668 | 0 | 3693 | 20240914190212 |
Kamanyana | 13160392 | 0 | 2853 | 20241102222307 |
Kampanga | 13067462 | 0 | 2478 | 20240418210437 |
Kamubuga | 13027432 | 0 | 3998 | 20240326231917 |
Kamukina | 13166632 | 0 | 2397 | 20240720183122 |
Kandt-Haus-Museum | 13041879 | 0 | 6782 | 20240929105435 |
Kangura | 579204 | 0 | 3023 | 20201129152402 |
Kaniga | 13038532 | 0 | 5959 | 20240915080936 |
Kanombe | 13290423 | 0 | 3235 | 20241122191856 |
Kantarama Gahigiri | 11168854 | 0 | 7088 | 20240211143017 |
Kanyinya | 13291384 | 0 | 2972 | 20241123195819 |
Karago-See | 12990216 | 0 | 4911 | 20240402192618 |
Karambo | 13027776 | 0 | 4044 | 20240326231935 |
Karembo | 13002864 | 0 | 3671 | 20241106063057 |
Karisimbi | 1184665 | 0 | 1994 | 20241116233208 |
Karisoke Research Center | 6174191 | 0 | 6003 | 20240908161125 |
Kathedralbasilika Unserer Lieben Frau | 9732012 | 0 | 4073 | 20230802080151 |
Kayonza | 12993377 | 0 | 1342 | 20240929210029 |
Kazo | 13004011 | 0 | 3513 | 20240326232952 |
Kibeho | 580935 | 0 | 6755 | 20240516133456 |
Kibungo | 4152752 | 0 | 2703 | 20240331115810 |
Kibungo | 12999376 | 0 | 3711 | 20240331115841 |
Kibuye | 3083523 | 0 | 3242 | 20240218100848 |
Kicukiro | 13290730 | 0 | 3352 | 20241123093234 |
Kidogo-See | 12988301 | 0 | 3958 | 20240219202004 |
Kigali | 175118 | 0 | 14710 | 20241021070230 |
Kigali | 3275255 | 0 | 3352 | 20240502211249 |
Kigali Arena | 12102282 | 0 | 4700 | 20240406195309 |
Kigali Convention Centre | 12993214 | 0 | 7681 | 20240406194930 |
Kigali Genocide Memorial | 10797680 | 0 | 4060 | 20241116122603 |
Kigali International Peace Marathon | 13126800 | 0 | 18034 | 20241118202425 |
Kigali-Änderung | 12525622 | 0 | 14262 | 20240927094656 |
Kigarama | 13290878 | 0 | 2384 | 20241123110655 |
Kigarama | 13273978 | 0 | 3671 | 20241112213038 |
Kigeri IV. | 1517141 | 0 | 1738 | 20241016085435 |
Kigeri V. | 12390735 | 0 | 8836 | 20231012082234 |
Kigina | 13276864 | 0 | 3653 | 20241112222824 |
Kigombe | 13070981 | 0 | 4434 | 20241112223454 |
Kilimbi-See | 12989004 | 0 | 3504 | 20240718192121 |
Kimihurura | 13166572 | 0 | 2358 | 20241123093308 |
Kimihurura | 13054888 | 0 | 4735 | 20241123081003 |
Kimonyi | 13066292 | 0 | 3690 | 20240419161835 |
King Faisal Hospital | 13235123 | 0 | 5373 | 20241001054841 |
Kinigi | 13014403 | 0 | 1990 | 20240420120239 |
Kinigi | 12993434 | 0 | 4241 | 20240420120203 |
Kinihira | 13077388 | 0 | 4445 | 20240502071240 |
Kinjikitile Ngwale | 1164064 | 0 | 5275 | 20241118215223 |
Kinoni | 13018413 | 0 | 4613 | 20240708202553 |
Kinyababa | 13019461 | 0 | 3984 | 20240708211307 |
Kinyarwanda | 9671 | 0 | 4395 | 20240329181146 |
Kiramuruzi | 13219657 | 0 | 3815 | 20241006160912 |
Kirehe | 13277021 | 0 | 3659 | 20241110090222 |
Kisaro | 13078137 | 0 | 4105 | 20241019185527 |
Kivumba-See | 12995736 | 0 | 3737 | 20241005213413 |
Kivumu | 13067238 | 0 | 2496 | 20240711105557 |
Kivuruga | 13028695 | 0 | 4098 | 20240326231953 |
Kivuye | 13020078 | 0 | 4049 | 20240709172559 |
Kiwu-Grenzstreit | 12786613 | 0 | 20819 | 20240229150434 |
Kiwusee | 279101 | 0 | 13405 | 20241029234251 |
Kiwusee-Erdbeben 2008 | 3351627 | 0 | 9106 | 20240211182356 |
Kiziguro | 13219698 | 0 | 3960 | 20241006160932 |
Kizito Bahujimihigo | 6447499 | 0 | 1895 | 20230704204839 |
Kizito Mihigo | 9025097 | 0 | 28154 | 20240905204043 |
Kongolesisch-ruandischer Konflikt 2022 | 12275372 | 0 | 8805 | 20240804120418 |
Kraftwerk KivuWatt | 10707258 | 0 | 8005 | 20240123083957 |
Kunyaza | 3364731 | 0 | 2092 | 20240407105908 |
Kurt Johannes | 11881328 | 0 | 7094 | 20240911081403 |
Kurt Wahle | 3526970 | 0 | 4840 | 20240920052121 |
Kurt von Schleinitz | 5271008 | 0 | 5852 | 20231116132854 |
Kwibohora | 13150397 | 0 | 1887 | 20240704075808 |
Königreich Ruanda | 5679422 | 0 | 7161 | 20241021190731 |
Königreiche der Afrikanischen Großen Seen | 3598466 | 0 | 1770 | 20221120120926 |
Lambert Dushimimana | 13291726 | 0 | 3851 | 20241124144032 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2009/Teilnehmer | 10138682 | 0 | 1935 | 20190922090814 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2011/Teilnehmer | 9993085 | 0 | 1479 | 20170731012440 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2013/Teilnehmer | 9015723 | 0 | 1411 | 20210225041947 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2015/Teilnehmer | 8972525 | 0 | 1038 | 20210217205607 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2017/Teilnehmer | 9994175 | 0 | 1081 | 20170826154036 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2019/Teilnehmer | 10963348 | 0 | 1985 | 20191109170927 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2022/Teilnehmer | 12912129 | 0 | 1212 | 20231208122549 |
Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2023/Teilnehmer | 12795599 | 0 | 2079 | 20230831034920 |
Leoni Cuelenaere | 10238536 | 0 | 3403 | 20240104140206 |
Liberal Party | 13138436 | 0 | 11410 | 20241130213933 |
Lidwine Umuhoza Uwase | 13175248 | 0 | 2188 | 20240730032937 |
Liliane Mukobwankawe | 13202531 | 0 | 8703 | 20240903104729 |
Liste der Auslandsvertretungen Ruandas | 8325738 | 0 | 3438 | 20240425172337 |
Liste der Botschafter der Vereinigten Staaten in Ruanda | 12466067 | 0 | 1936 | 20221203162914 |
Liste der Distrikte von Ruanda | 12811245 | 0 | 9642 | 20240926175223 |
Liste der Fahnenträger der ruandischen Mannschaften bei Olympischen Spielen | 10790052 | 0 | 5480 | 20241002104936 |
Liste der Fernstraßen in Ruanda | 6813882 | 0 | 1285 | 20230517180025 |
Liste der Fluggesellschaften in Ruanda | 8829979 | 0 | 994 | 20220727125116 |
Liste der Flughäfen in Ruanda | 3010814 | 0 | 1890 | 20240911190423 |
Liste der Flüsse in Ruanda | 11601253 | 0 | 4164 | 20241006152744 |
Liste der Kommandeure der Schutztruppe | 4185236 | 0 | 6672 | 20240707213843 |
Liste der Könige von Ruanda | 318648 | 0 | 1412 | 20221001085027 |
Liste der Ministerien in Ruanda | 13024590 | 0 | 3878 | 20241115192045 |
Liste der Präsidenten von Ruanda | 318661 | 0 | 4903 | 20240617203508 |
Liste der Ramsar-Gebiete in Ruanda | 12981150 | 0 | 3130 | 20240720150907 |
Liste der Regierungschefs von Ruanda | 10657896 | 0 | 2804 | 20240725162029 |
Liste der Städte in Ruanda | 825202 | 0 | 5209 | 20240502210355 |
Liste der Universitäten in Ruanda | 6248811 | 0 | 721 | 20240328223620 |
Liste der deutschen Botschafter in Ruanda | 6753120 | 0 | 1650 | 20230926085436 |
Liste der französischen Botschafter in Ruanda | 6157012 | 0 | 2930 | 20230424210800 |
Liste der politischen Parteien in Ruanda | 5977720 | 0 | 4424 | 20240707122432 |
Liste der portugiesischen Botschafter in Ruanda | 11073088 | 0 | 3393 | 20191214222304 |
Liste der ruandischen Botschafter in den Vereinigten Staaten | 9634142 | 0 | 2632 | 20220108160423 |
Liste von Behörden in Ruanda | 13232371 | 0 | 2604 | 20240927181856 |
Liste von Bergen oder Erhebungen in Ruanda | 6393572 | 0 | 4680 | 20240914213621 |
Liste von Filmen über den Völkermord in Ruanda | 13048413 | 0 | 30734 | 20240817191019 |
Liste von Kraftwerken in Ruanda | 10673058 | 0 | 20003 | 20240926155646 |
Liste von Museen in Ruanda | 12964950 | 0 | 11560 | 20241111230249 |
Liste von Seen in Ruanda | 12986903 | 0 | 29215 | 20241118222518 |
Liste von nationalen Sportverbänden in Ruanda | 13286408 | 0 | 2156 | 20241121191202 |
Louis Hakizimana | 13233104 | 0 | 1638 | 20240928151227 |
Louise Arbour | 382201 | 0 | 10810 | 20230915190545 |
Louise Mushikiwabo | 6691819 | 0 | 5541 | 20231012070516 |
Luciano Russo | 6738664 | 0 | 5566 | 20220912222510 |
Ludwig Aeldert | 10600384 | 0 | 1387 | 20240720153214 |
Ludwig Deppe | 12007275 | 0 | 5493 | 20240124125932 |
Léon Mugesera | 6717919 | 0 | 2346 | 20240131131730 |
Machining for Rwanda’s future | 10431097 | 0 | 5917 | 20221210005857 |
Magdalene von Prince | 7171803 | 0 | 10378 | 20240508192916 |
Mahama | 13277527 | 0 | 3696 | 20241112223340 |
Mandara | 11787122 | 0 | 5300 | 20210520152308 |
Mangi Meli | 10263613 | 0 | 11032 | 20240619194247 |
Manyagiro | 13039195 | 0 | 3805 | 20240915080953 |
Marburgfieber-Ausbruch in Ruanda 2024 | 13238992 | 0 | 16116 | 20241110083423 |
Mareba | 13104433 | 0 | 4488 | 20240914190236 |
Margarete Trappe | 2240656 | 0 | 5185 | 20241021191138 |
Marie Chantal Rwakazina | 11700943 | 0 | 3125 | 20230804100204 |
Marie-Clémentine Dusabejambo | 11171446 | 0 | 3093 | 20221124213535 |
Marthe Yankurije | 12094819 | 0 | 2610 | 20220124174055 |
Masaka | 13290891 | 0 | 2771 | 20241123112648 |
Masoro | 13078189 | 0 | 4155 | 20241019185553 |
Massaker von Nyarubuye | 323125 | 0 | 1827 | 20240512084219 |
Mataba | 13029378 | 0 | 4138 | 20240326232010 |
Mathias Ntawulikura | 3059780 | 0 | 3405 | 20240717111657 |
Mathieu Ngirumpatse | 3681671 | 0 | 4176 | 20240724150350 |
Max Looff | 5213612 | 0 | 9246 | 20240421194653 |
Max Taute | 12518044 | 0 | 4029 | 20230303151648 |
Maximilian Zupitza | 11627223 | 0 | 6433 | 20230623100845 |
Mayange | 13105790 | 0 | 8745 | 20240914185418 |
Mbaye Diagne | 4740825 | 0 | 6287 | 20230915150951 |
Mbirurume | 12875230 | 0 | 3022 | 20240714160900 |
Mbizi | 13067239 | 0 | 1695 | 20240527080343 |
Mbogo | 13078544 | 0 | 3639 | 20240429072237 |
Mdachi bin Scharifu | 11151516 | 0 | 8391 | 20221028110313 |
Metin Türel | 10556689 | 0 | 6333 | 20230407133454 |
Mfumbiro-Frage | 12786312 | 0 | 6413 | 20240229150057 |
Michael Dixon | 9658600 | 0 | 6371 | 20240729013146 |
Michael Nees | 5373820 | 0 | 5711 | 20241105230606 |
Mihindi-See | 12990582 | 0 | 3467 | 20240713183644 |
Mike Sserumagga | 5134874 | 0 | 6800 | 20230124165337 |
Mille Collines | 575356 | 0 | 692 | 20240130111816 |
Minazi | 13029553 | 0 | 4324 | 20240326232027 |
Ministerium für Gender- und Familienförderung | 13169522 | 0 | 7918 | 20241129230522 |
Ministry of Infrastructure | 13026049 | 0 | 6204 | 20241109172454 |
Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement | 13131874 | 0 | 2679 | 20240906102139 |
Mirayi-See | 12989094 | 0 | 3005 | 20240718192216 |
Miyove | 13039204 | 0 | 3704 | 20240427215953 |
Mohammed Tchité | 3391577 | 0 | 9384 | 20240925193105 |
Monique Nsanzabaganwa | 12629375 | 0 | 8071 | 20241126181652 |
Mouvement républicain national pour la démocratie et le développement | 3278201 | 0 | 7056 | 20240908181230 |
Moïse Mugisha | 12970610 | 0 | 6309 | 20241012175555 |
Mpanga | 13277545 | 0 | 3997 | 20241112223059 |
Mpanga-Gefängnis | 10845529 | 0 | 4731 | 20240405151039 |
Mpanga-See | 12992250 | 0 | 3678 | 20240219202702 |
Mpenge | 13072021 | 0 | 3091 | 20240422194237 |
Mtoro Bakari | 8359468 | 0 | 13736 | 20241103220047 |
Mubuga | 13153551 | 0 | 2460 | 20240710225202 |
Mudugali | 13151114 | 0 | 1848 | 20240704183232 |
Mufti von Ruanda | 13114026 | 0 | 3154 | 20241013061550 |
Mugesera | 13004983 | 0 | 3319 | 20240326233027 |
Mugesera-See | 3227436 | 0 | 3807 | 20240227172149 |
Mugina | 13014727 | 0 | 5730 | 20240403105719 |
Mugunga | 13030432 | 0 | 4603 | 20240326232043 |
Muhabura | 3174739 | 0 | 1630 | 20240303185009 |
Muhazi-See | 12678202 | 0 | 9053 | 20231015134754 |
Muhira | 13149251 | 0 | 1947 | 20240703064449 |
Muhondo | 13031197 | 0 | 4307 | 20240326232058 |
Muhotora | 13153584 | 0 | 2687 | 20240710225357 |
Muhoza | 13068393 | 0 | 6079 | 20240626065034 |
Muhura | 13219726 | 0 | 3594 | 20240914161307 |
Mukamira | 12669423 | 0 | 1388 | 20240520084102 |
Mukarange | 13039245 | 0 | 3725 | 20240915081014 |
Mukarange | 13234259 | 0 | 3913 | 20241012173047 |
Muko | 13039267 | 0 | 3653 | 20240718181314 |
Muko | 13068595 | 0 | 3772 | 20240626065108 |
Mukungwa | 12676236 | 0 | 6664 | 20240326225707 |
Mukura Victory Sports | 9889538 | 0 | 2428 | 20240815200341 |
Murama | 13240197 | 0 | 2942 | 20241005201112 |
Murama | 13142377 | 0 | 1674 | 20240625183136 |
Murama | 13005028 | 0 | 3541 | 20240326233044 |
Murambi | 13219780 | 0 | 3877 | 20240914174524 |
Murambi | 13081826 | 0 | 3608 | 20240501185027 |
Murambi Genocide Memorial | 10242588 | 0 | 15289 | 20241116122536 |
Murambi-See | 12994580 | 0 | 3308 | 20240214194107 |
Murambya-See | 12994700 | 0 | 3216 | 20240217150252 |
Murundi | 13240258 | 0 | 3949 | 20241006161031 |
Musa Fazil Harerimana | 13133584 | 0 | 4892 | 20240713215250 |
Musa Sindayigaya | 13113952 | 0 | 3045 | 20241013071923 |
Musanze | 13068699 | 0 | 4407 | 20241112223531 |
Musaza | 13277593 | 0 | 3541 | 20241110183411 |
Musenyi | 13107459 | 0 | 3815 | 20240914190513 |
Mushanana | 12909232 | 0 | 3869 | 20231230214903 |
Mushikiri | 13277693 | 0 | 3682 | 20241112223127 |
Mutara II. von Ruanda | 958843 | 0 | 1082 | 20220930122449 |
Mutara III. Rudahigwa | 11474798 | 0 | 2805 | 20240713090635 |
Mutenderi | 13006031 | 0 | 3479 | 20240326233058 |
Mutete | 13039283 | 0 | 3815 | 20240718181339 |
Muvumba | 12003416 | 0 | 3457 | 20240229173029 |
Muvumba | 5941972 | 0 | 2159 | 20211119041721 |
Muyongwe | 13032173 | 0 | 3780 | 20240326232114 |
Muzo | 13032194 | 0 | 4280 | 20240326232132 |
Mwendo | 13173767 | 0 | 3457 | 20240728102934 |
Mwiri | 13240520 | 0 | 4154 | 20241112213008 |
Mwogo | 12849677 | 0 | 4746 | 20240714160518 |
Mwogo | 13160800 | 0 | 3815 | 20241121211436 |
Na Wewe | 9723788 | 0 | 3689 | 20240401213656 |
Nadege Uwamwezi | 12894312 | 0 | 2539 | 20231210105125 |
Naomi Schiff | 11797408 | 0 | 5351 | 20240809140925 |
Nasho | 13277744 | 0 | 3666 | 20241112223319 |
Nasho-See | 3211105 | 0 | 2431 | 20240219202444 |
National Football League | 8636774 | 0 | 4128 | 20240719065448 |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | 9631169 | 0 | 5885 | 20240613133700 |
National Paralympic Committee of Rwanda | 13185741 | 0 | 13896 | 20241126184644 |
National Union of Disability Organizations in Rwanda | 13197209 | 0 | 4621 | 20241126184448 |
Nationalstraße 1 | 13237408 | 0 | 4766 | 20241002194445 |
Nationalstraße 2 | 13073149 | 0 | 5194 | 20240719171645 |
Nationalstraße 5 | 13234193 | 0 | 4147 | 20241008200053 |
Navanethem Pillay | 3721885 | 0 | 23066 | 20240623102149 |
Ncuti Gatwa | 10777798 | 0 | 3302 | 20240910182510 |
Ndaba | 13114963 | 0 | 5320 | 20240616104811 |
Ndego | 13240534 | 0 | 3960 | 20241019201730 |
Nelly Mukazayire | 13171175 | 0 | 3864 | 20240822200627 |
Nemba | 13020800 | 0 | 3664 | 20240709174012 |
Nemba | 13032342 | 0 | 4639 | 20240821223650 |
Neptune Frost | 11928695 | 0 | 14518 | 20240605225013 |
Ngarama | 13219796 | 0 | 3714 | 20240914181410 |
Ngeruka | 13160835 | 0 | 3865 | 20240914190302 |
Ngoma | 13081871 | 0 | 3731 | 20240501193129 |
Niboye | 13290908 | 0 | 3491 | 20241123115449 |
Nicholas Bayne | 11666947 | 0 | 7257 | 20210408121249 |
Nicola Rotunno | 12004577 | 0 | 4109 | 20220706161812 |
Nil | 3544 | 0 | 62200 | 20241117034332 |
Nkotsi | 13068727 | 0 | 4298 | 20240626065544 |
Nordprovinz | 2177337 | 0 | 2868 | 20240307101954 |
Ntarabana | 13081895 | 0 | 3900 | 20240718181448 |
Ntarama | 13161022 | 0 | 5409 | 20241121211504 |
Ntyazo | 13057139 | 0 | 3635 | 20240409171845 |
Nyabarongo | 1860212 | 0 | 8252 | 20240714160921 |
Nyabigoma | 13067483 | 0 | 1980 | 20240418213535 |
Nyabitekeri | 5382903 | 0 | 3066 | 20240426183134 |
Nyagahinga | 13160420 | 0 | 1862 | 20241102221956 |
Nyagatare | 13012442 | 0 | 5088 | 20240229230037 |
Nyagihanga | 13219832 | 0 | 3771 | 20241012173020 |
Nyakibanda | 13197736 | 0 | 2507 | 20240823095928 |
Nyamata | 13083058 | 0 | 4826 | 20240914190103 |
Nyamata | 13010269 | 0 | 2990 | 20241130091352 |
Nyamicucu | 13153825 | 0 | 1891 | 20240707174535 |
Nyamirama | 13240614 | 0 | 3568 | 20241012172527 |
Nyamiyaga | 13039464 | 0 | 3757 | 20240718181400 |
Nyamugari | 13279826 | 0 | 4014 | 20241112222949 |
Nyange | 13069935 | 0 | 4368 | 20240502161641 |
Nyankenke | 13039491 | 0 | 3772 | 20240326231404 |
Nyanza | 3078874 | 0 | 2836 | 20240229133937 |
Nyarubuye | 13279863 | 0 | 3621 | 20241112224234 |
Nyarugenge | 13161088 | 0 | 4729 | 20240717073446 |
Nyarugunga | 13290933 | 0 | 3448 | 20241123120517 |
Nyonirima | 13067505 | 0 | 2790 | 20240422072444 |
Nyungwe-Wald | 1691232 | 0 | 11664 | 20240914213652 |
Olivier Kwizera | 8230869 | 0 | 3985 | 20220622132713 |
Olivier Nduhungirehe | 13129878 | 0 | 2756 | 20240724115625 |
Olympische Geschichte Ruandas | 7980825 | 0 | 6584 | 20240928072140 |
Olympische Jugend-Sommerspiele 2010/Teilnehmer | 11590638 | 0 | 1334 | 20230525182119 |
Olympische Jugend-Sommerspiele 2014/Teilnehmer | 11590681 | 0 | 2006 | 20230530201438 |
Olympische Jugend-Sommerspiele 2018/Teilnehmer | 11590718 | 0 | 1187 | 20230801164301 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 1984/Teilnehmer | 7836356 | 0 | 1149 | 20240507094727 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 1988/Teilnehmer | 9009406 | 0 | 1919 | 20170801175007 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 1992/Teilnehmer | 7664044 | 0 | 2322 | 20240811132846 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 1996/Teilnehmer | 4891235 | 0 | 2101 | 20180614150913 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 2000/Teilnehmer | 7513744 | 0 | 1860 | 20240811113742 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 2004/Teilnehmer | 5689401 | 0 | 1305 | 20240811114622 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer | 3750852 | 0 | 1404 | 20240811115156 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer | 7059293 | 0 | 5199 | 20240811103607 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer | 9550126 | 0 | 4203 | 20240811113138 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 2020/Teilnehmer | 11856407 | 0 | 3214 | 20240811143655 |
Olympische Sommerspiele 2024/Teilnehmer | 13129660 | 0 | 9332 | 20240903063334 |
Opération Turquoise | 1260499 | 0 | 13595 | 20240505080003 |
Oscar Peyre Mitilla | 13174108 | 0 | 3435 | 20241018144309 |
Oskar Karstedt | 9061406 | 0 | 10760 | 20240228170807 |
Oskar Lehner | 11481735 | 0 | 18506 | 20240729140953 |
Ostafrikanische Gemeinschaft | 787505 | 0 | 20066 | 20240612081339 |
Ostprovinz | 2177317 | 0 | 3781 | 20240217175709 |
Otto Dempwolff | 249545 | 0 | 10828 | 20240710193220 |
Otto Pfister | 1262525 | 0 | 12772 | 20240328122324 |
Otto Schloifer | 12487901 | 0 | 6239 | 20240916163033 |
Papaoutai | 8114690 | 0 | 7679 | 20241020102135 |
Papias Musengamana | 12149159 | 0 | 3672 | 20230704205627 |
Parlamentswahl in Ruanda 2013 | 13140356 | 0 | 7694 | 20240722091653 |
Parlamentswahl in Ruanda 2018 | 13134522 | 0 | 9796 | 20241129222933 |
Parlamentswahl in Ruanda 2024 | 13090781 | 0 | 20128 | 20241117060425 |
Parmehutu | 6242270 | 0 | 2064 | 20240620182400 |
Parti Démocratique Idéal | 13135453 | 0 | 10226 | 20240813095300 |
Parti Socialiste Rwandais | 13136697 | 0 | 7532 | 20240813095137 |
Parti de la Solidarité et du Progrès | 13136666 | 0 | 3797 | 20240813095256 |
Partnerschaft Rheinland-Pfalz-Ruanda | 2719353 | 0 | 7090 | 20240802102443 |
Party for Progress and Concord | 13167717 | 0 | 7450 | 20240813095216 |
Pasteur Bizimungu | 583912 | 0 | 3907 | 20240711190018 |
Patrick Eyers | 10862254 | 0 | 7608 | 20240731230412 |
Patrick Karegeya | 8190626 | 0 | 2492 | 20230529095757 |
Patrick Mafisango | 9885687 | 0 | 4744 | 20231120134604 |
Patrick Nyamvumba | 9447461 | 0 | 1730 | 20240523155647 |
Paul Fromm | 12888612 | 0 | 9284 | 20240607211308 |
Paul Kagame | 545493 | 0 | 22083 | 20241024140905 |
Paul Rusesabagina | 634983 | 0 | 6882 | 20240623200329 |
Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck | 62428 | 0 | 44663 | 20240922113742 |
Paula Ingabire | 11701017 | 0 | 7391 | 20240219213900 |
Pauline Nyiramasuhuko | 6303428 | 0 | 11262 | 20240724084504 |
Peter Fahrenholtz | 7758786 | 0 | 3838 | 20240401071452 |
Peter Woeste | 6589146 | 0 | 5660 | 20220228172005 |
Philippe Molitor | 13156773 | 0 | 10170 | 20241017222944 |
Philippe Mpayimana | 13131150 | 0 | 7985 | 20240724200805 |
Philippe Rukamba | 7223852 | 0 | 1667 | 20230704205510 |
Phocas Nikwigize | 4760985 | 0 | 1807 | 20241007131417 |
Pierre Habumuremyi | 6982901 | 0 | 1940 | 20241003160047 |
Pierre Kwizera | 7368181 | 0 | 3405 | 20241109112917 |
Pierre-Célestin Rwigema | 1668399 | 0 | 1649 | 20241026115851 |
Pietro Sigismondi | 8533269 | 0 | 3291 | 20241016112740 |
Pombe | 1052167 | 0 | 10576 | 20230909141512 |
Portugiesisch-ruandische Beziehungen | 11648364 | 0 | 13670 | 20241030141618 |
Postgeschichte und Briefmarken von Ruanda | 12461291 | 0 | 5673 | 20230829180318 |
Primus National Soccer League 2021/22 | 12323549 | 0 | 2879 | 20221213100148 |
Prince Ibeh | 10940266 | 0 | 6600 | 20240210222015 |
Provinz Butare | 12996885 | 0 | 2727 | 20240426164928 |
Provinz Byumba | 12997075 | 0 | 1692 | 20240426165633 |
Provinz Cyangugu | 12997329 | 0 | 2321 | 20240617221016 |
Provinz Gikongoro | 12997656 | 0 | 1840 | 20240426193726 |
Provinz Gisenyi | 12997716 | 0 | 1948 | 20240426194038 |
Provinz Gitarama | 12997725 | 0 | 2337 | 20240426141103 |
Provinz Kibungo | 12997742 | 0 | 2110 | 20240426194328 |
Provinz Kibuye | 12997775 | 0 | 1844 | 20240426194732 |
Provinz Kigali | 12998192 | 0 | 1660 | 20240426200245 |
Provinz Kigali Rural | 12998203 | 0 | 2089 | 20240426200624 |
Provinz Ruhengeri | 12998224 | 0 | 2042 | 20240426194928 |
Provinz Umutara | 12998240 | 0 | 1733 | 20240426195105 |
Präfektur Butare | 13219968 | 0 | 1398 | 20240914232915 |
Präfektur Byumba | 13220080 | 0 | 1548 | 20240915080011 |
Präsidentschaftswahl in Ruanda 2003 | 5978584 | 0 | 4230 | 20241116170015 |
Präsidentschaftswahl in Ruanda 2010 | 5575563 | 0 | 8891 | 20241116170007 |
Präsidentschaftswahl in Ruanda 2017 | 13118165 | 0 | 8097 | 20241116193736 |
Präsidentschaftswahl in Ruanda 2024 | 13090022 | 0 | 23448 | 20241116165957 |
Radio Rwanda | 1176692 | 0 | 3051 | 20240813101356 |
Radio-Télévision Libre des Mille Collines | 548158 | 0 | 6476 | 20241109111049 |
Ralliement pour l’Unité et la Démocratie | 5726542 | 0 | 2438 | 20170328201206 |
Ramiro | 13173801 | 0 | 3637 | 20240728102247 |
Ratomir Dujković | 1556941 | 0 | 5969 | 20200205080712 |
Rayon Sports | 9886199 | 0 | 3174 | 20240718114609 |
Rebero Genocide Memorial | 13058918 | 0 | 5476 | 20241116122452 |
Referendum in Ruanda 1961 | 5981478 | 0 | 1699 | 20241003134232 |
Reinhart Bindseil | 5803822 | 0 | 4657 | 20241002174059 |
Remera | 13204487 | 0 | 3225 | 20241123081218 |
Remera | 13219846 | 0 | 3658 | 20240914191843 |
Remera | 13073206 | 0 | 3686 | 20240626065639 |
Remera | 13007191 | 0 | 3250 | 20240326233113 |
Resolution 1705 des UN-Sicherheitsrates | 2080520 | 0 | 1749 | 20240403194617 |
Resolution 1717 des UN-Sicherheitsrates | 1962649 | 0 | 3426 | 20240403194629 |
Resolution 1749 des UN-Sicherheitsrates | 2426745 | 0 | 4058 | 20220417200305 |
Resolution 891 des UN-Sicherheitsrates | 10578463 | 0 | 2386 | 20190608194631 |
Richard Goldstone | 4485310 | 0 | 14010 | 20241025114146 |
Richard Kandt | 580887 | 0 | 11451 | 20240507001530 |
Richard Nyirishema | 13282688 | 0 | 2870 | 20241130124913 |
Richard Stratton | 13285330 | 0 | 5871 | 20241123102055 |
Richard von Spalding | 5721017 | 0 | 3489 | 20230410000612 |
Rilima | 13163093 | 0 | 9767 | 20240914190447 |
Rising from Ashes | 9360070 | 0 | 5198 | 20240617161013 |
Rochus Schmidt | 6668857 | 0 | 6494 | 20240525213909 |
Roger Palmgren | 7213704 | 0 | 8489 | 20230927140839 |
Roméo Dallaire | 311304 | 0 | 14214 | 20240405104501 |
Rose Kabuye | 3973855 | 0 | 4862 | 20230103132133 |
Rose Mukantabana | 9675917 | 0 | 4933 | 20241130222329 |
Rosemary Museminali | 4794587 | 0 | 8049 | 20240617115916 |
Ruanda | 8566 | 0 | 138108 | 20241126212743 |
Ruanda – The Day God Walked Away | 10115352 | 0 | 3131 | 20240629144413 |
Ruanda-Franc | 621599 | 0 | 3125 | 20240922102425 |
Ruanda-Stiftung | 11316699 | 0 | 5780 | 20240504173958 |
Ruanda-Urundi | 368585 | 0 | 4488 | 20240202174527 |
Ruandabahn | 3710745 | 0 | 4049 | 20220410105812 |
Ruandische Basketballnationalmannschaft | 7982128 | 0 | 5988 | 20230915123305 |
Ruandische Basketballnationalmannschaft der Damen | 8288119 | 0 | 5469 | 20241116101817 |
Ruandische Davis-Cup-Mannschaft | 7071204 | 0 | 2148 | 20230703184738 |
Ruandische Fußballnationalmannschaft | 1620564 | 0 | 9271 | 20241119175349 |
Ruandische Fußballnationalmannschaft | 8357748 | 0 | 5437 | 20240108212509 |
Ruandische Fußballnationalmannschaft | 8887457 | 0 | 7116 | 20240902202806 |
Ruandische Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen | 8138923 | 0 | 4997 | 20241116101859 |
Ruandische Patriotische Front | 1137280 | 0 | 14186 | 20240728083345 |
Ruandische Volleyballnationalmannschaft der Frauen | 7219164 | 0 | 5504 | 20241116101905 |
Ruandische Volleyballnationalmannschaft der Männer | 6988979 | 0 | 6174 | 20240915101137 |
Ruandischer Fußballpokal | 12276601 | 0 | 7229 | 20231220072256 |
Rubaya | 13039512 | 0 | 3581 | 20240915081047 |
Rubyiro | 12875151 | 0 | 2555 | 20231108064059 |
Rudi Gutendorf | 212116 | 0 | 88283 | 20240607144741 |
Rudolf Freiherr von Brandenstein | 11574405 | 0 | 4648 | 20230720110659 |
Rudolf Ganßer | 5914562 | 0 | 3586 | 20220324115804 |
Rugando | 13166688 | 0 | 3347 | 20241123093435 |
Rugarama | 13021489 | 0 | 3801 | 20241102221758 |
Rugarama | 13219893 | 0 | 3737 | 20241005213619 |
Rugengabari | 13022083 | 0 | 3634 | 20240709212015 |
Rugerero | 13149551 | 0 | 1903 | 20240703112756 |
Rugezi | 13114242 | 0 | 6472 | 20240615131242 |
Rugezi-Feuchtgebiet | 13052920 | 0 | 19564 | 20240903014423 |
Rugwero | 3228021 | 0 | 2977 | 20240927204756 |
Ruhango | 13011095 | 0 | 1946 | 20240423074941 |
Ruhengeri | 3068042 | 0 | 5720 | 20240331124418 |
Ruhengeri | 13072077 | 0 | 3002 | 20240711105732 |
Ruhondo-See | 12670886 | 0 | 5980 | 20240615131351 |
Ruhuha | 13164040 | 0 | 3834 | 20240717181354 |
Ruhunde | 13022118 | 0 | 3771 | 20240709213012 |
Ruhwa | 12849825 | 0 | 3734 | 20240630074040 |
Rukara | 13241079 | 0 | 3843 | 20241006160654 |
Rukira | 13007248 | 0 | 3234 | 20240326233127 |
Rukomo | 12993998 | 0 | 3826 | 20240326231436 |
Rukozo | 13081914 | 0 | 3571 | 20240501201216 |
Rukumberi | 12999000 | 0 | 3217 | 20240316213352 |
Ruli | 13033060 | 0 | 4633 | 20240326232206 |
Rumira-See | 12989374 | 0 | 4049 | 20240718192304 |
Runda | 13014895 | 0 | 3625 | 20240326221219 |
Ruramira | 13241119 | 0 | 3595 | 20241012173201 |
Rurenge | 13008649 | 0 | 2761 | 20240429075445 |
Rusarabuye | 13022142 | 0 | 3711 | 20240710183339 |
Rusasa | 13034032 | 0 | 5177 | 20241012182824 |
Rusenge | 13158230 | 0 | 3856 | 20241025183038 |
Rushaki | 13040158 | 0 | 3722 | 20240326231453 |
Rushashi | 13034063 | 0 | 4491 | 20240930161653 |
Rushubi | 13150329 | 0 | 1799 | 20240704052909 |
Rusiga | 13081934 | 0 | 4300 | 20240502062622 |
Rusiga Genocide Memorial | 13082787 | 0 | 2677 | 20241116122625 |
Rusumo | 13153872 | 0 | 2976 | 20240711035458 |
Rusumo Falls | 277543 | 0 | 5281 | 20241120153259 |
Rutare | 13040175 | 0 | 3779 | 20240718180650 |
Rutongo | 10823851 | 0 | 2791 | 20240428182522 |
Ruvune | 13040195 | 0 | 3802 | 20240707070958 |
Ruzizi | 288863 | 0 | 4722 | 20240917193630 |
Rwakibali-See | 12994987 | 0 | 4061 | 20240224122900 |
Rwamagana | 3083527 | 0 | 2180 | 20240629104749 |
Rwamiko | 13040207 | 0 | 3863 | 20240718181424 |
RwandAir | 3102776 | 0 | 8212 | 20240515062202 |
RwandAir-Flug 205 | 11032809 | 0 | 10495 | 20240810200621 |
Rwanda Art Museum | 13255754 | 0 | 4795 | 20241106012935 |
Rwanda Athletics Federation | 13293868 | 0 | 2421 | 20241125191420 |
Rwanda Automobile Club | 13289418 | 0 | 4125 | 20241121200446 |
Rwanda Biomedical Centre | 13230405 | 0 | 4402 | 20240930180026 |
Rwanda Challenger I 2024 | 12992165 | 0 | 17397 | 20240818000637 |
Rwanda Challenger II 2024 | 12999766 | 0 | 17315 | 20240818000646 |
Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy | 12863927 | 0 | 4081 | 20241109171812 |
Rwanda Development Board | 13296690 | 0 | 4376 | 20241129151327 |
Rwanda Environment Management Authority | 13050142 | 0 | 5742 | 20240923110019 |
Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture | 13220648 | 0 | 2178 | 20240916120211 |
Rwanda Meteorology Agency | 12669558 | 0 | 3564 | 20241109171443 |
Rwanda Mountain Gorilla Rally | 13256926 | 0 | 5947 | 20241022110744 |
Rwanda National Police | 13159080 | 0 | 2858 | 20240720145617 |
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | 13294907 | 0 | 5629 | 20241127101652 |
Rwanda Stock Exchange | 8204359 | 0 | 3731 | 20230303205431 |
Rwanda Transport Development Agency | 13015993 | 0 | 2068 | 20241109172439 |
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association | 13086162 | 0 | 5821 | 20240604192724 |
Rwanda nziza | 943595 | 0 | 3225 | 20240403202055 |
Rwanda rwacu | 12312429 | 0 | 4371 | 20240403202106 |
Rwandan Organization of Persons with Deaf-Blindness | 13296649 | 0 | 5671 | 20241127201710 |
Rwandan Union of the Blind | 13294056 | 0 | 6884 | 20241126184409 |
Rwanyakazinga-See | 12994274 | 0 | 4475 | 20240713183755 |
Rwaza | 13141706 | 0 | 1936 | 20240625064648 |
Rwaza | 13073233 | 0 | 3758 | 20241112222900 |
Rwerere | 13022172 | 0 | 4020 | 20240326232812 |
Rweru | 13164169 | 0 | 7229 | 20240914190425 |
Rwimbogo | 13219902 | 0 | 3963 | 20241005213650 |
Rwimiyaga | 13013328 | 0 | 2594 | 20241006160839 |
Rwinkwavu | 13241131 | 0 | 3693 | 20241012173229 |
Römisch-katholische Kirche in Ruanda | 10984018 | 0 | 2164 | 20220131143921 |
Sabin Nsanzimana | 13237479 | 0 | 2129 | 20241013184743 |
Sabinyo | 3275360 | 0 | 2122 | 20240418220037 |
Sake | 13009537 | 0 | 3636 | 20240326233200 |
Sake-See | 12987996 | 0 | 3160 | 20240227172048 |
Saleh Habimana | 13248159 | 0 | 3142 | 20241013225845 |
Salim Hitimana | 13114474 | 0 | 3730 | 20241013071935 |
Salima Mukansanga | 12078701 | 0 | 8517 | 20230806055930 |
Salome Nyirarukundo | 10834292 | 0 | 3737 | 20240418071911 |
Salvatore Pennacchio | 7076011 | 0 | 5870 | 20240516212156 |
Samuel Uwikunda | 13231550 | 0 | 1329 | 20240926205329 |
Schienenverkehr in Ruanda | 6911436 | 0 | 2749 | 20211130231358 |
Scholastique Mukasonga | 8313979 | 0 | 4117 | 20241009211102 |
Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika | 3507112 | 0 | 35395 | 20241008220803 |
Sebeya | 12875044 | 0 | 4022 | 20240720150839 |
Sellas Tetteh | 4798004 | 0 | 4325 | 20190924210243 |
Senat | 13219078 | 0 | 14032 | 20241130220427 |
Senatswahl in Ruanda 2024 | 13219043 | 0 | 6845 | 20240927071743 |
Servilien Nzakamwita | 7025390 | 0 | 4745 | 20240626064632 |
Shakani-See | 12994515 | 0 | 3994 | 20240214185924 |
Shake Hands with the Devil – The Journey of Roméo Dallaire | 1588615 | 0 | 5724 | 20240401213745 |
Shangasha | 13040357 | 0 | 3604 | 20240326231605 |
Sherrie Silver | 12490207 | 0 | 7793 | 20241113072211 |
Shingiro | 13073259 | 0 | 4710 | 20240424095551 |
Shooting Dogs | 1150601 | 0 | 8434 | 20240401213816 |
Shyara | 13164869 | 0 | 7704 | 20240719045011 |
Shyorongi | 13081954 | 0 | 3893 | 20241123193534 |
Siegel Ruandas | 2696192 | 0 | 2372 | 20230624000220 |
Smaragde Mbonyintege | 6823206 | 0 | 2252 | 20230929144907 |
Social Democratic Party | 13137414 | 0 | 14475 | 20241003161440 |
Social Party Imberakuri | 13153505 | 0 | 9123 | 20240813095253 |
Sommer-Paralympics 2000/Teilnehmer | 13185835 | 0 | 929 | 20240930111646 |
Sommer-Paralympics 2004/Teilnehmer | 13186011 | 0 | 1839 | 20240811104017 |
Sommer-Paralympics 2008/Teilnehmer | 3874496 | 0 | 1497 | 20240811103454 |
Sommer-Paralympics 2012/Teilnehmer | 7152709 | 0 | 3066 | 20240811103404 |
Sommer-Paralympics 2016/Teilnehmer | 13186120 | 0 | 2224 | 20240827191257 |
Sommer-Paralympics 2020/Teilnehmer | 13186476 | 0 | 2689 | 20240827191241 |
Sommer-Paralympics 2024/Teilnehmer | 13186504 | 0 | 4003 | 20240906203732 |
Special Olympics Ruanda | 12601031 | 0 | 4916 | 20241126184704 |
Sportministerium | 13282348 | 0 | 2935 | 20241118193613 |
Sprachen Ruandas | 5669560 | 0 | 12551 | 20241127080830 |
Stade Amahoro | 7874522 | 0 | 6075 | 20240705115731 |
Stade Régional Nyamirambo | 9991486 | 0 | 1410 | 20230910152702 |
Straßenradsport-Weltmeisterschaften 2025 | 13231642 | 0 | 8909 | 20240928222419 |
Streitkräfte Ruandas | 11849269 | 0 | 11332 | 20240414164522 |
Sylvestre Mudacumura | 10960150 | 0 | 1177 | 20220225071959 |
Sylvestre Nsanzimana | 2836309 | 0 | 2462 | 20240730083347 |
Südprovinz | 2177128 | 0 | 3363 | 20240217175503 |
Thaddée Ntihinyurwa | 7025384 | 0 | 2419 | 20230704211917 |
Tharcisse Renzaho | 3681917 | 0 | 6312 | 20240131131813 |
The New Times | 13029582 | 0 | 2691 | 20241026173901 |
Theodor Gunzert | 10643359 | 0 | 11134 | 20240507125211 |
Theodor von Hassel | 8921061 | 0 | 6491 | 20240420090850 |
Thomas A. White | 6451210 | 0 | 2991 | 20221129110832 |
Thomas Kurz | 11216597 | 0 | 4586 | 20240904143814 |
Thomas Mazimpaka | 2990768 | 0 | 4043 | 20200623142058 |
Théodore Sindikubwabo | 540838 | 0 | 3859 | 20240413082753 |
Théoneste Bagosora | 1960830 | 0 | 17977 | 20240728221304 |
Tippu-Tip | 266308 | 0 | 8121 | 20240709173206 |
Tom von Prince | 7087620 | 0 | 6661 | 20241020193256 |
Tour du Rwanda | 6126460 | 0 | 1671 | 20240213184923 |
Tour du Rwanda 2024 | 12992338 | 0 | 16878 | 20240602204206 |
Tour of Rwanda 2011 | 6780840 | 0 | 4680 | 20240624152044 |
Trappistinnenkloster Kibungo | 10500989 | 0 | 1217 | 20230704211409 |
Tufaha Uwihoreye | 13172416 | 0 | 3766 | 20240731143747 |
Tumba | 13151169 | 0 | 2001 | 20240711104741 |
Tumba | 13081968 | 0 | 3659 | 20240501210551 |
Tutsi | 121230 | 0 | 10015 | 20240726073130 |
Twa | 580893 | 0 | 7673 | 20230531190032 |
Télévision Rwandaise | 1300247 | 0 | 2026 | 20230921085546 |
U-20-Fußball-Afrikameisterschaft 2009 | 9003221 | 0 | 7324 | 20240516042833 |
Umuduri | 4826731 | 0 | 2508 | 20240403201746 |
Umuhoro | 4761626 | 0 | 3985 | 20240124173235 |
Umweltministerium | 13056886 | 0 | 5025 | 20240720150034 |
Union Démocratique du Peuple Rwandais | 13136543 | 0 | 12172 | 20240813095213 |
United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda | 747954 | 0 | 19232 | 20240310122647 |
United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda | 2360427 | 0 | 2917 | 20240601220605 |
University of Rwanda | 13044763 | 0 | 7293 | 20240401175907 |
Université nationale du Rwanda | 6894638 | 0 | 3336 | 20230804090818 |
Urusaro International Women Film Festival | 13018777 | 0 | 2913 | 20240604114447 |
Uwe Schramm | 9087196 | 0 | 5935 | 20230525044038 |
Valens Ndayisenga | 8481158 | 0 | 3864 | 20240611183431 |
Valentine Rugwabiza | 9951835 | 0 | 4350 | 20241117140809 |
Valentine Uwamariya | 13130106 | 0 | 3119 | 20240724163739 |
Verdiana Masanja | 11179621 | 0 | 3595 | 20240803071141 |
Verfassungsreferendum in Ruanda 2015 | 13128188 | 0 | 6509 | 20241114183010 |
Verwaltungsgliederung Ruandas | 2336709 | 0 | 9823 | 20240927182713 |
Vincent Biruta | 12460099 | 0 | 2669 | 20241130222448 |
Vincent Harolimana | 7132546 | 0 | 1495 | 20230704204628 |
Vincent Nsengiyumva | 11789853 | 0 | 2088 | 20230706111736 |
Virunga-Vulkane | 227603 | 0 | 3438 | 20240324152159 |
Visoke | 6225590 | 0 | 3528 | 20240418205426 |
Vito Roberti | 10740219 | 0 | 2210 | 20200201094454 |
Vladimir Niyonkuru | 4213505 | 0 | 2230 | 20241109114944 |
Vulkan-Nationalpark | 3174484 | 0 | 8427 | 20240602122421 |
Völkermord in Ruanda | 544219 | 0 | 169317 | 20241102091037 |
Waldemar Werther | 10272577 | 0 | 2867 | 20240325212327 |
Walikale | 5726495 | 0 | 3033 | 20241024190816 |
Walter Fröwis | 5824703 | 0 | 5345 | 20241022061848 |
Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire | 3906935 | 0 | 5048 | 20230831124317 |
Walther Dobbertin | 3988118 | 0 | 4647 | 20220528075611 |
Weißer Nil | 8164410 | 0 | 24665 | 20240714160810 |
Welterbe in Ruanda | 9862142 | 0 | 2761 | 20240502210536 |
Wenceslas Kalibushi | 11880452 | 0 | 1657 | 20230704205858 |
Werner von Grawert | 12500350 | 0 | 9417 | 20240212191032 |
Westprovinz | 2176402 | 0 | 5537 | 20241124102652 |
Wilhelm Arning | 5681867 | 0 | 5641 | 20240716200148 |
Wilhelm Bornhardt | 8129934 | 0 | 8434 | 20240101173302 |
Wilhelm Kuhnert | 406222 | 0 | 6049 | 20241102140321 |
Wilhelm Langheld | 2376588 | 0 | 6066 | 20240704120112 |
Wilhelm Lueg | 11923493 | 0 | 3107 | 20240831202432 |
Wilhelm Methner | 6114335 | 0 | 5815 | 20240722195420 |
William Aquin Carew | 6128945 | 0 | 5769 | 20240413103039 |
Wir möchten Ihnen mitteilen | 2916460 | 0 | 2964 | 20240916175954 |
Wirtschaft Ruandas | 10639231 | 0 | 108 | 20200711192828 |
Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft der Länder der Großen Seen | 6636625 | 0 | 2678 | 20190716161915 |
Wolfair | 11784340 | 0 | 4819 | 20240505142234 |
Xaveri Ruanda | 9483148 | 0 | 3658 | 20240618174252 |
Yuhi VI. | 12391556 | 0 | 2374 | 20240129052346 |
Yusuf Murangwa | 13129945 | 0 | 1561 | 20240617105438 |
Yves Nimubona | 13166188 | 0 | 6115 | 20240803071439 |
Zaza | 13009675 | 0 | 3317 | 20240326233217 |
Zura Karuhimbi | 12101334 | 0 | 9411 | 20240514201104 |
Édouard Karemera | 3690347 | 0 | 3906 | 20240718215255 |
Édouard Ngirente | 10616995 | 0 | 3898 | 20240814070513 |
Épiphanie Kanziza | 13299641 | 0 | 3568 | 20241130203022 |
Überschwemmungen in Ostafrika 2024 | 13084701 | 0 | 22080 | 20241111082433 |
Überschwemmungen in Ruanda | 12662231 | 0 | 17560 | 20240607164942 |